Chapter V

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I looked over to the door to see the one and only Aren.

"Lance! I told you he liked you!" I opened my mouth to say something but the words got caught in my throat.

"I do like him, I like him alot." Nich said in a low voice without letting go of my wrists. I felt do vulnerable right now, I hated it.

"Hey dude, please dont hurt him anymore." Aren said, suddenly serious.

"I dont want to, I dont intend to, hes my flower."

"Those bruises are from you, dumbass." I was getting slightly angry.

"Aren, that's enough." I said in a stern voice.

"I'm just trying to protect you, Lance."

"I'm 16, I dont need you to protect me forever."


"No, Aren, just leave me alone for now." Aren sighed and left the room. I turned to Nich and smiled.

"Now where were we?" Nich purred, his voice was so hot it made me want to make out with him. I let out a stuttery breath.

"I think you were licking my neck.." Nich smirked and moved closer to my face.

"I was, it was fun, now I'm going to mark you as mine."


He kissed me softly and started pulling off my shorts.

I was sitting in my boxers as he went down to my thighs and started marking them with hickeys. He moved up to my stomach, making a trail of hickeys all over my body. I squirmed while biting my lip.

"I want you to make noise." He licked up my stomach and stopped at my collarbones. I shivered and moaned lightly.

"There you go." Nich said in a low voice, God, hes hot. He pinned me to the bed by my wrists and kissed all over me. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled his waist down. He looked up at me and smirked. I felt my face heat up and I looked away.

"You're so embarrassed all the time, you get flustered easily." Nich talked in a low, breathy voice so I could smell the alcohol that lingered on his breath. I scrunched my nose and faced the other way.

"What? Oh, it's my breath. I'm sorry." He whispered in my ear, his breath on my ear made me shiver. He kissed me roughly and grabbed my hair. He pulled it a bit which made me squeak.

"That was a strange sound to come out of a human being."

"But I'm not just a human being-" I moved closer to his face and smirked "im yours." Nich blushed and smiled softly.

"That you are, flower."

He looked at me in the eyes, his eyes full of warmth.

"Lawrence, did you know how pretty you are?" I blushed and looked down.

"I'm not pretty, I'm ugly, I'm skinny and covered in scars and brusies-" he cut me off my kissing me, he sat me up so I was on my knees and he was cross legged.

"You are beautiful." He cupped my cheek in his hand and stared at me lovingly. I blushed and looked back at him.

"Thank you, I just dont see it though."

"If you saw yourself the way I saw you, youd be a narcissist." He chuckled a bit and then kissed me. Suddenly, Nich sat up and rushed out of the room. I followed him and knocked on the bathroom door.


I could hear the faint sound of someone puking, I almost forgot he was wasted. I went to my room and got dressed into a pastel tie dye blue shirt and grey Adidas shorts then sat next to the door to wait for Nich. I heard the sink run and then he opened the door. I stood up and hugged him.

"I want waterr, my throat hurts." He kissed me softly with his hands on my hips. I kissed him back with my hands on the sides of his face. Then I realised he just threw up and backed away.

"Water now. Or beer if you have it." He smiled like that was funny but I just dragged him down stairs. He sat on the counter while I got both of us water. I passed him the water and he chugged the entire thing.

"Hello, Lance, have fun?" Aren talking shocked me and I choked.

"Uh.. yeah." I smiled awkwardly and continued drinking my water. Nich walked over to me and smiled. "We-" I didnt want him to finish that sentence. I covered his mouth but he licked my hands. I wiped my hands on his sweater.

"What did you do?"

I waved my hands like saying no "nothing! We just hung out." Aren laughed a bit and whispered in my ear.

"No matter how quiet you were trying to be, my room is right next to yours, I could hear everything."

I went really red "u-uh... um.. I uh.. I.." Aren laughed

"Sometimes I forget you're 16 and not a little kid anymore. I'm proud of you, lance" he wrapped a arm around me and pulled me into a side hug. I was shocked he reacted like this, I thought hed be mad or anything other then he was acting like now. I turned around to Nich vomiting in the trash can. I ran over to him and rubbed his back. He stopped and wiped his mouth with his sleeve and looked at me with a weak smile.

"too much alcohol" I blushed and looked at the floor, Aren laughed at how I was acting.

"Shut up, both of you.." I scowled. Nich stood up and kissed me but i pushed him away.

"You just puked, gross!" I stuck my tounge out. Nich started searching the fridge until he found a bottle of vodka.

"Nich, no."

He opened it and chug quite a bit of it. He gagged a bit and wiped his face.

"Strong. But its good"

I started crying a bit "nich, please.." I tried to take it from his but he jerked his hand away and took another swig.

"Nich!" He looked at me with anger flaming in his warm brown eyes.

"I have worse coping mechanisms" he chugged alot more, it was half empty now.

I'm worried

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