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"what the fuck."

it was two in the morning and wonwoo was busy studying for an upcoming exam. usually, he wouldn't be procrastinating as he was a star student, but he got carried away with his comics.

coming from his apartment door, there was something scratching against it loudly. the raven-haired boy groans in frustration as he rises from his cozy chair and away from his sloppy desk. wonwoo exited his room with angry stomps and continued towards the door. inching closer, he reaches for the doorknob. he grits his teeth and swings the door open.

"goddamnit, mingyu, why can't you just be normal and knock—"

wonwoo lifted his head to see... nothing? kim mingyu was his roommate and had told the older that he was going out for the night. it was a habit of wonwoo's to always look up since mingyu was slightly taller than he was.

confused, his eyebrows rapidly knit together as he feels something claw at his sweatpants. wonwoo drops his head and his eyes widen with shock.


a fluffly white cat was innocently looking up at wonwoo's dark orbs while its claws were lightly digging into the boy's pants. wonwoo, with instinct, bends down and pets the mysterious cat. he dips his head out of the doorway, darting his eyes from left to right. there was nobody.

"aw, what's a cutie like you doing here? are you lost?" wonwoo coos at the cat, hearts beaming from his eyes. another meow. he scoops it into his left arm as he closes the door with his right.

wonwoo scurries back into his room and the cat immediately leaps out of his grasp and into his bed. the boy scratches his nape, sighing slowly.

he slips his hand into his back pocket, pulling out his phone. wonwoo quickly dials mingyu in hopes that he'll respond.


"gyu! um, you should come back soon..."

"what happened, hyung?"

"long story short, we have a cat now."

"we have a WHAT now?"

cat ♡ soonwooWhere stories live. Discover now