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"you know, you're really cute but you don't belong to me."

wonwoo is currently playing a video game to waste the weekend away. the cat jumps into his lap, licking their paws. wonwoo knew that he can't keep the cat for long since it wasn't even his to begin with. it's been a week ever since the little fluffball appeared at his apartment door. he figured that if he took care of it for awhile, it would eventually leave.

he was very wrong.

the cat seemed to have an attachment to wonwoo, and even mingyu. the boy felt guilty though, he practically stole someone's pet.

"hyung! i'm gonna go to hansol's place. i'll be back later~!" mingyu calls out to the older. wonwoo frowns and pauses his game, carrying the cat along with him out of his room. he watches mingyu slam the door behind him as he exists their apartment. now wonwoo was alone.

which wasn't that bad but, he rarely ever has time to talk to mingyu.

shortly after, wonwoo's phone buzzes in his pocket. he let's the cat hop out of his arms and strut back into his room. he takes his phone out and picks up the call.

"hey, wonu! are you busy?"

"hm, no. why?"

"i was wondering if i could come over since i'm hecka bored."

"sure, soonyoung."

"forreal? okay, yay!"

and with that, the other ends the call.

so, how did wonwoo manage to get soonyoung's number?

to be honest, he isn't quite sure of it either. it was something along the lines of wonwoo asking if the other wanted his number in case if he missed future notes.

but, that was a lie.

wonwoo actually wanted soonyoung's number because he really likes him.


the sound of repeated knocks interrupt wonwoo's thoughts. he quickly dashes to the door and reaches for the doorknob, twisting it open.

"hi!" soonyoung smiles contentedly at the taller. wonwoo's cheeks turn pink and he briskly steps aside to let the other in. he then leads soonyoung in the direction of the living room.

they both let their bodies fall onto the couch, a light sigh emits from soonyoung's lips.

"so. um. is everything okay?" wonwoo starts off, not wanting for there to be awkward tension between the them.

soonyoung chuckles.

"i wish. i've just been having a bad day."

"another one?"

"be quiet!"

"i'm just joking." wonwoo snickers, "what happened, if it's okay to ask?"

"well, you see... last week i lost my cat. she's a good cat and all, but she decided to run off somewhere. like i didn't even do anything wrong! maybe she died and i don't even know. oh my god. she's dead. she—"



wonwoo had soonyoung's cat the whole time.



wonwoo is getting slammed to the ground right now.

cat ♡ soonwooWhere stories live. Discover now