The Roast Battle: Zarbon vs Cooler

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Last time on The Two Princes: Zarbon x Vegeta... Everybody was celebrating for Veronica and Zebulon,Zarbon and Vegeta was bumping and grinding, Everybody was making it rain money on Zarbon's ass, Cooler found out about Zarbon,Vegeta, King Cold and everyone else, Zarbon savagely tells Cooler about he don't get no bitches. Cooler told Zarbon about Bulma. What will happen next? Well...find out in The Two Princes: Zarbon x Vegeta!!!!

Vegeta's POV
"Zarbon, you just mad because Bulma don't want you in your monster form.ಠ_ಠ" Cooler said savagely.

"Oooooohhh!!!(・o・)" Everybody exclaimed

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"Oooooohhh!!!(・o・)" Everybody exclaimed. Vegeta:(mad) Hey! You don't talk to my Bulma like that!! Get him Zarbon!! Show him who's boss!! Zarbon started to warm up as he cracked his knuckles, and stretched his body up.


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"...Boi!!" Zarbon said as he started roasting. "I know you ain't talking with your purple raspberry blueberry poptart looking head ass..."

"Ohhhh!!!" Everybody exclaimed

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"Ohhhh!!!" Everybody exclaimed. "Boi if you don't get your Princess Fiona looking ass outta here!!" Cooler said. "Oh shit! Get him Zarbon mate!" Jeice yelled. "Boiiii!!!! If you don't get your Pokemon mixed Grape Kool-aid, Old Fake ass Android 21 looking ass outta here! Ohh...and you know why?....Because I have Google, mothafucka!!!" Zarbon said.

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