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Gogo: yini ofuna ukusitshela Thandi? (what is it that you wanted to tell us Thandi?)

***Thandi cleared her throat and she looked down while playing with her fingers***

Mkhulu: Thandi kwenzekani? (Thandi what's going on?)

Thandi: ummm ngiyazi ukuthi ngabe nginitshele futhi ngiyaxolisa (ummm I know I should've told you and im sorry)

Gogo: usitshele ukuthini? (told us what?)

Thandi: ukuthi uJames name sahlukana and that we both even moved on ngaphambi ngokuba afe (ummm that James and I broke up and that we both even moved on before he died)

Mkhulu: heh?

Thandi: he cheated and got Omphile's aunt pregnant....the same woman who killed him

Mkhulu: ini? (what)

***she told them everything that happened except for her new relationship with Ruslan cause she was scared they might judge her somehow but at least she gave them a hint about both of them "moving on" ***

Gogo: ooh nkosi yam (ooh my God)

***she said with her hands on top of her head***

Thandi: ngiyaxolisa gogo no mkhulu for not telling mind was all over the place and when they called me and told me James was killed by his girlfriend and that im supposed to sit on the mattress for him that's when I realized that I should've told both families of our break up

Mkhulu: so his family didn't know about the other woman

Thandi: his brother knew and my brothers also knew but I told them to stay out of it and that I'll handle it then he left for Limpopo and since then I haven't seen him

Mkhulu: yeses!

Thandi: then I heard ukuthi he came back but he never, not even once came to see the boys, he would only call them and make promises that he would come see them then he wouldn't show up

***she sighed***

Gogo: what did I say to you when you told me James proposed Thandi?

***Thandi looked down and she swallowed hard***

Gogo: ngikhuluma nawe Thandi (im talking to you Thandi)....what did I say?

***she asked her with a raised voice***

Thandi: ngiyaxolisa gogo (im sorry Granny)

Gogo: I warned you Thandi but you didn't believe me angithi ( right)

Thandi: im sorry

***she said crying***

Gogo: you could've avoided everything and now you have James family to deal with and you know how they are and on top of it ugogo wakhe ungumthakathi ( his grandmother is a witch)

***Thandi just continued to cry***

Gogo: heh heh "James and I have been through the worst and we will surely survive whatever is coming".....are you surviving it now mmmmh?

Mkhulu: mkami yehlisa umoya (calm down my wife)

Gogo: hai these children baya dina man nx (are too much man nx)

Thandi: ngiyaxolisa gogo....please forgive me im sorry

***she pleaded with her***

Gogo: so what now.....are you going to sit on the mattress like they told you to?

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