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*** La Parca looked at Ruslan who now was on his one knee and his head bowed ***
La Parca: እምም ሞትንያታ ልላ ልይህ (you summoned me…why)
Ruslan: ብዙጊ ዜያቸንእንዲ ያሳ ልፉ እናደርጋለን ( your carrier’s life is in danger)
***La Parca looked from Saint to a terrified Mbali then he hit his scythe on the floor and Mbali fell and collapsed on the floor and he looked at Saint and he hit his scythe on the floor again and Saint turned to his original form***
La Parca: ደንቦችን  ስለ ጣሱእና ደንቦችን  (demon on your knee)
***Saint slowly went on his knee looking at a passed out Mbali and he bowed his head***
La Parca: ደግሞ ሞትንያ ታል  (who dared me)
***Ruslan cleared his throat***
Ruslan: የእሱ ምርጫ ሳይሆን የአባቱ ነው, እናም እሱ ተጠያቂው እሱ ነው ( no one dared you great one, it was just a fight that turned ugly)
***La Parca looked at Saint***
La Parca: ሰዓቱ ሲመጣ ጥሩ ጋኔን ይፈጥርለታል, በጨለማው አለም ውስጥ በጥሩ ሁኔታ ጥቅም ላይ ይ (what are you doing outside associating yourself with human squabbles demon)
***Saint didn’t say anything his head was bend to the left a bit while he bowed his head looking at a passed out Mbali***
La Parca: አዎ ንእርሱ ታላ ቅነ ውአዎን  (im talking to you demon!)
Saint: ጊዜ ውሲመ ጣለነፍሳቸው እመጣለሁ (he hurt my carrier’s mother)
La Parca:  ጊዜውሲ መጣ  ለነፍሳቸውእ መጣለሁ ጊዜው ሲመጣ ለነፍሳቸው እመጣለሁ (isn’t my carrier your carrier’s father)
***Saint didn’t say anything for a bit***
Saint: እሱ ጠን (he is)
La Parca: ሳይሆ (and?)
Saint: ያሳ ልፉእናደ ርጋለን ብዙያሳልፉ እናደ  (he shouldn’t have touched her)
La Parca: ደንቦ ችንስ ለጣሱእናተ ወዳጅተወዳጅ  ከሆኑ (and you shouldn’t have touched him!)
***then he hit his scythe on the floor and Saint felt like he was being chocked as he struggled to breathe***
Ruslan: ከዚህም በተጨማሪ, ንስሏ ካሌገባችሁና ሁለንም ኃጢአታቸውን ካሌተ ( great one please stop you’ll also kill his carrier)
***he said with a panicking voice***
La Parca: ንስሏ ካ ሌገባችሁ ናሁለንምኃጢ  (and I care because)
Ruslan: ከዚህም በተጨማሪ, ንስሏ ካሌገባችሁና ሁለንም ኃጢአታቸውን ካሌተ ከዚህም በተጨማሪ, ንስሏ ካሌገባችሁና (great one please your carrier won’t survive it if he wakes up and finds his son dead…please)
***he pleaded some more and after a while La Parca let Saint be and he fell on the floor and he got up and knelt on the floor again with his head bowed and a deadly look on his face***
La Parca: ያ ስፍራው በጣም ተጠብቆ የተያዘ ሲሆን ፍርሀት ለእነሱ እንደሚሰጥ ሲያስታውቁ ግን በእነሱ ላይ የእርምት ዥዋእት ላይ ቢያስቀምጡትም እንኳ አያደርጉትም እምመጤ ይህ ጥሩው አስማተኛ, ጥሩ ልምምድ እንዲያስተምረው, ስለዚህ ሊወለድ የነበረው የአጥንት ቅዱስ ስብዕናለመያዝ ይችላል ከዚህም በተጨማሪ, ንስሏ ካሌገባችሁና ሁለንም ኃጢአታቸውን ካሌተሊከቡ   (demon don’t think you are indispensable and untouchable just because you’re attached to a child’s soul, threaten my carriers life again and I’ll take you to hell myself and your torture will continue from where it was left of…now don’t dare me cause that boy’s life means nothing to me so tread carefully)
***he warned him and Saint didn’t  say anything instead he kept on looking at a passed out Mbali and La Parca hit his scythe on the floor and Saint was hit by a hard force and he fell back ***
La Parca: እመጣሇሁ (Demon!)
***he said hitting his scythe again on the floor and the ground shook***
Saint: ካሌገባችሁና ሁለንም ኃጢአታ (I heard you great one)
La Parca:  ያ ስፍራው በጣም ተጠብቆ የተያዘ ሲሆን ፍርሀት ለእነሱ እንደሚሰጥ ሲያስታውቁ ግን በእነሱ ላይ የእርምት ዥዋእት ላይ ቢያስቀምጡትም እንኳ አያደርጉት (you are walking on thin ice so next time I come out because of you im taking you straight to hell and Belphegor will torture you himself for eternity)
***Saint swallowed hard and La Parca hit his scythe on the floor and Saint went to his black smoke form and La Parca looked at Ruslan***
La Parca: የእሱ ምርጫ ሳይሆን የአባቱ ነው, እናም እሱ ተጠያቂው እሱ ነው (she’s too weak to handle seeing me in my full form)
Ruslan: ጣጥጥ ጋኔን ይፈጥርለታል, በጨለማው አለም ውስጥ በጥሩ ሁኔታ ጥቅም ላይ ይውላል (I’ll wipe off her memory from when you showed yourself great one)
La Parca: ጠንካራ (good)
***then he hit his scythe on the floor and strong winds filled the room and black smoke covered La Parca completely and lightning hit around the black smoke for some time, then the lightning stopped and the black smoke came down to the floor and then it disappeared and Ray was now on the floor passed out and Mbali gasped as if someone just filled her lungs with air and she coughed a bit and she opened her eyes then Ruslan rushed to her***
Ruslan: take it easy…don’t get up…don’t get up
***then he touched on both side of her head with his fingers and his eyes changed colour and they became gold  then he did what he had to do and she passed out again and he sighed***
Saint: you should’ve let me deal with him instead of calling La Parka, now I know where your loyalty lies
***then he disappeared***
Ruslan: shit…shit…shit
***he picked Mbali up and took her to one of the bedrooms downstairs and he put her on the bed and covered her with a throw blanket and he went to the bathroom and wet a towel and he went to clean up her face off all the blood and he went to check on little Kalu and he was awake now….he picked him up and Kalu started crying his lungs out, he took his bottle and tried to feed him but he refused it***
Ruslan: oooh cut it out Saint, Kalu need to feed, stop your stupid nonsense or I’ll command the La Parca to come out again
***Kalu stopped crying and he blinked and looked at Ruslan with his beautiful sapphire eyes and he smiled***
Ruslan: if it wasn’t you Saint doing this I would say ‘cute’ but since it’s you then fuck you for using a child to get to me
***Kalu laughed with his baby laugh and Ruslan laughed too***
Ruslan: you demon dickhead
***Kalu laughed again and Ruslan chuckled and he went to the lounge with him in his hands and he pushed a fluffy ottoman chair next to Ray and he sat down and fed Kalu***
Ruslan: Ray!
***he called out to him but he didn’t move***
***still nothing….then he shook him using his foot and he starred a bit***
Ruslan: WAKE UP MAN!
***he starred again and groaned***
Ruslan: come on wake up!
*** he opened his eyes and frowned and groaned in pain***
Ray: shit!
***he said with his hand on his lower back***
Ruslan: take it easy
***he groaned again as he tried to sit up***
Ray: fuck!
***he said touching his head and closing his eyes a bit when a headache hit him***
Ruslan: I said take it easy
Ray: fuck…. what happened?
Ruslan: La Parca happened
Ray: what?
***he said looking at Ruslan with a frown on his face he was now sitting up***
Ruslan: yeah you are still alive because of him
***he looked around***
Ray: Mbali…where is Mbali?
***he said panicking ***
Ruslan: relax she’s ok….she passed out and I took her to the bedroom downstairs
Ray: and Saint?
Ruslan: La Parca set him straight don’t worry about him
***then he looked at Kalu***
Ruslan: right you demon dickhead
***he chuckled and Kalu cried***
Ray: cut it out man, don’t call my son that
Ruslan: im not calling your son that, im talking to Saint
***Ray tried to get up and Mbali’s phone rang….Ruslan got up and checked who was calling and it was Jay…he let it ring***
Ray: who’s that?
***he said getting up and he groaned when he felt a sharp pain on his back***
Ray: fuck!
Ruslan: it’s her brother Jay
Ray: I don’t have strength to deal with him
***he groaned again when he tried to walk***
Ray: fuck…. I think that demon dickhead broke my back
***Ruslan laughed***
Ruslan: I thought you said I shouldn’t call him that
Ray: well he broke my back
Ruslan: and you hit his mother a tit for a tat ….anyway lets go to the basement La Parca needs to sleep even if it’s for a few hours
***Ray sighed***
Ray: do you think she’ll leave me
Ruslan: I don’t know man but what I know is once his brothers know about what you did to her, the chances of this marriage working will be zero to none….we both know how the brothers feel about you especially Jay, Snakes and her father
***Ray sighed***
Ray: I didn’t know about the baby man and I swear I have never slept with Celine
Ruslan: then who’s the baby mama
***Mbali’s phone rang again and this time it was Snakes and they let it ring again***
Ray: the woman I used to fuck back then was Consuelo Rodrigues
***Ruslan raised an eyebrow at him***
Ray: she’s Celine’s cousin
Ruslan: Amen!
***he said shaking his head***
Ray: she’s also the woman I cheated on Mbali with on the early stages of our relationship but she never told me about no baby so….
***he groaned with pain and Ruu shook his head and he got up***
Ruslan: let’s go to the basement like I said La Parca need to rest even if it’s just for a few hours
***he walked away disappointed at Ray and Mbali’s phone rang again, Ray looked at who’s calling and he clicked his tongue and walked away following Ruslan feeling like shit***

**** NIGERIA****

Kev: do a fake suicide attempt
***Mj frowned at him***
Mj: nawa oh! ah ah this boy…. you dey craze….are you mad
***Kev chuckled***
Kev: relax ok, I said FAKE suicide attempt….FAKE
Mj:  abeg fake or not suicide is suicide man….do I look like someone who would kill himself or attempt to
Kev: do you want my help or not
Mj: look man don’t let the devil use you, don’t let it use you to make me commit suicide man
***Kev sighed shaking his head***
Kev: can you get serious just once in your life man
Mj: im dead serious man….im too fine to associate myself with suicide man….and what if  I die for real man
Kev: dude come on
***Mj shook his head***
Mj: you no dey hear word man….. God and satan are busy fighting over me and now you want me to give the devil the upper hand no man no
***Kev laughed shaking his head***
Kev: fine but listen to my plan first before you dismiss it
Mj: fine im listening
Kev: ok fine….you drink three sleeping pills and stage the scene by scattering a few pills on your side drawer and go empty the container and put it on the side drawer along with an empty glass of water and you’ll thank me later
***Mj gave him a “wtf” look***
Mj: are you high man?
Kev: trust me man it will work and your dad won’t do anything to you and your brothers will get more angry at chief for threatening you and they’ll blame him for it
***Mj kept quiet a bit***
Kev: it will work man
Mj: how do you know huh….what if I don’t wake up
Kev: well I did….it’s only three sleeping pills man
Mj: you no be God Kevin, what if this is the only way the devil will get me huh
Kev: look this plan once worked for me and I got away with crashing dad’s brand new Benz after I took it without his permission and went on a date with that high fly girl I once told you about and on my way back I crashed it
Mj: what? why don’t I know about this man
Kev: my dad said I shouldn’t tell anyone about it especially about me trying to “commit suicide”….imagine chief Peters son in hospital for a suicide attempt
Mj: damn
Kev: mmmmh and I got no ass whoopin, nothing bros….all I got was being yelled at my mom and dad about how suicide is not an answer and that my life is more important than a car
***they both laughed***
Mj: you sneaky little bastard
***they laughed again***
Kev: so that’s my plan man
Mj: fine but if something goes wrong and I die know that I’ll come back as a ghost and haunt you until you kill yourself too
***Kev laughed***
Kev: relax nothing will happen to you
**** AT THE MALL****

***Kazi was walking around inside a boutique shopping for new clothes….she lost a bit of weight so her clothes were a bit loose so after a lot of convincing Mazwi let her come to the mall but with some guards ofcourse  since he had a meeting to go to….. She saw a nice summer dress and she put it inside the basket she was carrying and she  continued to look, then on the corner of her eye she saw some guy looking at her and she moved to another row of clothes cause his stare made her feel some typa way and she searched for more clothes to buy…
Then she saw the guy on the corner of her eye again and he was staring then she looked around for her two guards and they were by the door and she sighed and when she attempted to move he was standing right in front of her and she freaked out a bit ***
Man: relax I mean no harm
***he said in a calm manner and the guards quickly moved to her and grabbed the man and the man chuckled***
Guard1: are you ok mam… he giving you trouble?
Kazi: ummm
***she said looking at the guy and his face seemed familiar ***
Man: I just wanted to say hi that’s all…like I said I mean no harm
Guard2: shut up!
Kazi: ummm its ok….let…let him go guys
Guard1: are you sure?
***Kazi nodded and they let him go***
Guard2: don’t try anything funny or you’ll regret it
Man: mmmmh noted
***he chuckled shaking his head then the guard went to stand not far from them***
Man: hi
Kazi: hey ummm…im sorry about that….. ummm you look familiar especially your eyes, do I know you from somewhere
Man: yeah, we met inside an elevator at Summer Glaze hotel and you almost fell but I caught you before you could, remember
***she frowned then her eyes popped out***
Kazi: the guy with cold hands and creepy eyes….yeah I remember you
*** the man laughed a beautiful laugh while Kazi just smiled***
Man: the name is Castiel by the way….Cass for short
***he said stretching his hand out for a handshake and Kazi shook his hand and she frowned looking at their hands***
Kazi: im Ntandokazi…Kazi for short…damn your hand is cold
***Castiel chuckled and he pulled his hand back and put both his hands inside his pockets***
Castiel: I get that a lot
Kazi: is it a condition or…
Castiel: ngilala nginqunu that’s why ( I sleep naked that’s why)
***Kazi’s eyes popped out and Castiel laughed***
Kazi: you didn’t just say that
***Castiel laughed again***
Castiel: ngiya dlala man ( im kidding man), it’s some sort of  a….. condition
***she chuckled shaking her head***
Castiel: you good
Kazi: mmmmh why?
Castiel: ummm guards
***he said pointing at the guards and she sighed***
Kazi: I was kidnapped weeks back so my boyfriend is just being careful…well too careful I must say
***Castiel clenched his jaws looking down then he faked a smile looking at her***
Castiel: a boyfriend huh?
Kazi: yep
***then her phone rang***
Kazi: speak of the devil
***she then answered it***
Kazi: hey
Menzi: who the hell is that Ntandokazi?
***she sighed***
Kazi: someone I know
Menzi: someone you know….Kazi have you forgotten that you were kidnapped weeks back, why haven’t I heard about this guy since we met
***she sighed again***
Kazi: Menzi  relax will you, I have guards with me and this guy once ummm helped me so im sure he means no harm
Menzi: I don’t care if he once took a bullet for you, I don’t know him so he’s a threat….entlek what is that fool’s name
***she rolled her eyes and Castiel chuckled, he could hear the conversation between them since he has super hearing abilities***
Kazi: his name is Castiel Menzi now can you stop
Menzi: I won’t stop cause your safety is my priority Ntandokazi
***she sighed***
Kazi: ok Mapholoba I hear you, let me finish up with my shopping and I’ll go home, how’s that?
Menzi: good that’s what I want to hear…I love you ok
Kazi: I know, shap
***Menzi chuckled***
Menzi: ngithe ngiyakuthanda Ntandokazi ( I said I love you Ntandokazi)
Kazi: ey bhuti you are still in mourning so ngiyeke tuu(so let me be please)
***Menzi laughed***
Menzi: shap I’ll get you
Kazi: bye
***she ended the call and breathed out***
Kazi: sorry about that
Castiel: mmmmh I should get going… I guess I’ll see you around
Kazi: ummm yeah sure
***he walked away looking angry and he gave the guards deadly looks as he walked passed them***


Castiel: shit!...she can’t be falling for that son of a bitch…she cant! 
***then he took out his phone and dialed Ruslan’s numbers***
Ruslan: Cass
Castiel: look im on my way to Pretoria I need to talk to you about something so I need a place to crash, im not hundred percent ok so staying in a hotel is a no no
***Ruslan sighed***
Ruslan: fine you can stay at a house I bought for Thandi and the boys, its being renovated
Castiel: ok thanks bro…. wait, are you ok you sound a bit off
Ruslan: Ray and his wife fought and La Parca and Saint came out so you can imagine what happened
Castiel: oooh shit…. ummm ok im on my way ok
Ruslan: ok
***then they ended the call and he sighed, he wondered what triggered La Parca to come out***
Woman: hi
***Castiel turned and he frowned***
Castiel: yeah what is it?
Woman: ummm are you Josh
Castiel: do I look like a Josh to you
***he said with a straight face and she chuckled nervously***
Woman: umm no actually I hoped you were a Josh so I won’t look this embarrassed in front of such a handsome guy…im Nelly by the way
Castiel: and im not interested
***he walked away leaving the lady with her mouth hanging***
Nelly: mxm you’re too tall for me anyway sdididi( fool) nx
***she walked away sulking***


*** it’s been two hours since Mj drank those sleeping pills and they have already knocked him out and everything else was done the way Kev said, right now Patience (his step mother) was back from her woman’s league meeting and she was busy calling him, she wanted to ask him what she should cook for dinner tonight . She always asks him cause he likes her food and she has gotten used to him telling or rather asking nicely that she should cook what he’s craving for that night so she was calling him for that but he didn’t respond and it wasn’t like him to keep quiet when he’s being called….she knew he was back from “seeing his friends” cause the house help confirmed that he’s back….. she called him a couple of times but there was no response, so she went upstairs to his room to check on him….she knocked on his door but there was no response from Mj again and she started getting worried***
Patience: Junior!
***still nothing***
Patience: fine then im coming in
***she opened the door and saw that he was lying on the bed sleeping***
Patience:  Junior!
***she walked closer to the bed and she looked by the bed side drawer and saw the empty container and her heart started beating fast***
Patience: Junior…Junior
***she said shaking him but he didn’t respond and she put her hands on top of her head***
Patience: ooh God what has this boy done
***she shook him again and roughly this time***
Patience: Junior…Junior  don’t do this to me ooo
***she said with a breaking voice and he still didn’t move and tears ran down her face***
Patience: Junior wake up…what have you done….wake up please my boy don’t do this to me
***She said crying and still he didn’t move then she quickly took out her phone and she called for an ambulance after that she called her husband***
Michael Senior: my love you wont  believe what that boy Junior did…. I swear today im going to kill him with my bare hands
*** he said with an angry voice and Patience cried***
Michael Senior:  honey what’s wrong…why are you crying…did that bastard call you too
Patience: it’s Junior he…he….he’s not moving Michael, I think he overdosed on pills
Michael Senior: WHAT!
Patience: an ambulance is on its way… get here now Michael
***then she dropped the call and she sat on the edge of the bed and pulled his upper body up and she  held him crying then she heard what sounded like a snore….she stopped crying and looked at him but he was still passed out cold ***
Patience: Junior…my boy…wake up….wake please
***she said slapping him gently on his cheek then…… Mj Snored again and louder this time and she froze and frowned looking at him*** 
Patience: Junior
***he continued to snore***

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