27| E v e l y n (Part 2)

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You can break my heart in two
But when it heals, it beats for you
I know it's forward, but it's true
Won't lie, I'd go back to you
You know, my thoughts are runnin' loose
It's just a thing you make me do
And I could fight, but what's the use?
I know I'd go back to you

- Back to you, Selena Gomez

- Back to you, Selena Gomez

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27| Evelyn (Part 2)

Evelyn came home one hour ago. She couldn't sit, she couldn't stand, she couldn't breathe. She was pacing down her room from one end to another, biting her nails, stomach churning, heart beating too fast, palm sweating.

Evelyn couldn't relax. She had tried to sleep. It didn't work. She had tried music, turned out she didn't like any sound right now. She had tried to do her homework. She ended up doing all her maths wrong. Then she closed her books, she threw her pillows around, she tore down her bed sheet. Now she was sitting in a mess with her head buried in her knees.

It was his fault. He started it. Quinton Rogers.

Evelyn still remembered exactly how they met. Evelyn had just moved in Nebraska. She remembered not being so miserable, self-depreciative and insecure like she was now. In fact, she held herself higher than anybody else.

Evelyn was shopping for groceries. She was looking for chips around the shelves, when she crashed into someone. She turned around and muttered a quick sorry along with the lines, "I didn't see you coming."

And boy did she saw him coming.

He was tall, that's the first thing she realized.Evelyn looked up at his face and she never looked away.

Stormy grey eyes that had tons of mystery hidden in them, with gorgeous dirty blonde hair that was pushed back from his forehead. He was sporting a black sweatshirt and a jeans, casual yet it looked so good on him. When she looked at his lips, he had a smile in them. There was something hidden behind that smile.

He didn't say anything in reply of her sorry. He stared at her with those grey eyes and that smile. And Evelyn couldn't move, she was inside his magnetic field, which was too strong for Evelyn to move away from. Her heart beat thud, thud, her palm sweated. She gulped and forcing herself she looked away.

"Hey," He said. His voice was as smooth as silk and Evelyn felt her nerves going askew.

He leaned on the stand with his hands inside his jeans pockets.. Evelyn blushed from blue to red to every single color that ever existed.

"You new here?" He asked.

Suddenly Evelyn throat felt dry. No words came out. Her heart was beating in her chest, in her ears, in her hands, in her fingertips.

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