CHAPTER I: Scene 2

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Scene 2: Double Mistake

Once we finally made it to the campus, we parked our bikes in the designated area and went inside. When we entered the school grounds, Hailey shot Neil a puzzled glance.

"Neil, do you remember which room we're supposed to be in? You were the one who was given the information," she inquired, her eyes searching for an answer.

Neil, seemingly confident, replied, "Of course, it's room 15." With those words, we set off to find our designated classroom.

I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the beauty and orderliness of my new school. Its modernity was evident, equipped with the latest technology necessary for a conducive learning environment. Students bustled around, and the whole atmosphere was charged with anticipation.

Time seemed to slip away as we wandered through the hallways, Neil attempting to use a GPS app on his phone to locate room 15. While I marvelled at the school's elegance, my patience began to wear thin.

"This is taking forever. Neil, are you sure you know where we're going?" I asked with my frustration palpable.

"I'm trying my best, okay? Just give me a second," he responded, furrowing his brow in concentration.

As we rounded another corner, Hailey's voice rose in exasperation, "This is ridiculous! How could you forget the room number?"

"I'm sorry, okay? I thought I had it right," he said, his tone laced with frustration.

I was unable to contain my annoyance."We're going to be late if we don't find it soon. Come on, Neil, get it together."

After what felt like an eternity, we finally arrived at what we believed was room 15, only to be met with the disappointment of our names not being on the class list posted outside.

Hailey's frustration reached its peak. "You've got to be kidding me! This is the last straw!" she scolded. Neil, attempting to defuse the tension, raised a hand in surrender. "I messed up okay? I'll make it up to you guys I promise."

After hearing those words, I leaned against the wall, with my arms crossed tightly. "You better be, This is becoming absurd," I muttered under my breath.

Hailey, her patience running thin, storms off down the hallway. "I'll find the right room myself!" she snapped, her footsteps echoing with determination but she came back towards him after a few seconds. "And don't you dare follow me!" she exclaimed and Ralph followed her leaving Neil there.

Neil, now fully aware of his mistake, trailed behind us, his head hanging low but still having his playful grin. "I'm really sorry, guys. I didn't mean for this to happen," he pleaded, hoping for forgiveness.

In the long run, Neil's face contorted with frustration as he complained, "Ugh, my phone's about to die."

"Just make sure this doesn't happen again," I warned, voice stern but laced with a hint of understanding.

"It's already 7:47 in the morning, and Hailey is starting to feel a bit worried and eager to find solutions. She scans the wall for any helpful clues and spots a map posted by the hallway. Excitement filled her voice as she exclaimed, 'I've got it! It's Room 9!'"

"Really?!" Neil exclaimed in happiness too.

Hailey and I shared annoyed glances, our patience wearing thin. Our frustrations were primarily directed at Neil, who, in response to our annoyance, remained surprisingly unfazed. It was only then that we realized that room 9 was actually situated right in front of the parking area where we had left our bikes.

"You've got to be kidding me! Neil, I'm going to kill you!" Hailey's voice was filled with disbelief as she turned to him and grabbed his collar. "We've been wandering around for ages, and it was only right here?!" He casually flashed a peace sign and offered an awkward smile.

"Ugh! I really hate you!" she added.

"Well, we found it. Let's just go and hurry up." I simply said. Hailey only rolled her eyes, let Neil go and led the way with an annoyed face.

When we finally arrived at the front of the room, the classroom door invited us in, with the class already in session. Hailey and Neil started their argument again about who should enter first, their voices rising in disagreement.

Hailey hissed, "Neil, you're the one who got us into this mess. Go first!"

Neil was quick to respond, "But you were the one who found the room! You should go in first!"

Anxiously, I intervened to settle the dispute. "Okay, both of you, enough. I'll go. Just follow me quietly." But they didn't listen as I slowly opened the door.

All eyes, including the professor's, turned toward us. The professor raised an eyebrow, his gaze stern. "It seems like you've had quite the morning?" Hailey and Neil suddenly stopped arguing. As we entered the classroom, his penetrating gaze lingered on us, creating an air of intrigue that followed us until we found our seats and settled in.

End of Scene 2...

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