Francisca Returns to her Family

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Zarbon's POV
I was washing dishes and cooking food, waiting for my daughters, Zebulon and Veronica. All of a sudden, I heard a door open. I looked over and I saw Veronica and Zebulon. "Hey Mom! We're back from school!" Zebulon said. Zarbon: Oh hey sweetie! How was school? "It was good Mom." Said Veronica with a happy tone. "Plus, we have a surprise for you." "Please come in Francisca~?" Zebulon said. Francisca comes in the house with her first beautiful appearance. "Hi Mom." Francisca said. I looked at Francisca in surprise. Zarbon: (with a surprised tone) F-F-.....Francie?! "Yes
... It's me Mom..." Francisca replied. I was starting to form tears with such a delight and happy mood. Zarbon: *crying* Oh....Francie....I cannot believe you are back....*hugs Francisca* "Hey what's going on here?" Asked Vegeta. Zarbon: Vegeta! My other daughter has come back! Vegeta looks at Francisca at first sight. "What is your name?" Vegeta asked. "Ahem! Hi my name is Francisca Setsunite-Cold! I am the daughter of Zarbon and Frieza!" Zarbon: (thinking) Holy shit! Did she just said Frieza?! But Vegeta just killed Frieza-sama 3 months ago! AHHHHH!!! Francisca looks over at me. "What's wrong Mom? You looked so sweaty and nervous." Asked Francisca. Zarbon: O-Oh! N-nothing dear! J-Just need to get some green tea! I ran away with a nervous tone. "Wait....Did you just say Frieza?" Vegeta asked. "Yes I did...I heard that somebody killed my dad...And I have never seen him again..." Said Francisca with a sad tone. "Oh no! Do I have to confess or do I have to lie to her?! Come on on Vegeta! Think think think! Think about your flashback!!" Vegeta thought in a nervous way.


"NATURAL MASTERED ULTRA INSTINCT SUPER SAIYAN SPIRIT BOMB KAMEHAMEHA WAVE!!!!!" Vegeta yelled. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Screamed Frieza as he is conscious. "This is what you get when you mess with the prince of all motherfucking Saiyans... Bitch!" Vegeta spitted and took a shit on Frieza.

Vegeta's POV
Vegeta: Francisca....I have killed your dad Frieza....and I'm sorry....Because he was trying to kidnapping your mom 3 months ago.... "You...." Whispered Francisca. Francisca bend down on her knees with her face shaded in black, crying with her tears dripping down to her sides. "You son of a bitch!" Said Francisca with a angry tone. She got up and used her Elegant Blaster, triggered. "This is why I don't love you?! You're the disgrace of all the Saiyan pride!" Barked Francisca. Francisca started to shoot at me but I dodged. Vegeta: *with a shocked tone* Whoa easy Francie! Calm down! I said I was sorry! Zebulon and Veronica starts to grab Francisca's cape and arms. "Please calm down Francisca?!" Asked Zebulon. "Yeah! I-It was just an accident! Really?!" Veronica said. Francisca started to remove her Elegant Blaster and looked over at Veronica and Zebulon. "So...That was an... accident?" Francisca asked. Vegeta: Yes dear...It was an accident. "Oh...I'm sorry Vegeta...." Said Francisca with a sad voice. Vegeta: can call me Dad. Francisca started to hug me. "Woah! What's going on?!" Asked Zarbon. Vegeta: It's okay Zarby. I got her. "Oh thank God!" Zarbon said in relief. "Well our family is back together again!" Zarbon said in a happy tone.

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