III • the outbursts

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I was making my way over to my motorcycle

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I was making my way over to my motorcycle. Leaning against it, I grabbed a joint out of my pocket.

I looked around, making sure no one was close to me. Noticing that I was the only one in the parking lot, I decided I was safe.

Lighting my joint, smoke soon filled the air.

I calmed down almost immediatly. I hate that I can't function without being intoxicated, but it helps me live, so why not.

I started to become lightheaded from the effect the weed had on me. Soon I felt myself gazing up at the sky.

The sky was filled with a thousand stars. I was probably staring for a good five minutes, until my starwatching session was rudely interrupted.

"What you looking at?" I heard someone say.

Turning my head to look into the direction that the sound came from, I saw a figure standing there, leaning against the black Corvette I noticed earlier.

I couldn't quite make out who it was that was talking to me. Me being high as a kite, I decided to talk back to him. I didn't even know the guy and yet here I was, starting a conversation with him.

Something my sober self normally wouldn't do so fast.

"The sky," I simply answered him, "isn't it beautiful?" I said, while looking back up at the sky.

From the corner of my eye I could see him looking up too.

"Yeah," he said, "yeah, it really is."

We were both staring at the sky for a good two minutes, until he decided to speak up again.

"So, why did you walk away like that? We thought something was wrong." he said.

My eyes widened as I realized who was talking to me.

It was Nikki. Did he follow me?

Looking down almost immediatly, I decided to not answer him.

"Hey, you can talk to me you know," he said, and I noticed that he was walking closer to me, "I won't bite." He was now standing in front of me. I was still looking down.

Quickly realizing that I was still holding my joint, I threw it away as fast as I could. He took notice of my actions and furrowed his eyebrows.

"What was that?" he asked me. I didn't answer him again.

He glanced over my shoulder and noticed the bud of the joint behind me. His eyes widened at the object laying on the ground.

"You're smoking weed?" he said, a little too loud for my liking.

I put my hand on his mouth to muzzle his voice. His eyes widened at my actions. I actually was quite shocked at myself too.

He grabbed my hand with his own and removed it from his mouth. A small smirk soon appeared on his face.

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