(.❛ ᴗ ❛.)

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soonyoung waddles into his room, dragging his backpack behind. he plops into his desk chair as he drops his bag on the ground beside him. now that classes were done for the day, he can finally finish copying wonwoo's notes.

"knock knock~!"

a far too familiar voice sings at the doorway of sooonyoung's room.

"come in~!" soonyoung playfully sings back, reaching down to grab two notebooks from his backpack. seokmin makes his way to his roommate's bed and sits down. the older sinks in his chair as he continues to furiously jot down messy notes.

"you come back from your classes and don't even greet your roommate?! how mean!" seokmin fakes a sniffle as he pretends to wipe away tears. soonyoung cackles, spinning around in his chair to face the other.

"you literally came in only a few minutes before i did, weirdo!"

"okay and?"


the younger frowns and crosses his arms as he watches the red-haired boy spin back to face his desk. soonyoung flips through wonwoo's notebook, noticing how neat and pretty his handwriting was.

oh, there are cat doodles too.

soonyoung wasn't one to say that he was nosy, but that's exactly what he's saying. he proceeds to skim through the pages and notices that there are actually a lot of doodles and drawings. in multiple pages, there were writings of 'ksy + jww.'

that's weird. what's a ksy and jww?

"what'cha doin'?"

the older jumps in his chair as seokmin has been standing behind him this whole time. soonyoung shoots a glare at the other while slamming wonwoo's notebook shut. seokmin bursts out into laughter.

"i scared you that bad? oooh, is kwon soonyoung going through jeon wonwoo's stuff?!"


it was the next day and wonwoo takes slow steps into his english class. he had once again spent the night reading comics while taking care of two animals, kim mingyu and a white cat. turns out, mingyu needed help with math and wonwoo, being the nice person he is, helped the other out.

as the worn out wonwoo lazily slips into his desk, he feels a prescence approach him.

it was soonyoung.

the boy bolts over to wonwoo's desk and places a notebook on it. soonyoung beams at the other.

"thanks for the notes, wonwoo! it helped me a lot."

"oh, yeah no problem."

soonyoung happily sits in his desk and within a few minutes, the class starts. wonwoo opens his notebook and finds himself spacing out mid-lesson.

that is, until a voice calls out for him.

"pssst, wonwoo. i also saw something like ksy + jww in your notebook so i figured it was apart of the lesson and i wrote it down too! hm.. what does it mean though?"

wonwoo's cheeks heat up in embarrassment as he listens to each word slip out of soonyoung's lips.

"oh! it just meant—"

"soonyoung! turn around and pay attention!"

just as wonwoo was about to come up with some lame excuse for the other, their teacher dismisses the conversation.

thank god.

cat ♡ soonwooWhere stories live. Discover now