Chapter 6: lizards!!!

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The ten minutes Shadow Witch gave her turned out to be more like three

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The ten minutes Shadow Witch gave her turned out to be more like three. She stood in the corner impatiently, arms crossed tightly, as Charlie gathered up everything she could and shoved it into a backpack that Shadow Witch had given her.

Shadow Witch was back in her suit, helmet included, despite the fact that it wasn't working. Charlie thought that was particularly odd.

      "Aren't you worried that the suit might electrocute you?" Charlie asked as she zipped the bag up.

      "It's turned off." Shadow Witch said. Her voice came out muffled, and Charlie snickered.

      "But you're still going to wear it? Why?"

      "It's none of your concern." Shadow Witch said.

       Her voice was even and stern now, not wavering unsteadily like it had been earlier. Charlie assumed this meant one of two things; either she had just been shaken from the shock earlier or...

     "You're shy aren't you?" Charlie said mischievously.

      "I have no idea what you're getting at." Shadow Witch snapped.

      "Why else would you wear it when you don't have to? Plus, you said you don't need a secret identity because no one knows you, so why did you refuse to show me your face? Not to mention how awkward you are when you try and talk to me anyway. It must have something to do with me seeing your real face because—"

      Shadow Witch grabbed her by the shoulder.

      "Enough of this nonsense. We need to go."

       She snapped, and when Charlie regained her composure she saw that they were in a room that vaguely resembled a garage. There was a concrete floor, brick walls, and shelves covered with (outdated) technology all along the walls.

      In the center of the room, there was a hoverboard. It was an old model, but it was well taken care of, and, judging by some of the more unusual features, illegally upgraded.

       "You've worked on this yourself?" Charlie asked.

       "I removed the safety features." Shadow Witch said as she grabbed a few things from the workbench.

       "What?" Charlie coughed out. "That's not only illegal, it's also extremely dangerous! I would know, my dad's company makes these boards."

       "It shouldn't be." Shadow Witch said. "Why's it the government's business what I do with something I own? If I fall out of the sky and end up a stain on the sidewalk that's my prerogative."

       "You're not going to make me ride that death trap, right?" Charlie asked, taking a step back.

        Shadow Witch walked over and pushed her back towards it.

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