Plan=Not good

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We all wore the boy clothes over ours since they were kinda big. There was a pin in every shirt. Its really weird because we all got the boys we were fighting. Like me, I got Chris, Phebe got Colton, Michelle got Ryan, Diana got Tony, Ezah got Jake and Anna got Nick.

"This is ridiculous..." Diana shook her head. "Its not really ridiculous. Walking into a boys school as girls is ridiculous. But hey we are doing it." Anna said. "Boys kinda lame. But the material feels comfortable." Phebe said turning around. "Come on." I said already walking to the entrance of the school. They followed me of course. The boys, aka Nick and Chris, were at the entrance.

"Ok, this is where we leave you. We have to get to class now. Oh and try to avoid the hall moniter. His name is Bryson. Everyone knows the Hall Moniter." Nick whispered. " Oh and good luck boys." Smirked Chris.

That boy....I am going to knock his teeth out one day. We sneaked in. Looking out for teachers or this Bryson dude. Luckily they gave us caps so we cover our long hair in it. We turned from a corner, avoiding the classes.

"Hey you! What are you doing out of class?" We froze," Aha! Leave it to me!" Phebe whispered to all of us. We nodded.

"Sup" she said in her normal voice. I was giving her my what-the-hell-are-you-doing look. "What is wrong with your voice?" that person who I think is Bryson. "Oh? dont you know?" Phebe said taking a step forward towards him. He stood in his place."I'm gay Bryson.." she said fluttering her eye lashes. "Im gay" she repeated.

We heard him gulp loudly and I tried to control my smile." Oh I see. T-that doesnt mean you c-can walk around outside of classes." he half stutter. We watch as she continued her act. "Come on Bryson" she purred "You can always let me off, cant you?" she took another step forward,this time he stepped back. She took some more steps forward and he retreats backwards. "Aw come on Bryson, come closer." she said then ran forward.

"Ah!" he screamed before running."Bryson! Come back!" she called out to him. Then when we cant see him anymore, she laughed. "That was so fun, acting gay is awesome. Although he did look kinda cute." She laughed again.

We joined her laughing together. We explored the rest of the school, discovering that it was for rich boys. The bell ranf after a few hours. The classes doors opened and students aka boys came rushing out. Someone bumped into Diana,causing her cap to fall off.

"Shit,watch where you're go-" the guy began then looked up. "The fuck? Girls! There are girls in the school!" he started shouting. We ran but the prefects blocked us. Just nice, there was six prefects and six of us. They held onto us and started to push us roughly to what I think is to the Principal Office.

When we were walking we saw the boys, Chris, Tony, Nick, Ryan, Jack and Colton. We gave them death glares, then continued walking. I got fraustrated, I swinged my head backwards, hitting the prefect in the face, causing him to loosen his grip on me.

The other prefects tried to catch me but they couldnt when they are already holding someone. then chaos started. We all fought back, kicking and punching then ran. We didnt really got that far before the prefects caught us again. But all mixed. I had another prefect, not the one that I hit in the face. This time their grip were harder so it was painful to move. We reacher the office and the principal was there sitting in his chair, clearly annoyed and angry." What on eath are you girls doing? Showing up in a all boys schoo;? It will destroy my reputation" he started shouting at us.

Phebe cried out," can you be so mean?" then she started crying really loud. "You males are horrible! Look at what your boys had done! Tell then to let go of us right now!" she sniffed and then all of us followed and started to sniff.

The principal look questionly at us. "Let go of them" he ordered. The prefects hesitated before letting go. I rubbed my arms and so did the rest of them. I think its my turn now. "Look at this, do you see what they had done? They are hurting us! We are not the one ruining your reputation! It is yourself!" I cried out using my best I-really-am-innocent voice.

He thought about it for a moment. Then sighed loudly. "Alright, if you tell no one about this. I wont have any punishment on you." he said. "And I should believe you because...?" Phebe raised her eyebrows. "Because if I punish you, that means I am punishing myself. So be off with you and never let me catch you again." he ordered then waved us away.

"Thank you Mister Principal! Hee hee, I wont promise you that I wont come back though! "Phebe said with a cheeky smile before skipping out of the room. We followed. When we were out of school, we all let out a breath of relief. "That was freakin cool! We gotta do that again!" Phebe said. "Crazy you yes. Never again." Michelle said.

We went back to the forest and found our way back to our school. The school was already empty. We took our bags, exchanged numbers, said our goodbyes and went home.

I pressed my hornso that the gate of my mansion would open. When it finally did. I zommed in and parked in front of the mansion. I went inside and saw my parents in the living room. They must be waiting for me I guess. "My child! Where have you been? The Principal called me and said you were not in school! I was so worried!" my mom cried. Hah I thought worried my ass.

"I felt sick so I decided to see the doctor." I lied, please believe me, please. "Oh, just dont do that again okay?" my mom said. I just nodded. I went to my room and search information about my members. So that I know them better. I know its sounds stalkerish but thats how I will know. I searched for Anna first.

"Data not found" my computer flashed. That was impossible. Ok, maybe I should search for Michelle. "Data not found" was flashed at my computer screen again. Dammit! What was wrong? I sighed then gave up. I got ready my stuff for tomorrow and went to bed.

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