Chapter 6

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A/N: I have no excuse for the lateness of this update except that I wanted to use my Thanksgiving break to catch up on my anime, manga, video games, and youtube. Also, Thanks for still reading even though my updates may waver sometimes...

Chapter 6- "Are you my big brother?"


The school day started like any other normal day. I was actually starting to get used to my normal body, normal friends, and just a simple, normal life. Oh my god, This is so boring! I can't recall how much I miss riding my T-car and blasting my canon at villains. It's probably all dusty, ugh, my baby! BB and I walked through the halls after school, we couldn't think of anything to do. It has only been a few weeks but like, come on! I want to go wax my car and level up on our video game back home. I mean, the video games here are still pretty cool. They have really good graphics and better controls. BB is just complaining about how the homework he has to do, again.

"Yo, Garfield! Get over it! The teacher obviously doesn't care how much you know about animals. All you have to know is how to tell the difference between ionic and covalent bonds. The teacher wants us to have an extensive knowledge of everything." He huffed in disagreement.

"Easy for you to say, man! You have no idea how hard it is to be learning so many things at the same time and then be expected to remember it all and then be tested on it all at the same time!" His pace got faster and I almost got left behind.

"I'm sorry, dude. In this country, education is extremely important. Have you ever been to school before?" I've mostly just been to elementary school and middle school. I wasn't able to finish high school, due to my, uh, condition.

"No! My parents were geneticists, they traveled everywhere. I never had time for school, they kind of home-schooled me, I guess." He looked down at the floor when he mentioned his parents. I tried to think of something fast to get his mind somewhere else.

"Why didn't you say so? I could help ya out!" I gave him a thumbs up and grinned at him.

"Really dude!" I nodded at him and asked him which classes he was having trouble in. "Um, all of them?" He sheepishly chuckled and looked up at me. I sighed and put my hand on his shoulder. I told him to make sure he would be completely focused from now on and live his academic life to the fullest. "Sure, but what does academic mean?"

I decided to get to work right away. I dragged him to the library to check out as many textbooks as possible. We started from level 1 and I helped him progress from there. He was good at learning, just not keeping focused. I kept him in working intervals and then I would let him read a comic so he wouldn't stress his brain to much. This went on for about an hour until a little girl was wondering around the room. She looked like she looking for someone. BB was almost done with his homework and I was already done with mine. I approached the girl and went down on one knee to match her height.

"What are you doing at a high school like this?" I smiled as nice as I could. Children are one of the main distractors for BB, always encouraging him to play. I mean, I want to play too just after I get my work done.

"I'm looking for my big brother!" She beamed at me. She looked around my arm and saw BB, studying hard like he should have at the start of the term. "Big Brother!" She ran and jumped onto BB and scared him out of his wits. "You have blonde hair! You must be big brother!" Never knew BB had a sister.

Beast Boy/Garfield

"Aw~ I wish I was your older brother but I'm pretty sure I don't have a lil' sis. How 'bout I help you look for another blonde-haired dude, okay?" I spun around the little girl to make her laugh. She nodded and took my hand. I led her out of the library with Cy trailing behind me, grabbing our bags. He looked kinda mad that I haven't completely finished my homework. I scratched the back of my head as I smiled back at him nervously. I walked with the girl until we found the host club. The only guy I knew with blonde hair was the boss of this club. I opened the door for her and let them introduce themselves to her. Tamaki took an immediate liking to her but Haruhi thought the situation should be handled differently.

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