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Maddie's P

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Maddie's P.O.W

I walked out off my room and over to the girls to ask if they are ready. They said yes, so here we are walking down to the boys room which is not far room ours. We open the door and walk inside, Carlos is playing a game and Jay is standing by his bed.

"Wow your guys room is cool" I say

"Thanks, how is your room?" Carlos asks me but Mal managers to answer before me

"Mine and Evie's is gross, I wish I had a room like Maddie's or at least not one as pink as ours" she says

"Wait why do you have your own room?" Jay asks

"apparently only two people can share a room, so Fairy Godmother gave me my own. Which is cool I guess" I say

"Are you kidding, I would love a room on my own" Mal says looking at me, I just laugh at her. She then walks over to Jay

"Jay, what are you doing?" She asks him

"It's called stealing" he answers while looking at all the things he has stolen today

"Okay, what's the point?" She then asks

"Well, Mal, It's like buying whatever I want, except It's free" he says looking at her this time

"Okay. So, you could do that, or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world" Mal says

"You sound just like mom" I say

"Thank you" she says looking my direction to which I reply with "it wasn't a compliment" she just ignores me and looks back at Jay

"You do it your way and I'll do it mine" Jay says smiling

"Die, suckers! Jay, come check this thing out. Man, It's awesome" Carlos says making Hay walk over to him and take the controllers out of his hands and starts to play the game himself. I walk over to Carlos and ask him a question

"What is that?" I ask

"I don't really know, it's just a game I found on the tv" he says smiling proudly at me

"Guys! Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?" Mal asks us

"Fairy Godmother, blah, blah, blah. Magic wand, blah, blah, blah." Jay says making all of us laugh except Mal

"This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents. To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel. Yeah?" She says

"Yeah" the others say. I just stay silent, I don't need to prove anything to my mother.

"Evie, mirror me" Mal says

"Mirror, mirror on the... in my hand, where is fairy godmother's wand... stand?" Evie asks the mirror and it show us the wand

"There it is!" I say

"Zoom out" Carlos says

"Magic mirror, not so close" Evie says but I just show us the world instead "Closer. Closer. Closer." She says as she tries to make to closer

"Can I go back to my game? I'm on level three." Carlos asks

"Stop! It's in a museum. Do we know where that is?" Mal says, Carlos opens his computer and searches the name of the museum

"2.3 Miles from here" he says

"Come on" we run out of the room until we notice that Carlos is still in there playing his game "Carlos!" Mal shouts

"Coming!" He says

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