Vegeta and Zarbon's Conversation Part 2

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Last time on The Two Princes: Zarbon x Vegeta... Zarbon was making breakfast and sitting with Raditz. Raditz is frustrated that Vegeta is falling in love with Zarbon. Zarbon came to Vegeta's room to talk to him about what happened. Zarbon and Vegeta was having sex and Raditz came in Vegeta's room in complete shock. What will happen next? Well...find out in The Two Princes: Zarbon x Vegeta!!!

"WTF!!!" Raditz said in complete shock. Zarbon and Vegeta:(surprised) OH SHIT!!! WE'VE BEEN CAUGHT!!!

Vegeta's POV
Zarbon and I looked at Raditz as we were blushing.
"WTF ARE YOU TWO NAKED!!?" Raditz said disgusted. Vegeta:(nervously)...uh.... It's not what you think...?

"Mind one of y'all explain to me what was going on...?" Raditz asked. Vegeta:(explaining) Okay...Zarbon tried to make me feel better by getting me a present, he told me it was a surprise. Zarbon told to close my eyes and open my lips. So I put my lips into Zarbon's lips but I opened my eyes and realized it was kissing. So we started french kissing seductively and we have been touching our private parts each other, so we started having sex...and that's what happen. Raditz looked awkward and questionly. " was....the gayest thing I have ever seen!!!" Raditz said awkwardly. "I knew y'all was gay in the fanfiction!!?" Raditz said intelligently.

Zarbon's POV
I stood up on Vegeta's bed and said to Raditz. Zarbon:(honestly) First of all...I am not gay, I am a bisexual and second of all....DBZ fanfiction and doujinshi are always about us. "...How? But are you gay with Frieza, Jeice, and Salz-" Raditz asked but got interrupted. Zarbon:(mad) "I. AM. NOT. GAY!!!"
I started to power up and turned into a Super Saiyan.

Vegeta's POV
I cannot believe what I see before my eyes. Zarbon turned into a Super Saiyan. After all, he has his monster form.

"If you don't know anything about true love after all...then we'll show you what true love is..." Zarbon said in a sinister voice and smiled. "...umm...I think we got into a bad start here..." Raditz said nervously. Zarbon grabbed Raditz by the tail. "Go get him Vegeta!!" Zarbon said. Vegeta:(instructed) Okay!

"...oh sugar honey iced tea..." Raditz said nervously and scared.
"Ahhh!!! Ahhh!!! What are you two doing with my clothes!!! What are you going to do to me!!? Ahhh!!! Somebody help me!!! Oh my god!!! This is gonna be a motherfucking nightmare in my dreams!!!(ᗒᗩᗕ)"

We started to seductively take Raditz's clothes off. Zarbon shows Raditz his dick he told him to "...suck" "...what?" Questioned Raditz. "SUCK THIS BIG BLUE SHENLONG!!!" Zarbon yelled. He grabs Raditz's hair and shove it up in his throat.

Zarbon's POV
Raditz started to suck my dick and starting to lick all around. Vegeta came up to see Raditz's ass. "Can I fuck him in the ass Zarbon?" Vegeta asked. Zarbon:(confident) Shit!! Sure you can Vegeta!! It's just a threesome!! "...A threewhat!!?" Raditz said muffling. Zarbon:(devilish) You shut up and keep sucking this big fat dick!!

Vegeta's POV
I started to penetrate slowly in Raditz's ass and I grabbed Raditz's tail.
I started to fuck Raditz in the ass. "Ow!! Oww!! That hurt Vegeta!!!" Raditz said as he is hurting. We picked up Raditz. I started to hold Raditz's legs and we put both of our dicks in Raditz's ass. Raditz's eyes rolled to the back of his head and started to form tears. "I-I-I'm going to cum guys!!!" Raditz said. Vegeta:(cheerfully) Let's cum together!!

Zarbon,Vegeta and Raditz:(cumming) ahhh....ahhh...Ahhhhhh!!!!

Zarbon's POV
Later...Raditz woke up in Vegeta's bed naked, laying down with me and Vegeta. " just happened..." Raditz thought to himself.

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