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A/N: I didn't really like this chapter but I tried my best.

July 5, 2019
10:13 pm
No ones POV

~Time skip~

*Knock knock*

"Come in." someone yelled after.

It's been 10 hours since Jungkook found Jin dead. He decided not to tell anyone and pretended that he was talking with Jin the entire time in his room while the others did what they wanted. 10 hours since they all last talked.

"Taehyung, can we talk?"

Taehyung didn't have to look to see who the owner of the voice was.

"What do you want Jimin."

"I think I know who killed Yoongi." Now he's gotten the attention of Taehyung as he motioned him to go on. Jimin took a deep breath of air and continued.

"Jungkook." Laughter filled the room once he said that.

"Good one Jimin." Taehyung said wiping the tears that formed in his eyes do to laughing to hard. "After hours you came up with this."

"I'm not joking!" Anger could be shown on Jimins face clinching his fist tight making his knuckles turn white.

"That bunny can't even harm a fly. How do you expect him to kill his own brother?" Taehyung asked crossing his arms.

"I..." Jimin thought for a while looking for the right words but nothing came out. "I....It could have been him." Was all he said.

Taehyung just rolled his eyes at his friend from the lack of words.

"Yeah ok." Taehyung said as he started to walk toward Jimin with a bored stare. Grabbing him by the wrist and dragging him out the room.

"Come back when I can believe you." He didn't wait until Jimin responded as he slammed the door in front of his face.

Having nothing to do Taehyung walked to the balcony in his room and stared out looking at the stars, wondering why this is happening.


Jimin sighed when he knew Taehyung wasn't going to open the door any time soon.

He was walking around for an hour now and stoped once he got to the bathroom that held Namjoons dead body. He was about to turn the other way but found himself heading to the bathroom instead.

He entered the bathroom but got surprised when he saw that it was cleaned and no body hanging from the ceiling.

"Surprise~." Said a voice behind him.

Jimin didn't have the chance to look behind him as he felt something hard hitting the back of his head. He fell to the floor with a loud thud as his sight turned black.

Taehyung POV

I heard a loud thud coming from out my room leading to the hallways. I decided to check what it was. I hesitantly opened the door to look out but saw nothing. I stepped out to see if I could see something around the corner. There I saw a trial of blood coming from one of the bathroom down the dark hall. All you could see were the lights that were coming from the bathroom, the door just a bet cracked opened.

"Jimin?" I called out but there was no answer.

"Jungkook?" Nothing.

"Hoseok?" But I was left with silence.

"Hello?" I said annoyed. "This isn't funny"

I walked towards the bathroom hoping I would see someone playing a prank on me. To my surprise I did see someone in the bathtub. The water was dyed red. A huge crack could be seen on the males head as he laid in the water lifeless. I recognized the face of the male and was shocked.

Jimin was bleeding badly from the huge gash. I quickly ran to his side and put a hand over his head to provided it from bleeding out but at this point I didn't know he wasn't going to make it.

"J-jimin you got to stay with me. Ok?" I didn't know what to do. Where were the others. I got up leaving Jimin to look for the rest.

I was walking quickly to each door i pass seeing if there was someone in there. Reaching to my room I noticed that the door was closed but I left my door open when I left.

I reached for the door handle and twisted the knob slowly.

"Hoseok what are you doing in here."

Hoseok was in my room at the balcony I was at earlier admiring the view but he didn't say anything back to me.

"Hoseok Jimins bleeding we should help him." There was a long awkward silence at first and then he spoke up.


So? What does he mean by that. Our friend is on the edge of dying and all he has to say about that is 'so?' I thought to my self. I could feel anger overwhelming me and walked up to him.

I wanted to grab him by the collar and to yell at his face. Punching him until he couldn't get up. I wanted to give him a piece of my mind.

I walked up to him as quickly as possible almost grabbing his collar.


He deflected my hands so I wouldn't grab him and push me hard. I stumbled to catch my balance but couldn't. As I fell off the balcony I felt like I my hole life had gone in slow motion.

I fell with a horrified look as I looked at Hoseok giving me the biggest smile I have ever seen on him waving his hand at me.


Hoseok POV

I saw Taehyung walking up to me with anger in his eyes. He was going straight to my neck but I pushed him before he could have a chance.

I watched silently as he fell from the balcony. He reached his hand out to grab onto me but I just stood there as he fell, having a smile plastered on my face. Waving a good bye to him. I turned around no longer looking and just heard the thump of his body hitting the ground. His bones cracking do to the height.

I walked satisfied at my progress.

I'm close just one more.

I stared to head to Jin's room were I knew Jungkook would be.


I'm not that happy with this chapter but......
Didn't know how to end this or how to write this
Sorry if you were expecting something else

Hoped you enjoyed
See you next chapter~

Sorry I killed Jimin and Taehyung

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