Chapter 3

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Chapter 3- Um, who are you?


The day was a Sunday and it was quite early at that. We still had a week until we would have to attend school. The sound knocking coming from the front door awoke me. The servants don't work on Sundays and Granny wouldn't be up until around eight. It was nearing 6:30 as I walked down the stairs, still worn out from all of the fun of yesterday. Getting a break from hero business is quite nice but I still felt unnerving about how criminals could still be roaming freely back in our dimension. I haven't quite figured as to why this dimension wasn't the same as ours. It had the same streets and cars. The technology seemed a little more advanced and it was a different country but other than that everything was similar.

I yawned as I reached the last step and walked toward the front door. The annoying person on the other side grew impatient as I took my time to the door. The loud banging ceased as I swung open the door. Before my eyes stood someone inconceivable. It was me.

"Too freaky." Okay, maybe not me. I certainly know my vocabulary and 'freaky' is a very common word. The way he dressed was completely different from my style. Granny may have forced us to change out of superhero outfits, to let them be washed once in a while, but at least I still had a sense of dignified fashion. I dressed smartly, while my look-alike was dressed as if he were a skateboarding punk. I stand corrected, he is a skateboarding punk. As he leaned closer as if to see if I was real, I could see a skateboard placed on the grass and tattoos on the back of his arms and his neck.

"Did grandma order some kind of robot or what?" He looked at me curiously and then shrugged. "Whatever, look dude. I need you to tell the old lady that my family is so not going to school. We already have enough money from what our parents gave us. We don't need a babysitter. Can you relay the message?"

I nodded, still disturbed of how my look-alike was the complete opposite of myself. He saluted in a mocking manner and grabbed his skateboard. He rode off onto the large driveway and I closed the door. I guess that explains why Granny never doubted that we were her grandchildren. We look exactly like them, if there are five of them. I was curious if there were other look a-likes in this dimension and if they acted differently from the people we knew. I was definitely interested in finding out but that would take a long time and we needed to get back to our own earth as soon as possible.


Friday is the best day ever! Every friday, Granny would take us out for ice cream and then we would play in the park. I miss being able to turn into a dog and catching a frisbee but catching it with my hands isn't so bad. Robin would try to be a hero at night. He would leave his bedroom and think we were all asleep and go play Mr. Vigilante and return before Granny could wake up and notice anything. I've tried joining him but since I'm normal now and I don't have any strength I would just be in the way. Even though Cy lost his cannon arm and his cool eye, he can still help Robin because he works on his muscles and can help Robin. Star and Rae were Granny's little princesses. It was funny to see Rae get dressed up but as soon as Granny wasn't looking, she would beat me up. Star seemed to like the girly things Granny would give her. She had a different outfit for every hour of the day. I, personally, just liked the backyard and all of the servants Granny had. One could get me a smoothie while another rubbed my feet while another one did my laundry. I've never had this kind of luxury before so might as well make the most of it!

I'm glad that even though I've lost my powers, the team is still glad to have me around. We are still like a family and even though I'm the one that got us into this mess, the team forgave me. I thought Robin would hold a grudge against me forever. He still treats me like his little brother so I'm happy. He was quick to think of way for us to adapt into this new place and look where we are now. We are on top of the world!


Beastboy must be practicing his diving. He climbs to the top of the diving board at the pool, screams, and then all you hear is a big splash. I'm stuck inside, once again. Granny really liked Starfire's natural hair color, as well as mine. She couldn't stop talking about how unique we both were and that we would meet a nice young man one day and fulfill our womanly needs. I wish I could plug my hears and dye my hair. Starfire was the only one interested in hearing about what womanly needs were necessary to fulfill. Thankfully, she didn't try to ask me anything. I wouldn't know what to say since I just want to return to our dimension. No boys, no womanly needs. All of those kinds of topics were at the bottom, if at all, on my priority list. I just wanted to enjoy having my friends and then see what life would do for me after that.

I hurried outside once Granny gave all of her attention to Starfire and stopped messing with my hair. I went into the outdoor bathroom and disrobed into swimsuit. I only wished to try out the spa area at least once. I undid the ties in my hair and made it into a small bun. I didn't feel like getting my hair wet and then Granny making a fuss of how I should care for it better. I walked out of the bathroom and toward the spa, only to be stopped by beastboy.

"Lookin' good, Rae," he winked at me. I had sudden urge to smack him or push him aside with my dark powers. It didn't work, of course, so I covered myself with the towel and began my stroll again to the spa. I could hear Beastboy casually walking behind me, whistling an unfamiliar tune. I walked to the edge of the steaming spa and slowly dipped my feet in. It was very hot but I was able to tolerate the temperature after getting used it. Beastboy joined me after finding the control panel for the spa and turning on the bubbles.

"Isn't this so nice, Rae?" He sunk into the water and let his body float.

"How are you doing that?" I eyed him curiously. It was like he was a log just drifting on the water with the bubbles gathering at the edges.

"It's easy! Just relax." He stood up in the water, slowly approaching me, simply holding out his hand. I took a moment to rethink my decision and tell him I decline his offer but I was wondering if I could achieve that simple act. I stood up by myself and headed to the middle of the rather large spa. "Alright, now just lift your feet." I did, and then my head went under water. I panicked and stood up. He saw my expression of slight fear and smiled at me. "Don't worry, I'll hold your head above the water." I decided to trust him and tried again. He swiftly grabbed the small of my back and the back of my head. It felt weird with half of your body sunk into warm water and the surface of your skin cooled by the air above it. "Okay, I'm going to let go now. You have to relax all of your body so you can keep floating." I suddenly felt nervous. What if this doesn't work? What will I do if it does? Will I keep awkwardly floating here with him right next to me or thank him and then leave? All I could feel was his hands, slowly slipping away. My body was complete opposite of relaxed and I sunk like a rock. I stood up and walked to the edge and sat down. "Aw, come on, Rae! Don't be like that! We can keep trying, not a lot of people can get it on their first try."

"What's going, you two?" Cyborg was peering at us as he stood near the spa. He must have come from a run or some kind of workout. His jacket looked sweaty and his brow was noticeably wet.

"Oh, nothing, I was just trying to teach Rae how to float in the water." Beastboy gave me a look that would only work if he were a dog. Cyborg looked surprised and also interested. Cyborg looked around and whispered in Beastboy's direction. "Of course, dude! Anything for my main man!" He quickly jumped out of the spa and went to the control panel of the pool. After turning on the heater, he told Cyborg to go change in the bathroom. Starfire came outside, asking where Robin was. I shrugged, Beastboy headed toward her, jumping excitedly. He whispered something incomprehensible to me and then Starfire giggled in joy. I knew something was going on and I wanted no part in it. Before I could make a dash for the bathroom, Starfire grabbed me and carried me toward the pool. Her strength somehow stayed with but at least it was realistic in human terms. If she was able to transfer her power here, she probably could've swung me into the pool 50ft. away. She dragged me down the steps in the shallow area of the pool. Cyborg joined us moments later in his own swimwear. As Cyborg held me in the pool, Starfire went into the bathroom to change and then returned. Beastboy took his place on top of the diving board.

"Listen up, dude and dudettes! I shall now begin our swimming lessons." Cyborg and Starfire clapped as Beastboy took a heroic pose and then dived into the pool. Causing my hair to get wet. Oh well, too late now, I suppose. Beastboy swam toward us and stood in the water. He also found a whistle while Starfire was changing. Great, at least its only a few more days until school starts. Then these three can bother other people and I can peacefully read my books that I can find at the library.

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