Say My Name

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Raven and Dick had sat out on the roof until the sun had risen, heading back into the flat together to find Babs fixing up a breakfast.

"You two okay?" She asked as they came in, "I couldn't find you last night."

"Yeah," Dick replied, "Just had some bonding time up on the roof."

They settled back into silence and Dick headed into his room, quickly showering off and changing into a Teen Titans tee and jeans, when he came back out he saw that Raven had also changed out of her sleepwear into a grey sweater and dark jeans. He gave Babs a quick peck on the cheek as he set out the plates for breakfast and the three of them sat down at the table. He looked at the two girls, everyone had the day off work to be at home, and rehearsals weren't until 7 this evening, just to go over the act one scenes the last time before a full run-through tomorrow. But maybe it would be a nice idea to go out, Raven hadn't been out of the house apart from rehearsals really, she probably needed a change of scenery before she went insane. 

"How do you two feel about going out today?" He asked as they moved into the kitchen to do the washing up, for a rich guy he hadn't invested in a dishwasher.

"Where to?" Babs asked.

"We could head down to a theme park," Dick suggested as he turned to face Raven, "What do you say?"

"What's a theme park?" Raven asked and Dick just had to stop for a second.

She didn't know what a theme park was. Wherever she came from needed a real upgrade, not that it could get one anymore, but geez.

"We're going to a theme park," He said, "Babs, would you mind packing some food and I'll book some fast track tickets."

Babs nodded and began to pack some lunches.

"What do you want me to do?" Raven asked as Dick logged onto his laptop.

"I need you to enjoy yourself," He said, "Because this is going to rock your world."


They pulled up to the park and quickly checked in. Dick personally loved theme parks, the screams of enjoyment, the sheer speed and weightlessness of the rollercoasters. Pure joy came from these places. 

He knew they were one of Babs' more popular daytime thrill-seeking methods as well, she'd even made a special trip to England once just so she could ride the Smiler. That's why Bruce had funded Alton Towers to set up here in Gotham, and it was worth every penny. With his investment in the place, he received part of the profit, not that he needed it, but it also meant that his family had reduced rates. 

He looked at Raven's face as she looked over the park, a smile was on her face and that was all Dick needed as he dragged her down to her first ride, 13. They got on the ride and they were off. 

He could hear her screaming behind him, and it turned into a laugh as the ride continued. They moved into the black bit and he grabbed Babs' hand, knowing what was coming. He laughed at Ravens scream as the ride dropped once. Twice. And propelled itself backwards. When they got off her hair was a mess but her smile was huge.

"Can we do that again?"

"How about we try something even better?" Babs responded and Dick followed them as she dragged her off to another ride.


Raven collapsed on her bed, still grinning like the Chesire cat, after rehearsals. Theme parks must be the best thing to exist ever, after Waffles of course. She made quick work of brushing her teeth and showering, changing into her sleepwear, and crawling into bed. She had almost fallen asleep when she heard him.

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