Chapter 4: Detective Work

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Charlie sat cross legged on the floor mattress, scrawling in the notebook to the gentle sound of porn in the background

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Charlie sat cross legged on the floor mattress, scrawling in the notebook to the gentle sound of porn in the background.

It had been two days since Shadow Witch had talked to the Copper Knight, and she still hadn't heard anything from her father. She liked to think that he was working on an elaborate sting operation with local police.

She pictured it in her head often. Heroes from all around the world would be involved; the Copper Knight, Crimson Vision, Supernova, and Cipher too. It would be totally sick, with a lot of explosions and exciting fight sequences. A cool background track would be good too, something with a lot of guitars, or maybe something more techno, with a badass beat drop.

In the meantime, (when she wasn't daydreaming up elaborate wish fulfillment fantasies) she spent most of her time writing down everything she could gather about Shadow Witch. She looked over notebook, and everything she had written so far.

•Lives in a gross old house
•Maybe socially awkward?
•Seems to know the Copper Knight well (too well, if you ask me...)
•Knows about secret projects at the company
•First name may start with the letter 'B'
•Terrible at cooking
•Like really bad
•Seems to be working alone
•Possibly not straight?
•Has pretty nice butt
•Never takes off suit (that I've seen. Does she have different ones? Does she even wash them?)
•Awkwardly polite?
•Wears super tall platform boots, so maybe insecure about height

She tapped her pen against her chin as she thought. What did all of this mean? It was probably for the best that she went to college for business. It seemed, right now at least, that she would make a terrible detective.

A snap. This one didn't scare her as much. She was getting used to it.

"Breakfast." Shadow Witch said, holding a plate of subpar eggs and toast.

"Thanks." Charlie grumbled.

"Still haven't heard from your father." Shadow Witch said, placing the plate on the dresser. "He's taking his time."

"I'm just as puzzled as you are." Charlie said, looking up from her notes. Puzzled in more ways than one, that was for sure.

"..." Shadow Witch awkwardly stared without talking as usual. "Goodbye then."

"Hold on!" Charlie hopped up and grabbed her hand before she could teleport away.

Shadow Witch tipped her helmeted head to look down at her hand.

"...what is this?" She asked, lifting up their interlocked fingers as if it were some kind of creature she had never seen before.

"Let's... talk." Charlie said, squeezing her hand and smiling softly at her.

"What are you... doing?" Shadow Witch asked slowly.

"Just trying to get to know you better." Charlie said, trying to be as coy as possible.

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