Party Time!

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*Emily's POV*

*Knock Knock*

"Bella, can you get that?"


Bella went to answer the door while I kept cooking. Nearly done... I carefully poured mixture into the cupcake tray. Then I set it in the oven. I breathed a sigh of relief and washed my paws.

I smiled because my work was done. The table was set. Food had been put out. Decorations were up. We were ready for the party and now our guests were starting to arrive.

Bella walked into the kitchen with Pearl beside her. Pearl was very beautiful; her fur was glossy and well groomed. Her purple eyes carried a gentle smile. I remembered when I'd first met her.\


I'm sitting around the table in Dash's house, waiting for my breakfast. He's making crumpets this morning. I was looking forward to them, he'd promised delicious fresh Combee honey.

*Knock Knock*

"Someone's at the door," I said to Dash.

"Could you get it please?" He replied.


Standing, I moved to the door and opened it. A beautiful Espeon tilted her head in confusion.

"Hello," I greeted.

"Hello, is Dash home?"

"Pearl, is that you?" Dash called out. "Come on in!"

I shrugged and stepped out of the doorway, making room for the Espeon to walk past.

We moved to the kitchen and Dash smiled at us. He set four plates of crumpets on the table and placed a variety of condiments beside them.

"Bambi! Bella! Breakfast!"

Bambi and Bella came down from upstairs. Bambi's face lit-up when she saw Espeon.

"Pearl!" Squealed Bambi.

Eevee ran forwards and hugged the purple Eeveelution. Pearl laughed and hugged her back.

Dash smiled. "Bella, Emily, this is Pearl. She's helping me with your house. Pearl, the Glaceon is Bella and the Leafeon is Emily. They own the house we'll be building."

"It's nice to meet you both," said Pearl.

I grinned and shook her paw. "It's nice to meet you too."

*End of Flashback*

That had been only last week that we'd met, but now I smiled and hugged Pearl.

"Pearl! Thanks again for all your help."

Pearl smiled. "It was my pleasure. Where's everyone else?"

"They should be here any second," said Bella.

"Hello? We're here!" Shouted Dash.

I laughed. "Right on cue. Come in!"

Dash, Bambi, Sophie and Chris all walked in together, wearing big grins.

"Hey, nice place," said Dash, "The Pokémon who built it must be pretty skilled."

"He is, bit arrogant though," replied Bella.

"That's a shame," he said, shaking his head.

Bella rolled her eyes but was smiling.

It warmed my heart to watch them. It had been a long time since I'd seen Bella smile like that.

We gathered around the table and the huge spread. I could see Sophie's mouth watering as she stared at the delicious food. Choosing to put the poor Vaporeon out of her misery, I decided to say something and get on with the eating.

"If I could say a few words before we start?" I said gently.

"Okay," said Sophie in a faraway voice.

I don't think she knows she's drooling.

"Well, Bella and I moved here only two weeks ago. Since then, we have met the most incredible Pokémon. They're kind, selfless and generous... If it wasn't for you... well, I'm not sure what would've happened. So, Bella and I wanted to thank you all. If ever we can return the favour, just ask."

"Speak for yourself," mumbled Bella.

I raised my brows at her.

"Alright, fine," she grumbled. She moved until she was standing beside me. She faced everyone and started speaking, "When we met, I wasn't sure about any of you, especially Jolteon. Even now he seems pretty sketchy, but Emily's right. You all helped us... a lot. We appreciate it. Thank you."

Dash gasped. "Was that a genuine thank you? She does have a heart!"

"Dash is uninvited, more food for the rest of us!" Shouted Bella.

"Yes!" Screamed Sophie, fist-pumping the air.

Chris sniffed the air curiously. "Is something burning?"

My face fell. "My muffins!"

I raced into the kitchen, furiously trying to save my muffins. I wasn't thinking. I ripped open the oven door and grabbed the tray out, but it burnt my paws and I yelped in pain. I dropped the tray and burnt muffins spilled across the floor. Tears sprang to my eyes and I sat down, desperately trying to cool my burning paws.

Bella ran in with Dash close behind her.

"Em, what's wrong!?" Shouted Bella.

She saw the tears and my singed paws. She gasped and stepped back, unsure of what to do. Dash didn't hesitate. He ran over and took one quick look at my paws.

"Bella, come here."

Bella did as she was told. Dash gently took my paws and placed them against Bella's side. She was cool to the touch and I felt the pain in my paws beginning to lessen. Dash turned away and started fiddling with something. He turned back a moment later.

"Hold out your paws."

I did as he said, reluctantly removing my paws from Bella's frosty coat. I held my paws out for him to see. He quickly rubbed a messy blue goo over the burn. I didn't know what it was, but it felt great.

He stepped back and smiled. "There you go. Just leave that on there a few minutes. You'll be fine in no time."

"Thank you," I said with a grateful smile.

Dash nodded and started cleaning up.

"Are you okay?" Bella asked worriedly.

I smiled gently at her concern. "I'm better now. Thank you."

"Phew." Bella turned and looked at Dash. "What did you do?"

"Rawst Berry paste. Wash a Rawst berry, then mash it up and rub it over the burn. It cools and heals the skin as well as healing any searing under the skin."

"Well, thank you."

Dash smiled wide. "No problem Bells. Now, I'm starving. To the food!"

He walked away and didn't see Bella's blushing. For an Ice-type she was very red. I couldn't help but giggle. She glared at me, which only made me giggle harder. I thought I knew everything about my sister, but I'd never seen her like this before. I've never seen her... have a crush on someone!

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