Chapter 1: Lucky Day

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"You cut your hair again

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"You cut your hair again." Mr. Delacqua said as they walked down the halls of Delacqua Tech.

"I did. I think it looks good, don't you?" Charlie Delacqua replied to her father. She brought her hand up, and ran it through her short, dark brown hair.

"Your choice of outfit for today is, uhm, interesting as well." He said with a tight nod.

Charlie simply smiled back at him and adjusted the collar of her blazer.

"I do look good in a suit!" She said happily.

"Yes, uh. Okay." He said awkwardly.

Was he being awkwardly supportive, or passive-aggressive? That she never really knew. It was always hard to tell with him.

He was a really traditional type of man, which was obvious by his black suit, his clean shaven face, and his neatly combed graying blond hair.

"Either way, you did great in the meeting today." He said. "You were a regular little CEO."

She wanted to say that she wasn't really little anymore. She was in her twenties now, after all.

"You mean a regular little marketing director?" She said with a playful smile.

"We all have to start small." He said. "Speaking of starting small, do you remember how you used to love it when I took you to the product testing room when you were little?"

"Of course." She said.

"How about we go back? We're just about to roll out our spring products, and I think it would be good for you to have first hand experience with the new line. It might help you in the long run."

"Sure!" She said. "Sounds like fun. I just want to stop by and talk to Harleigh on the way back up."

"Sounds good."

They entered into one of the company elevators, and Mr. Delacqua scanned his clear VIP pass and punched in the elevator code. As he did so, Charlie got out her phone.

We still on for 8 tonight? She typed out, trying not to smile suspiciously down at her phone screen.

Three little bubbles popped up, and soon enough, Veronica Griffin replied:

You know it! I can't wait to finally meet you in person ;x

"What are you smiling about?" Her father asked.

She abruptly clicked her phone screen off and slipped it back into her pocket.


Thankfully, the elevator got her out of the conversation.

"You are now on floor U1."

They stepped out into another set of double doors. On them was a red sign that read: restricted area, authorized personnel only. Her father scanned his card again, and they entered into the testing room.

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