Day-O (The Banana Boat Song)

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Wally and Artemis walked into the theatre, buzzing to be able to finally say they've completed act one. What they didn't expect to have happened was to be approached by a flustered Dick.

"Have either of you seen Raven?" He asked before they could even greet him.

"No, why?" Wally asked, "What's happened?"

"She had a freak out last night," Dick explained, "Like, a non-human magic freak out. And now she's run away."

"What?" Artemis cut in, "Do you have any idea where?"

"I wouldn't be asking if I did," Dick bit back, "I've already checked where I found her, any cafes or libraries, anywhere she might have enjoyed going. Nada. She's gone."

The two stayed silent for a moment, trying to think of anything to say, but they came up with nothing. 

"We'll find her," Artemis said, "We have to."

As she looked at him closer she could tell that he had been crying, he had really cared for the girl.

"Well rehearsals are cancelled this evening," He said, "Raven's not here, I can't focus. They said there's no point running it tonight and that everyone should come back tomorrow to run it instead. Would you mind helping to find her instead?"

"Of course we'll help," Wally said, "That's what friends are for."

"Thank you," He said and they headed to their usual seats.

There was already a few people sat there, Babs, Kaldur, M'gann and Kori. Though why she was here Artemis didn't know. 

"Here's what going to happen," Dick explained as he got out a map and started pointing out areas, "We're going to search all night if we have to.  I have this area, Babs you're here, Artemis is this side. The rest of you are spread a little further. M'gann, you have the train line, Kaldur you're in Happy Harbour, Wally, you have Star City and Kori you take Gotham. And no killing anyone this time."

"Wait, what?" Artemis cut in, "No killing anyone this time?"

"She's a Tameranean," Dick explained, "And she's learning."

Artemis looked back over at Kori as she removed her bracelets and her skin changed from brown to yellow before her eyes, her hair becoming more like a living flame and her eyes a pure green, no whites. 

"Okay..." She said, "Let's do this thing."


Kaldur swam through the rivers to the small city known as Happy Harbour. He moved into the city, looking over the streets and glancing at the mountain that had been his home for years every now and again. 

The streets were almost empty at this time, a few late workers heading home or heading to the night shift, but it wasn't like Gotham or Blüdhaven, there were no gangs appearing with knives and guns with the aim just to terrorize. He moved through the streets as silent as a wraith, watching for any sign of purple hair. Dick had updated him about her non-humanness, so he moved with an element of caution, not wanting to have her use her powers, whatever they were, against him. 

He had missed this city, the hope of it. It was strange, though he missed it and thought of it as home he hadn't been here in years, he'd always found something else to do. He turned a corner into a back street and stopped. A form was curled up on the floor, almost as if it was sleeping, and a red chakra glinted. 

"Kaldur to the team, I have located Raven," He said into his comm unit, "I shall take her to Mount Justice."

He heard them all agree and say they were heading over there know as he approached Raven.

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