'Wu once said the best way to defeat an enemy... is to make him your friend... But... How are you supposed to defeat your friend?'
If you asked Kai what he wants most in life he would tell you he has everything he could ever want. Friends. A Family...
3. I love wolves. I watched GOT at twelve years old. I love Seven Deadly Sins, Sirius the Jaeger and Tokyo Ghoul (all anime's). I play chess. I do drama. I am a loud mouth. I am a lot like Ninjago Show Jay. I love tough music. I love to sing . I don't dream.
7. So many of you may be wondering "does Kai have pupils?" Well...
The Crew were training in the monastery grounds when G....... ran into the monastery. They knew he went to regroup with a squad of Kai's pupils but they didn't expect the people who ran in after G........ . M...., H....., D....., N...... and S..... chased G....... through the gates. They were all wearing Ninja geis (dunno how to spell it) as they ran into the monastery. Jay looked at his crew. "Why the hell did G....... get into a fight with them?!" He exclaimed. "Let's find out." Lloyd said. They all ran into the monastery after them, training weapons drawn.