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I woke up the next morning and went happily to all my classes. Mal and Jay are standing at Mal's locker talking, Carlos, Evie and I are standing near waiting for Mal to give Ben the love spell. Jay walks over to us and says that this is it, she is doing it.
"Hey, Bennyboo!" Mal shouts at Ben
"Hey" he says walking over to her
"I just made a batch of cookies. Double chocolate chip, do you want one?" Mal asks him showing him the cookies in the bag
"Oh, I, uh, I've got a big game. I don't eat before a big game. But thank you so, so much. Thank you. Next time. Next time" he says
"No, yeah. I completely understand. "Be careful of treats offered by kids of villains."" Mal says looking down
"No, no, no" he says
"No, I'm sure every kid in Auradon knows that" Mal says
"No, that's not it. No, no, no, I... I really do..." he trying to make this better
"No, I get it. You're cautious. That's smart. Oh, well, more for me, I guess" Mal says taking the cookie out of the bag and nearly eating it herself
"No, no. Hey... see that? Totally trust you. Totally" Ben says taking a bite out of the cookie, me and the others slowly walk over to them
"How are they?" Male asks
They're good. They're great! They're amazing! They're, uh... I mean, they're chewy and, and you know, they... is that walnuts? I love walnuts. I mean, uh, you know, the... The chocolate... The... the chocolate... The chocolate chips are... I'm sorry. Um... Uh, they're... They're warm and soft. And they're sweet... Mal, have you always had those little golden flecks in your eyes?" Ben mumbles while looking at Mal lovingly, he is about to take another bite but Mal quickly takes the cookie out of his hand
"How you feeling, bro?" Jay asks
"I feel... I feel... I feel like... Like singing your name. Mal, Mal" he says singing Mal's name