Chapter 11

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I was thrilled.

Something about this just made me feel great. It seems like this is what Samson envisioned when starting the agency. A bunch of heroes working together to stop a villain. Carroll was having fun too. I could tell. She's finally accepted what she is. She's flying around and playing with the grappling hook. I looked at Don. I swear I saw him smile. He's enjoying this just as much as the rest of us. We're all enjoying this.

Beating a bad guy may not seem like the partying occasion, but we love it. This is what heroes live for. And that's what we all are. Heroes. We don't discuss a plan, all of us, especially me, know that Samson has one. He knows we're coming, and knows what to do. We don't even have to tell him. It's almost like we all have the same mind. I didn't even have to tell them where we're going, they just follow me. We are all in sync. It feels like we can't be stopped.


We arrived at the abandoned FBI facility. We walked up to the door. "Rocky," I said, "Will you do the honors?" He walks up to the door, and in one big punch, breaks it open. We walk into this big room, with Jimmy strapped to a chair in the middle, Shadow standing next to him, and a weird antenna on the other side. "How did you find me?!?!?" was the first thing Shadow said. "I'd tell you," I said, "But then I'd have to kill you." "Hilarious," he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "I see you've found out who I am," said Jimmy, or Samson. "Lucky we decided to break into your office," replied Don. "Well," Shadow starts, "Before you lose gravely, all good villains know that they should explain their plan to their rivals. So, I'll explain. I've got your precious Samson, who can't die, right here. Now, I can see any power and copy it. So if I see him die, and then reappear, then I won't be able to die either. So, I've found out how his power works. When he dies, his body turns into energy and regenerates somewhere on earth. So, with some help from Casper, these antennas have been places all over the earth. When the energy gathers to regenerate him, these will send it back here, so I can see it. Genius right?" I clapped sarcastically. Annoyed, he pulled out a gun and pointed it at Samson. Fire-Man jumped, but I held him back.

Shadow pulled the trigger, and the bullet went straight through his head. A few seconds later, he just disappeared, clothes and everything. We waited, for about a minute. "How could it not work?" asked Shadow. "I'd tell you," I reply grinning, "But then I'd have to kill you." "Did I not get how it works right?" he asked. "You nailed it there," I replied, "I'm honestly surprised, I didn't think you were that smart." Before he could say anything else, I ran up to him and blinded him with my device, this time I set it on max. "Casper, Mark, get them!" he yelled. All of a sudden, Mark comes running in through the wall, and Casper just appears out of nowhere. "Do your thing Darkness!" Don said. Suddenly, the whole room went dark, and you couldn't see anything. "Your turn Light!" I said. Then, Casper, Mark, and Shadow started glowing. I see flashes of fire and glowing ice going after Mark and Casper, but I don't really pay attention. I head for Shadow. Then, something hit me. Literally.

I'm on the ground, and all of a sudden the lights come back on, or however that works. I see everyone pushed up against the wall by Mark, except for Carroll and I. Man, he's powerful! But then I look at Carroll. Why aren't me and Carroll on the wall? I think of our last fight with him. He tried to throw me against the wall, but he couldn't. I remember I touched Carroll on her shoulder. Maybe it's me? He's trying to throw us to the wall right now, but he can't. He throws a knife like he did last time. I dodge it. I run to Fire-Man and touch him. Nothing happens. Mark keeps throwing knives at me and Carroll. I catch one by the handle, and throw it back at him. He thrusts his hand out to stop it, but it keeps going and pierces his hand.

"Rocky!" I yell running toward him, "Turn to stone or something!" He turns to stone. Creepy. He looks like a statue. I touch him. He falls to the ground, and gets up. He still looks like stone, but he's moving. Creepier. Of course. It only works on materials, not people. Carroll's made of metal, and it worked on stone. "Get him," I tell Rocky. He runs over to Mark, who's staring at his wounded hand, and punches him in the stomach. Mark falls to the floor, as does everybody else. They all get up including Mark. Suddenly he thrusts his hand out and a rock wall appears all around Rocky. The others start running toward Mark, and Fire-Man sets himself on fire. Mark thrusts his hand out, and before you know it Fire-Man is in a giant ice-cube. "Hey!" yells Ice-Woman, "That's my move!" She punches him right in the jaw. Nature-Lady thrusts her hand out and vines grow around Mark, trapping him. Wait a minute! I look back at Casper, and he grabs Shadow and they both disappear. I look back and Mark has a sword in his hand, the vines cut in half, and he's running towards Carroll, who also has a sword in her hand. I look towards Rocky, and he's finally gotten out of the rock wall trap. I look at Fire-Man and he's laying in a puddle of water, steam emanating from him. I run over to him. He coughs. I touch his forehead. He doesn't have a fever. Not good. I turn around, and Mark's gone, Aqua-Girl is trying to soak a barrel of TNT. Suddenly, ten more appear behind me. "Um," I say pointing at them. "Aqua-Girl, what about these?" "Oh, snap!" she says. Then, probably about 50 more appear. She rushes over and starts putting water on all of them, but it's too late.

An explosion, and I think I speak for everybody when I say I blacked out. I guess for Darkness that's not as big of a deal.

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