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"is he okay?"

"he's been sobbing for the past hour..."

"shh! he's having a moment."

three voices were chatting away in the living room of an apartment. there was another boy, but as of now, he was currently crying his heart out while poking his breakfast with sadness. he had messy dark red hair, puffy slanted eyes, and chubby cheeks that had tears streaming down them.

"soonyoung-ah... i'm sure hoshi will come back soon! your cat is smart..."

"yeah! what jeonghan said!"

"yeah! what seokmin said!"

in attempt to comfort their best friend, gloomy clouds remained over soonyoung's head. jeonghan gets up from the couch and heads towards the kitchen. he brings his hands to the younger's cheeks, wiping away the hot tears.

"i d-don't even know what i-i did wrong. i thought hoshi loved me..." being the dramatic person he is, soonyoung pushes away his platter and crosses his arms. seokmin and chan sigh from afar, frowns plastered across both of their faces.

"she does love you! she just wanted some fresh air. hoshi will come back soon. promise." jeonghan smiles as he drags soonyoung out of the kitchen and to the door.

"anyway! let's get you to class, we're already late."

"kwon soonyoung and lee seokmin, you're late—oh is everything alright?"

all of the student's eyeballs were glued onto soonyoung and seokmin stepping foot into their english class. indeed, soonyoung's eyes were still slightly puffy and his nose was rosy. wonwoo turns his head towards the two, adjusting his glasses.

"ah.. he had a bad day." seokmin awkwardly laughs while leading soonyoung to his desk. the two boys sat down in their assigned seats, which were in front of wonwoo and mingyu.

"make sure that it doesn't happen again, then..." soon, the teacher continues on with the lesson.

as the class is coming to an end, the red-haired boy turns to face wonwoo. mingyu notices and nudges the older to get his attention. wonwoo picks his head up from his notebook and glances at the other. soonyoung forms a toothy smile.

"hi, wonwoo. is it alright if i can copy down the notes that i missed? i promise to make it quick!"

although wonwoo seems like a very warm and kind person, soonyoung can't deny the fact that his sharp eyes naturally intimidate him. basically, soonyoung didn't want to admit that he was scared to approach wonwoo in the first place.

"of course. take your time, please." wonwoo exchanges a mirrored smile as he gives soonyoung his notebook.

suddenly, the bell rings and the other students rush out of the classroom, including seokmin and mingyu. wonwoo gets up from his desk as he gathers his belongings. he then looks over at the other.

"ah, shit..." soonyoung quietly mumbles as he tries to scribble down as many notes as possible into his own notebook.

"hey, you can keep it for now and give it back tomorrow?"

"ah, okay! thank you!"

soonyoung waves a goodbye at the taller, his lips forming a cheeky grin. wonwoo returns a wave as he walks out of the classroom. he chuckles to himself as he heads to his next class.

kwon soonyoung, that cutie.

cat ♡ soonwooWhere stories live. Discover now