Its time to meet them!

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Ezah slammed her locker before running to join us. Someone was laughing. I looked to my left and saw that Phebe was laughing,enjoying thins. There must be something wrong with her. I turned right and everyone followed. Wow, that means I'm the leader. Sweet. I ran outside.

I continued running to the nearest forest. We hid behind some trees. Huffing. Everybody flopped onto the ground, breathing heavily. The only one smiling was Phebe. I leaned onto a tree," Why...*huff* on....*huff* earth... *huff* are you.... *huff* smiling...?" I asked, still out of breath. Phebe took a deep breath and said," I havent done this since Primary! I forgot how fun it was. "she said dreamily. Michelle supported herself on her hands and arms.

"Oh no, dont you are dare think about it." Michelle groaned. Phebe nodded happily , "Im thinking, Im thinking." "What the hell are you talking about?" asked Ezah getting up. Michele got up and dusted herself. "She has a short temper. When the teacher scolds her because she didnt do her homework or whatever it is about, she would roll her eyes then flip the table and run out of school." explained Michelle.

" How about now? How is she coping?" Anna asked getting up too. "Me, I somehow calm her down whenever she is close to it." Michelle said pulling Phebe up. "Ooohh, lets do it again tomorrow!" Phebe said clapping her hands like a child. Michelle started to talk to her and I helped Diana up.

Then somehow Michelle's 'talk' with Phebe wasnt going well. They were argueing. I shouted," Shut up!" They both shut up immeadiatly. I grinned, being the leader is great! "Since we are all here and school doesnt end until like a few hours. Why dont I tell you about the group?" I said to all of them.

I heard murmurs of agreement. "Ok, our group is called 'Hell Killer' " " Wh on earth would you choose that name?" said Anna shaking her head. "Honestly I think its pretty cool" pipped up Phebe. "No its not cool. It means death." corrected Michelle. I nodded,"Thats why I called it like that." " You are crazy Feerah. What made you think of this anyway?" Diana asked straightening her shirt.

"I got bored ok?" I shouted a bit fraustated.

"Who's there?" a male voice said. I think we all panic silently, thinking it was the security guard. "Ready to attack?" I whispered to all of them. They nodded in fear. When the figures came I shouted, "Attack!!!" then all of us ran towards the figues, attacking. We punched and kicked the shaded firgures.

Our enemies were fighting back, I still couldnt see who they were. Someone shouted," Hey, Stop. This lot is just girls!" one of the enemies shouted. "Stop!" I shouted. My group stopped.

Michelle was striking a punch to a light-brown eyes guy. Phebe was sitting,ready to punch a guy who was wearing glasses. Anna was choking a blondish hair guy. Diana was ready to punch a really scared looking guy, she was also looking scared to punch him. Ezah had tackle the guy to the ground, her hands were pulling his arm backwards, he was screaming in pain. And I was about to punch a bad-boy looking guy and he was about to do the same.

I got out of my shock and pushed him away from me. He fell to the ground with an 'oof' and I smirked. I whistle and the girls came back to my side. We dusted ourselves and the guys straighten their ties.

The one who screamed in pain massaged his arm and asked," Oi, why are you ladies doing out here?" he said flinching from the pain. "We were about to say the same thing about you." Michelle retorted.

The one I fought took a step forward and smirked slightly," Ever heard of ladies first?" He smirked widely this time. "Why you little..." said Phebe bringing her fist, ready to punch him. The boys got ready ot defend who I think is the leader. I calmed Phebe down," Easy girl, dont start anything." she recoiled her arm back to her side. She still looked angry.

"What are you?" The bad-boy looking one said raising his eyebrows. "you a dog women?" Then his friends laughed while he smirked.

"THATS IT!" Phebe shouted. She ran to him and punched him really hard on the face. He fell down groaning and holding his face. Phebe continued to punch him over and over. The boys yelled and started to pull her away but she just punched them.

"STOP!" I shouted. I grabbed Phebe by the arm to stop her. She pulled my grasp away from her and she gave a final kick. He groaned and his fellow friends helped him up. When he finally stood up, he threw a punch at Phebe.

I stopped him before he could. I twisted his arm causing him to turn. He grunted as he tried to escape," Dont you ever fucking dare touch my member ever again!"" I ordered him. He didnt say anything so I twisted his arm harder. "Ok! Ok!" He shouted. I let go and he tumbled into his friends.

The on with blondish hair said," Women these days" and rolled his eyes. "What did you say blondie?" shouted Ezah. "You want me to hurt you?" she added.

"Ok ok, everyone calm down." I said. "Now boys tell us why you are here." I added glaring at all of them, they flinched back and that satisfied me. The scared-looking boy spoke, " Er....w-w-we-we er.... we-we a-are have-having -o-our b-break...." he stuttered.

The light brown eyes guy said," How about you then? We told you already." " We are escaping." Anna said, grinning. "And why are you girls escaping? I thought girls were 'angles'. So much for that." the bad-boy looking one rolled his eyes and smirked. "We were on our way to class you see, then we were caught by a teacher in the hallway and if she catch us we get detention. I mean, well you know. Well you know what I mean...." Diana babbled.

"Yea, we get it." the blondish hair guy said. "Anyway, my name is Colton," the glasses guy said, "That is Tony" he said pointing to the scared guy," Thats Nick" he gestured towards blondie, "Jack" to the one who got beaten up by Ezah. "Ryan" pointing to the light-brown eyes boy," and of course our boss, Chris." It was the bad-boy looking one... Colton pushed up his glasses. "Sorry for startling you." Colton apologized.

Chris snorted," Well I'm not sorry." he said. "Well if the boss is not sorry neither am I" said Nick. The rest of them agreed except Colton. He whispered into Chris's ear. Chris face thundered in anger before nodding. "Fine fine, Im sorry too I guess." he finally said.

We girls snickered. I stopped myself then gestured to all my members," I'm Feerah, thats Phebe, Michelle, Anna, Diana and Ezah." Phebe nodded a hello, Michelle gave a small wave, the rest just murmured hi.

After awhile of awkward silence. Phebe coughed fakely. "So... what now?" she asked. I thought for a moment.  We cant go back to school, the teacher might find us, we cant go home because school is not over yet, we cant go particularly anywhere. " Hmm.... we need a place to hangout for awhile till school is over." I said still thinking.

"How about our school?" Nick suggested, but got punched on the arm by Jack. "They can't stupid, They're girls!" Jack sort of shouted. " c-can d-dress a-as a-a- b-boy..." Stuttered Tony. "Yea, they could...." trailed off Ryan "They just need boy clotes in oreder to dress like one." continued Colton.

The bos look towards their 'boss' and saw that he was thinking. He snapped his fingers. Everybody lokked at him "The emergancy clothes!" he said, looking at everyone.

"Emergancy clothes?" Ezah asked at the same time the boys said," No! Please not the emergancy clothes!" "What is te emergancy clothes?" I asked,clearly curious. Chris smirked again.

"Your gonna have to wear OUR extra clothes." he smirked again.

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