Chapter 7

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Chapter 7- "Trick or Treat?"

A/N: I'm sorry this is late but I was actually busy with work, various things, and christmas things. Thank you for your continued support and for reading my story! (I thought it wouldn't be very popular because it's xover of two very different shows)

Beast Boy/Garfield

Ever since Kyoya had this glint in his eyes about us being hosts, I thought I would regret it. I know he's using us for money but how can I be mad? I get free food, nice girls to talk to, and hang out with Vic and Rob after school. Vic likes to bring the video games over sometimes to teach the girls how to play. Its pretty cool how the girls get into it and some are really good at it. One almost beat Vic at his main one vs. one game. Then after the tutorial, he would let them play against each other and cheer them on while hanging out with me. Robin had a lot of requests so he never time to check on us or Star. He was actually quite popular with the ladies and I could tell Star wasn't happy about that. She still had a calm appearance, despite giving quick death glares to his requesters once in a while. He also taught the girls how to practice karate and the whole story about how he came across the best sensei to hone his skills. Sometimes the twins would join me and Vic in a game and the girls would scream about something having to do with bromance. I didn't mind being in the club, it was really fun.

Until one day, Honey had to do something. His little brother kept visiting us and telling us how he didn't want Honey to give into material desires. Vic almost fought him because he wanted to defend his video games (earthly desires). The younger sibling fought quite a bit when he came across Honey. Starfire started hanging around Honey more often to make sure no harm comes to him, even though that is what Mori does. A few days later, Star told me how Honey and his brother had a final, epic battle and how Honey won. I guess I don't find it that surprising that he loves cake more than his brother. Everything turned back to normal after that and we all had tons of fun until Halloween was coming up.


Today we were deciding what to do for Halloween as a class. I was interested in what they usually do. I don't remember the last time I was able to enjoy this Holiday. Heroes don't have vacations or days off. Crime is always on the loose and heroes must be ready to subdue them. Since we are in a different dimension and no crime has been on the news lately, I've decided to accompany my class in their decided event. I was sitting near Haruhi and the reckless twins when the class President wanted the attention of class 1-A. Halloween is in a week and we have until then to plan everything out. The vice-president said that we can use the campus on Halloween day, I wonder what the others are going to be doing for their class. I look to Haruhi and the twins to see if they had any ideas in mind. The twins were explaining to Haruhi how they usually this event to hold tea parties and watch movies. Suddenly, Renge shows up out of nowhere, saying that we should do something more exciting for Halloween. Mostly, she just wanted to cosplay, again. The class president was trying to talk to Renge but then she came up with the brilliant idea to come up with the theme for our class event. She proposed for us to have a Halloween special test-of-courage tournament. Dressing up as monsters, scaring everyone with simple pranks, seems simple enough. The twins liked the idea, Haruhi didn't care but something seemed off with the president. This was a test of courage so course there was a punishment for running away. Anyone who chickened out was to have their picture on the front of the school newspaper and titled "the minister of pantywaists". I liked this idea. I glanced again at the president, he seemed indifferent but was too humble to express to share his opinion. The idea was soon accepted and everyone began the planning. After fighting villains and monsters for years, I am pretty confident that I won't be losing to this challenge. 

Later the four of us headed to the third music room to announce our leave of club activities for a temporary amount of time. Thankfully, I didn't have to dress up as a vampire when we returned, I despise bats. The twins explained that we had a good excuse for skipping out on club activities. Tamaki didn't take it too well but he eventually got over losing Haruhi to the twins. Garfield looked normal even with the fake fangs installed. Victor looked mad, he probably wanted to be a different character, something more scary-looking. I left with Haruhi and the twins to return and aid our class for the event. I had a few ideas in mind to gain me a victory in this tournament.

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