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At first, Donghyuck felt bad but now, he wanted nothing but Renjun to be dead.

He wanted him to be in that duffelbag. He wanted him to be buried next to Jeno and Chenle. So, that's why he was in his basement.

Donghyuck took a sip of his tea, ignoring Renjuns screams and cries for help. He took a bite of the muffin on the table, smiling when he could hear Renjun vomit and scream.

"IF YOU DON'T SHUT THE FUCK UP, I WILL GO DOWN THERE AND MAKE YOU." the crying stopped and all that could be heard were sniffles.

"Actually, I change my mind. I'm going down there regardless." Donghyuck put down his mug and opened the basement door, making Renjun start to panic.

He looked up at the boy, his blood ran cold when he saw his smirk.

"You know, this isn't fair. You know that I'm weaker and smaller than you. We have to play the game fairly."

"Life isn't fair sweetheart, that's why god made Mark have a crush on you and try to kiss you instead of me." Renjun was breathing heavily and dry blood was running from his mouth.

His limbs felt weak, all he could do was lay on the dirty ground and scream for help.

"He likes me for a reason and one of them is that I'm not a fucking stalker!" Donghyuck landed a hard punch to his jaw, making him fall into the ground.

He held onto his face and looked back up, he felt sick once he saw the boys twisted smile.

"That was a lot of fun! Maybe I'll do it again." Donghyuck spoke as he lifted Renjun up by the collar again and landed a punch on his nose.

Tears ran down his face once he felt a crunch and warm liquid run out of his left nostril.

Donghyuck landed another blow to his jaw again, harder than the first. He felt one of his teeth get knocked to the side, making it loose and it just became looser and looser as Donghyuck kept punching him right there.

His cries and screams of pain became louder and louder, making Donghyuck feel frustrated.

"Shut up!" Donghyuck let him go, making his head slam against the floor. He touched the back of his head and looked at his hand, cringing once he saw and smelled blood.

"Shit." Was all he thought as he started to feel lightheaded. He couldn't even speak properly and his vision was blurry.

His eyes slowly closed and he started falling back.

Panic and adrenaline ran through his system.

All he remembered was Donghyuck giving him one last smirk before he blacked out.

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