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Maddie's P

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Maddie's P.O.W

Mal, Evie and I walked to our room. We opened the door only to come face to face with a pink wonderland

"Wow. This place is so amaz..." Evie says, I gotta admit I kinda like it but only kinda

"Gross" Mal says

"I know, right? Amazingly gross." Evie says pretending to not like the room

"Why is it so pink? Is everything in Auradon going to be this pink?" I ask

"I hope not" Mal says before walking fully into the room "Ew. Ugh! I'm going to need some serious sunscreen" she says

"Yeah" me and Evie both say

"E, Mad. Whew! That is much better" Mal says as we pull the curtains over the window

"Wait there's only two beds guys!" I say looking around for another bed but not finding one

"Weird, look a note" Evie says when she looks at the desk

"Hello Evie and Mal, this is your room. If Maddie is here tell her that her room is next door, but don't worry she doesn't have to share it with anyone. Have a nice day

Yours truly, Fairy Godmother" the note said, amazing I get a room for my self

"Well, what are we standing here for? Let's go look at your room" Evie says with excitement, I take my bags and walk out the door. We walk over to my room, I open the door and take a look inside to see this

 We walk over to my room, I open the door and take a look inside to see this

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(Imagine the bed is made)

"Wow, I mean it's okay I guess, not as bad or pink as yours" I says walking inside

"It's cute" Evie says looking around at all the things

"Why is it bigger then ours?" Mal asks

"It isn't, yours just has two beds while mine only has one" I say sitting down in the bed

"Well, let's unpack and then go look at the guys room" I say "oh and I have to quickly change into something more comfortable too" I finish and the girls walk back to their room.

Mal's twin sister {Carlos De Vil}Where stories live. Discover now