Chapter eleven

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Frank pulled into the parking lot and automatically spotted Matt's little red pickup. Matt was sitting on the hood, holding a cigarette in his fingerless-gloved hand. He smiled at Frank when he got out of his truck.

"Hey! You look great!" Matt said, happily.

"Thanks, um you do too." Frank replied, unsure of what to say.

"So, where do you wanna go tonight?" He asked, hopping off the hood and dropping his cigarette, stubbing it with the toe of his shoe.

"I don't care. We could go to the diner, I guess."

"Alright, sounds good." Matt said, walking over and opening the passenger door for Frank to climb in.

They talked while they ate, every conversation ending with a semi-awkward silence. After diner they went to see a movie, where Matt took the chance to hold Frank's hand. When the movie ended they walked across the street to the park that they used to play at when they were younger. Matt ran up the slide and sat at the top.

"Do you remember when we used to play here as kids and I used to chase you around. And when we were like seven you tripped over that log barrier thing?" Matt asked.

Frank laughed and sat on the end of the slide.

"Yeah, I remember. You kissed my cheek and told me that if I married you, you'd protect me and you'd never let me fall down again."

"Yeah and you got all embarrassed and ran off and told Charlie that I pushed you and I got in trouble." They both laughed.

Matt slid down the slide into Frankie's back with his legs on either side of him, making him jump. He wrapped his arms around Frank's waist and laid his head on his shoulder.

"It's true you know?" He said against the other boy's neck.

"What is?"

"That I'll never let you fall down." Matt replied quietly.

Frank turned his head so they were face to face. Slowly Matt inched closer until their mouths met. There was no fireworks or electricity, but it was nice. He pulled Frank's bottom lip into his mouth and sucked on it gently, entwining their finger together. They kissed slowly for a minute before pulling away. Frank let his eyes flutter open to meet Matt's and smiled. It had been awhile since they had kissed and he forgot how soft Matt's lips were.

They sat there on the slide, snuggled together, staring at the stars in silence for what seemed like forever. So many thoughts were running through Frank's confused mind, most of them questions and thoughts about Gerard. He realized that he never cuddled with Gerard the way he was with Matt. He was never really intimate with him unless they were having sex.

After a while Frank sat up and stretched.

"I should probably get going. I don't know if Charlie came home tonight."


He stood up and helped Matt to his feet. Once they were back at the truck, Matt opened the door for Frankie again.

"Why are you doing this?" Frank asked as they drove back to the store's parking lot.

"Doing what?"

"Being so nice. Taking me out. Everything."

Matt shrugged, "I guess when I seen you with someone else I just remembered how much I miss being with you."

Frank smiled and stared out the window. Matt could be a conceited asshole but he definitely had his sweet side.

They pulled into the parking lot and Matt turned his engine off, twisting in his seat to look at Frank.

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