Chapter 12

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"Agent X, are you there Agent X? Come in Agent X!"

Came in a voice from my walkie talkie. I looked around. I was laying on the ground in the middle of nowhere. No sign of anybody else. "I'm here," I replied, "What do you need?" "Is your current mission complete?" the voice asked. I don't recognize it. Maybe he's new. "Samson is safe," I replied, "But the Five are missing, and Shadow is still lose." "Never mind that," he replied, "A situation has developed and we need your team to check it out." "My team is lost too," I said. "Well find them and report to HQ, fast," he said, "Over and out." "Carroll," I said into my walkie talkie, "Come in Carroll." No response. I looked around. I was in a field, and it seemed to go on forever. I looked at the sun. It was about three o'clock. "Don," I said into my walkie talkie, "Come in Don." Again, no response. I start heading toward the sun. Walking and walking, and walking.


I looked around. Nothing. Not for as far as I could see. And I've discovered I can see pretty far. It was about 3:14. Don't ask me how I knew. I just did. I looked at my walkie talkie. The antenna was broken. Great. I decided to follow the sun. I started flying that way. I was just going and going, and going.


I looked around. Nothing. Just walls. Solid white walls. How the heck did I get here? I didn't know. I wondered if the others survived the explosion. I'm sure Carroll did, and probably Rocky. What about Samson? What happened to him? Alex knew. What about Alex? As far as I know he doesn't have powers. If he does he's never used them. I look at one of the walls. I touched it. It felt weird. It felt hard like iron, but had an odd texture. It looked smooth, but it didn't feel like it. My walkie talkie was gone. I punched the wall. It cracked. I punched it again. The crack got bigger. I kept punching. And punching, and punching.


I looked around. They were staring at me. When I moved, their heads would turn and follow me. But they were statues. This didn't make sense. They were everywhere. The floor was white. I couldn't see any walls, just statues, as far as I could see, statues. All staring at me. Eerie. I couldn't see a ceiling, but there wasn't a sky, just light, coming from somewhere. I started going in one direction. Going and going, and going.


I couldn't see anything. It was dark. I started walking forward, not able to see anything. I was just walking, and walking, and walking.


It just went on forever. And ever. I don't see how TNT could have thrown me this far. Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me. "Alex!" said the voice. It was Carroll. I turned around. She was flying toward me. She landed right in front of me. "Do you know where we are?" I asked. "No," she said, "I was hoping you did. There's just field for miles." Now I was worried. Something wasn't right. "Carroll," I said, "Do you have some kind of bombs or missiles?" "I don't know," she replied, "Why?" "Try blowing something up," I told her. "OK," she said a little confused. Just like she shot the bullets, she shot a miniature missile from her arm. There was a pretty big explosion about 100 feet away from us. Nothing else happened. "Try shooting like twenty all at the same time," I said. There was a huge explosion.


It seemed to be going on forever. But then I could see Alex up ahead. I called his name. He stopped. I called it again. He turned around. I landed in front of him. "Do you know where we are?" he asked. "No," I replied, "I was hoping you did. There's just field for miles." He looked puzzled. I didn't get it either. "Carroll," he said, "Do you have some kind of bombs or missiles?" "I don't know," I said, "Why?" "Try blowing something up," he replied. "OK," I said. I didn't get why he wanted new to do that. I stretched my arm out, and fired a little missile just like I did the bullets. There was a little explosion. Not big enough apparently, because then Alex said "Try shooting like twenty all at the same time." I did so. And just before the first one hit, I got it. He thinks this is a matrix or something. He's trying to overload it. Then, there was a huge explosion.

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