Chapter 2

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Chapter 2- Where have you been, children?


I couldn't think of any logical reasoning for this scenario. Obviously, Beast Boy had some fault in it but right now he was too busy trying to find a mirror. We left the alley a while ago, cautiously walking down the streets of an unfamiliar place. My weapons were gone and my mask had disappeared as well. Raven knows that we got sent to an alternate dimension but she can't figure out where. It was just like earth but something was missing. I didn't know what to think of with the rest of my team losing their powers. Those were part of who they are. With Raven's powers missing, how will we return home? If we do get back, will their powers return? As leader, I had a huge responsibility and had to take action. I needed to think of a way to get home even though its impossible without Raven's knowledge of dark magic. There were so many distractions such as: Beast Boy and Cyborgs stopping at every window to look at themselves, Raven chanting, and Starfire jumping around. All of them were distracting me from forming a plan and noticing a car pulling up near us.

"There you children are!" An old woman popped her head out of the car's back window. It seemed to be a much longer car so I assumed that the limo belonged to the lady. The driver stopped the car and the lady got out. "Come along, dearies. You have had more than enough time to gallivant through the streets." I shook my head and pulled away as soon as she started dragging me toward the car.

"Ma'am, I believe you have us mixed up with some other people." I tried to convince her but she squinted her eyes at me and shoved us all into the car.

"I know my own grandchildren when I see them." She was still squinting at us and I saw a pair of glasses next to me on the side bench. She yelled at the driver to take us home but I had no idea where that was. The other members were looking at me, expecting me to tell the lady that she was wrong. I thought the situation over carefully and came to a conclusion. I told the others to keep quiet until we reached "home" and then I would tell them what we would do next.


We drove for a while. Everyone was in an awkward silence, staring at the old woman who kidnapped us. She kind of reminded me of Mother May-I. I could only hope that we didn't fall for a villain's disguise. I waited patiently in the car for us to reach us this house of hers. Beast Boy seemed distraught after realizing that even though he's gained a normal human appearance, he has lost his ability to shape shift. Cyborg kept looking at his arms and swinging his feet. He's never seemed so surprised and gleeful. I sighed as I tried once more to summon the darkness. Nothing happened again for the umpteenth time that day. We got to the house, actually it was a mansion, in a rather short amount of time. We got out of the car and were led by the old lady to the front door. We looked around as we entered the enormous place. A bright chandelier was hanging from the ceiling and two staircases, heading up in opposite directions were at the back of the house. To the left on the first floor was the entrance to the dining room and kitchen. To the right was the living room and study area. Upstairs were our bedrooms, girls on the right, boys on the left. She gave us a very long tour of the house after that, we headed outside. Beast Boy couldn't stop yelling about how awesome it was to have such a huge house and backyard. I admired the garden and private spa. Cyborg looked as if he was about to dive into the pool in front of us. After all, I wonder how long it's been since he has been able to be in water.

Starfire ran around with the two dogs and five cats this lady owned. Robin investigated every inch of the territory, he probably suspected her to be a villain. She had so many servants and maids. I was wondering where this woman got all that money from.

"I hope the my humble home is to your liking?" I nodded once as Beast Boy almost practically jumped into her arms. He forgot he couldn't change into a dog anymore so he was content with just hugging her. "I was wondering why you all weren't at the airport, like your parents said. I'm just happy to find you all safe and well. I know we may not know each other well. I've only seen your pictures of you all growing up. Now please enlighten me to know your names." I guess that explains why she hasn't called us by a different name. The situation for us must be that this woman is supposed to take care of her grandchildren while the parents were out of town. The only question, where are the real grandchildren?

"We appreciate your hospitality but-" Robin covered my mouth and rubbed my head. I was very tempted to jab him in the stomach but I assumed he had a good reason for touching me.

"Yes! Thank you, grandmother!" Robin tilted his head at the other titans to get his suggestion. Soon the other titans were thanking her. We lined up in front of her to introduce ourselves. "My name is Richard. These are my other siblings: Rachel, Garfield, Victor, and Kori."

"Ah, you look all so different. It's a good thing your parents told me you were all adopted or I would be scolding my son right now." She laughed and told us to come inside. "You may call me Granny, Grandma, or Grandmother." She smiled at us so nicely, it could make your heart melt. "Anything you need, you just let me know! I have more than enough money to get you whatever you like. Also, you will be attending school in a week! Your parents wanted to surprise you but they had a last-minute business trip and won't be back for a few months." School? As in high school? That's it, I'm leaving. Cyborg saw me turn around and caught me before I could escape. It seems like he didn't lose his strength.


I ran around the entire house! It was so much fun! We had a pool and a spa and pets! I have never had a pet before since I usually played that role. Robin was always watching everything carefully as if something was going to attack us. I ignored him and pulled Cy into the living room. We found all of the games but the video games were different. The graphics were so much more realistic and cooler. We would've played all night if we weren't called to dinner. The food looked delicious but it had meat. The lady noticed and told one of the waiters to bring me a big plate of tofu and stir fried veggies.

"Thanks, Granny!" I smiled at her before munching my greens away.

"You're welcome, dear." She smiled before looking around to see how the rest of her "grandchildren" were doing with their food. Everyone was enjoying it and soon were finished with their plates. Before she let us whisk away to roam around the house she told us to pick an item for dessert. We picked a chocolate cake and then headed off to the living room. Robin huddled us around the coffee table that was in front of the sofa.


"Robin, why are we continuing to stay here?" I was curious as to why the lady hasn't put us into a trap or why Robin hasn't let us leave the premises. I couldn't help but call out to cute creature that was crawling toward me and into my lap. I stroked the cat's fur as Robin gave us a plan to depend on while stuck in this dimension.


"So what's the deal, man?" I was in no rush to go back to our dimension but I didn't feel right by taking her grandchildren's place. I mean, the lady was nice but it makes me wonder where the real grandchildren are. Robin said that it would be better to stay here since we might have no where else to go and we have no money to rent a hotel. As for the real members of her family, we would have to make a deal with them when we see them. We didn't know how to deal with the school ordeal yet. We would like to avoid it at all costs but Star and BB were jumping for joy at the notion of being in a class and learning about a lot of different things. Raven didn't seem to mind the day of having something to do while we were here and if it had a library, she would be happy on the inside. Robin and I were indifferent about the idea of having a teacher yelling at you all day and work to do until late at night.

"Children! The dessert is ready!" Before anyone could move, I was already hopping over the coffee table. BB was close but I tripped him, trying to get first grabs at the cake. The chocolate smelled so good and six slices were already served onto fancy little plates. Granny smiled as we rushed into our chairs and thanked her before scarfing down the delicious treat. Star, Robin, BB, and I were done with our slices in seconds and asked for another. The waster attended to all of our meal needs, including drinks. Raven was still only half-way with first piece, probably savoring its flavor. She must have like the tart icing that was on top. Star, who knew, loved the strawberries. So far, everything seemed pretty sweet.

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