I'm Pregnant!

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Zarbon's POV
I was sleeping in bed with Vegeta. That wedding day was a good night. But I was not feeling good and all of a sudden... There's something coming out of my stomach.

Zarbon:(thinking) Oh shit!I got out of bed and ran very fast to the bathroom

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Zarbon:(thinking) Oh shit!
I got out of bed and ran very fast to the bathroom. I bend down to the toilet and I started vomiting uncontrollably.

Zarbon:(vomiting) Bleeeh!!! Urrghhh!!!! Bleehh!!! Glahgg!!! Oh my god!! Hurghhh!!!! Vegeta!! Vegeta!! Help me!! Urrghhh!!! Ourrghhh!!!! Auughhh!!!! Cackkkk!!!! Blehhhh!!!! Gagggg!!!!

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Zarbon:(vomiting) Bleeeh!!! Urrghhh!!!! Bleehh!!! Glahgg!!! Oh my god!! Hurghhh!!!! Vegeta!! Vegeta!! Help me!! Urrghhh!!! Ourrghhh!!!! Auughhh!!!! Cackkkk!!!! Blehhhh!!!! Gagggg!!!!

One Hour Later...

Vegeta's POV
I woke up with the sunshine of morning time. I yawned and I stretched my arms out. Vegeta:(yawning) ...Ahhhhhh.... Good morning, Zarby-poo...Huh? I looked at the bed and realized that Zarbon was not here. I got out of bed and looked for Zarbon. Vegeta:(looking around) Zarbon... Where are you...? Yoo-hoo! All of a sudden, I heard someone vomiting in the bathroom. I took a little big peek to look. It was Zarbon, he was vomiting in the toilet. I came to the bathroom and looked at Zarbon. Vegeta: (exhausted) Zarbon! Are you okay!? What happened!? "*Cough!* *Cough!* *Cough!* Vegeta....I think I had a baby..." Zarbon said coughing. Vegeta:(shocked) What! Let's do the pregnancy test now!

Zarbon got the pregnancy test out and he was in complete shock

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Zarbon got the pregnancy test out and he was in complete shock. The pregnancy test said he was pregnant. 


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"Vegeta....I'm....pregnant..." Zarbon said. Vegeta:(cheerfully) Hooray!!! This is happening!!! I love to have a baby!!! We have to abort this baby right now, Zarby-poo!! Come on, Let's go get in the space pod. "Whoohoo!! I told you we can have a baby but okay!" Zarbon said cheerfully.

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