Chapter I

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I was walked to school, walking slowly, just trying to keep myself from crying. My ribs hurt. everything always hurt. I hate this place, I just keep getting beat up by the beautiful man.

oh, I haven't told you about him, let me explain. he's 6'1 with warm brown eyes and black hair that goes down to his chin. he always wears a black worn t shirt, a pair of brown pants that are worn at the knees and some cracked doc martins. his name is Nich. he's so pretty, but he hates me so. he wouldn't care if I died, he's the one that beats me half to death but yet I still look at his face and get all fluttery. I wish that beautiful boy loved me, but that may never happen. I will have to sit and take it. I walked into the building and felt tears well up in eyes, I really hated this place. I walked in with my head down and my arms close to my body. Nich walked up to me and stared down at me.

"Hello, whore. Are we gonna have fun today?" Nich hissed at me, a slight evil smile placed on his lips.

I stayed silent, knowing by now that saying things didnt help. He went down to my level and patted my head

"Good boy, you know that i hate your voice" he grabbed my sweater and pulled me up and pushed my back against the lockers closest to us "you will have fun, I promise you." He smiles happily and dropped me back on the ground onto my butt. I sat with my back against the lockers with my knees pulled to my chin. I know by now he wants me to cry, but I won't, my body was just shaking from the surprise of what just happened. He squatted down in front of me and put his hands on my knees, my heart fluttered like it didn't know how he treated the rest of my body.

"Meet me at the back at break" He made eye contact with me then stood up, put his hands in his pockets and walked away. I sighed from relief, spread out my legs and put my hand on my chest. Then next thing I know I'm bawling, tears falling down my cheeks onto my chest. I tried my hardest to keep from sobbing loudly and just curled up into a ball and cried. The bell rang but I didn't want to move from the cold floor. I got touched and flinched stared up at the figure who was staring over me. They reached out their hand and pulled me into a hug. I grabbed the back of their shirt and sobbed loudly. I didn't know who this was but I felt safe, they smelt like cigarettes and alcohol.

"Close your eyes and let go" it was a guys voice, I let go and closed my eyes. I heard his feet steps walk away and then I looked up. it was the signature red, blue and black hoodie that I know by heart. it was Nich's hoodie. That means one thing

Nich hugged me.

Holy shit.

~~~~~~ ♡ ~~~~~~

It was the end of classes, it was break. I have to meet Nich at the back of the school now. I put my stuff in the lockers and walked to the back. I waited for a bit before Nich showed up, he grabbed my sweater and pulled me up his level.

"This'll be fun" the words rolled off his tongue, sounding almost seductive. He pulled me forward and pushed my back into the wall at full force, knocking the wind out of me causing me to choke on my own breath. He threw me to the ground and kicked my stomach a few times then pulled me up and punched my face, splitting my lip open causing blood to drip down my face.

He laughed and dropped me on the ground. "Pussy" he smiled down at me and walked away, with his hands in his hoodie pockets. I had a coughing fit and threw up a little but its fine. I stood up and wiped the blood off my chin. I clenched my teeth to stop the sobs escaping my lips. Hot tears fell down my cheeks and dripped onto the ground. I curled into a ball and started sobbing. My chest hurt. This is horrible. I hate this.

I stood up, my cheeks streaked with dried tears. My body was shaking so bad I felt like my knees would buckle under my weight but, they didnt. I stumbled to my next class and melted into the seat. The cold plastic feeling amazing against my skin. The teacher was asking me questions but I didnt hear it, it was incoherent mumbling to my ears.

The bell rang after what it felt like years. I stood up and grabbed my stuff from my locker. I felt a presence behind me, it was obvious who it was. Two hands slammed next to either side of my face. I felt his breath on my cheek

"I hope to do that again." His voice was low. The sound of it made a chill go up my spine.

I wanted to talk.

It been a while.

"I hope not, Nich"

My voice was strained and scratchy. The words scraped against my throat causing me to almost choke. Right after ther words left my lips I regretted it.

"Oh, well well well. The whore decided to speak? You weren't allowed to do that, remember?" The tone of his voice changed, a bit lower with a undertone of anger.

Tears coated my eyes, making them glassy. "I'm.. I'm sorry ni-Nich.." the facial expression on the beautiful devil was priceless. A mix of pure rage and pity. I stay still, facing the lockers unable to move from the figure pinning me to the locker. I can see his handsome face out of the corner of my eye. He moved closer, his lips almost touching my ear and we whispered.

"You fucking better be."

The words hit my heart like a knife. A sob built up in my throat and almost left my lips but i clenched my teeth to prevent that. His warmth left me as the hallways cleared to signal the undesirable urge to leave this place. I couldnt take my eyes off of the long haired boy though. So many things could've taken my attention but nothing took it as well as he did. My heart beat against my ribs as the fear left and the realization that he was close to me overruled it. I smiled a bit, I dont know why I did. I watched everyone leave and eventually did the same myself. My bag heavy on my weak body and each step on the concrete shot pains up my legs. But I didnt cry, I didnt emote. I had a faint smile plastered on my lips.

For one thing and one thing only.


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