Sixth Chance

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In a large park, many strolled down the beautiful path that almost glistened brilliantly when the sun shone on it. The park had a stranded pirate ship as a playground for children, the concept of the park was captivating, 'have you found a fortune yet?

A lot of rich young girls giggling as they sipped their tea in sync. A small round table in the middle as they sat down their cup of tea.

People, walking their dog along the path that seemed to lead to paradise. Young boys' laughing and throwing a ball around. Couples, having a romantic picnic as well as chatting while sitting on the impeccably cut grass. A couple of men jogging. The whole scene was fantastic. Birds chirping, a large fountain in the middle that makes two or three sprinkles from time to time.

Ilse stared up at the sky.

It is a clear and blue sky, the wind remained cool yet gentle. Ilse breathed in the fresh air. It'll be an ideal day to draw butterflies. Ilse strolled slowly towards the massive brick wall, which upsets the pleasant scene which the park represented. Everything about the park was perfect. The one thing that left me confounded was a massive red brick wall, and beyond this breathtaking park is an abandoned restaurant. Many wanted to bring down the structure, but others wanted to buy it and restore it to its previous self. Remaining in front of the building, Ilse turned her head to see it.

She remembers the wall.

She painted the wall before, however stealthily. No one knew who the mystery painter was, the wall didn't fit in before, it became the spotlight of the park. Many of whom dubbed the painter The Escape Artist.

To hide her agony of being supplanted by someone who wasn't family, her only refuge was to paint. Which even Natalie couldn't take away from her. Previously, she painted a pitiful young girl and a tree that had lost every one of its leaves. The painting did not fit into the park because the painting indicated the delight of being a child. The artistic creation demonstrated a parallel universe of how tragic a young child might become, the tree was the ideal image of her losing her very own happiness.

Now, she wasn't just trying to paint the same concept as she was trying to make a new version of it. One that shows how she's wanting to feel inside, painting before everyone who didn't have a clue who's The Escaped Artist was. They're going to know now.

Llse carried a pot of honey and different colors of paint, with several loose teas on her left. A majority of everyone who walked past her gave her a questioning stare till they continued walking away. Ilse noticed curious stares but dismissed them. As she poured some honey into her paint, using her tea bags with a cup of hot water and mixing them together.

After she had finished stirring, she dipped her paintbrush into it and began to paint on the wall. The tree she remembered painting in the past, the tree with no leaves, the tree that lost its leaves. Now, it's lined with hundreds of pink roses.

She's stepped away. Ilse let go of a heavy sigh. The smell of honey and tea filled the air, luring several butterflies. Each butterfly fluttered toward the painting, creating a beautiful scene. The question being remained, have you found a fortune yet?

"Ah? How did she do that?"

"The girl attracted butterflies, mom!"

There were a variety of butterflies surrounding Ilse and the new painted wall.

Those who stopped to see her painting were in awe of the girl and the wall. She adds something unique, made the once bothersome wall into something attractive. Ilse's presence made everything a lot more mystical.

For the first time, Ilse felt lifted, she giggled. The butterflies were fluttering around her. Through her pure charm, all are more awe-struck. Ilse's hair was down and loose, the painted wall behind her and the butterflies around her, her sweet smile. A mesmerizing screen was developed.


 I'm going to rewrite this story. 

I was too unhappy with the way the story was developed.

 I kept reading it again.

 Trying to find ways to fix it without having to do it again. The mistakes, or even the relentless nagging, kept distracting me. 

So I'm going to postpone everything about this story, I'm apologizing for taking so long just to reveal this. This chapter has been a draft for so long, as I just felt upset reading it.

 No matter how many times I re-wrote it, the same displeased feeling would come back. 

I'm sorry to have everyone waiting for such a long time, just to say that this story is going to be remade. So, I didn't just want to update the author's note since it been a long wait. I've made a decision to keep what I've left and edit it and release it.

This chapter was exactly what I had left.

Once again, I 'm sorry for the long wait.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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