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***Noma was rushed to the hospital by Smie, Imani and Jase while the rest stayed back...Mbali and Ntombi were now awake but they were weak and it was worse now that they found out about Muzi’s death....About Muzi, well he was covered with a sheet on the floor while Ma and Baba were also covered with sheets too in the bedroom***
Snakes: konje we have to call the stupid cops since there’s a suicide death here
***No one said anything.....they were sitting in the lounge defeated hey were waiting to hear from Jase and Smiso about Noma’s condition..... then Ray’s phone rang and he sighed and answered***
Ray: bros this is not a good time, some......
***Ruu disturbed him***
Ruu: are you sitting with Mbali’s father
Ray: ummm no
Ruu: go find him and call the remaining brothers to join you, I need to speak to all of you
Ray: umm ohk
***he said surprised but he didn’t ask any questions cause Ruu sounded serious***
Ray: where’s your father Mamba
***he just shrugged his shoulders***
Ray: let’s go find him it’s important
***no one moved then out of the blue they all got up and rushed all over the house searching for Pops thinking maybe he also decided to take  his life....they found him in the backyard drinking straight from a whiskey bottle with tears running down his cheeks...he seemed broken***
Jay: Pops
***he said with a breaking voice and  he ignored them***
Ruu: he needs to get sober as in now Ray!
***Ruu said over the phone***
Ray: Mr K I have Ruu on the phone he says its important
Pops: just leave me alone....i want to be alone
***he said with a drunkard tone ***
Jay: Pops we need...
***he shouted at them***
Ruu: put me on loud speaker bros
***Ray did***
Ray: you’re on loudspeaker
Ruu: ya’ll listen to me carefully.....i can bring back Muzi but I won’t be able to do that with your father drunk
***Jay and Snakes looked at Ray with frowns on their faces and Pops laughed out loud***
Pops: ei wizard, my boy is dead so stop with your nonsense nx
***he gulped down a tremendous amount of his drink and he burped***
Ruu: I can bring him back cause he was sacrificed for the one with a beast to live but on this case your father can’t come back cause he blew his brains out so the good doctor will wonder around with no place to go cause even your ancestors can’t find him
***Pops became almost sober instantly...he put the bottle down slowly and also got up slowly***
Pops: wh...what?
***Jay and Snakes had their eyes popped out***
Snakes: he was what?
Ruu: the person that created this beast thing left no stone unturned but he didn’t thinks it through for when the one with a beast can’t be saved and what will happen to the soul of the one sacrificed
Jay: Pops what is he talking about
***he asked with his heart pounding hard***
Pops: I’ll explain everything later ok
Ruu: so am I allowed
Pops: do anything to bring back my son man...anything!
Ruu: but there’s a catch
Jay: ofcourse there  is mxm
***he said sarcastically****
Ruu: I don’t like your tone Spilo!
***he said with an intimidating tone***
Pops: Jay don’t piss me off ok, if you got nothing positive to say then shut the fuck up!
Pops: go on Ruslan
Ruu: don’t freak out but Ray I want you to do a heart surgery on Muzi
Khumalos: what?
Ray: go on....
Ruu: I want you to switch Muzi’s heart with his grandfather’s
Khumalos: ini? ( what)
Snakes: ai yaqala ke inkathazo madoda! (trouble is starting now)
***Jay just laughed shaking his head***
Ruu: then preserve Muzi’s heart in a sealed bottled container and keep it safe for me
***The Khumalo’s had freaked out expressions on their faces***
Ruu: make sure the room that Muzi’s body will be in is approximately 4 degrees Celsius....make sure the body doesn’t freeze to a rock I just want it and its internal and external organs to not start decaying
Ray: ok
Ruu: as for Killer you guys need to pay a greedy funeral parlor to make sure they take Killer’s body and not ask questions as to why his body has fresh surgical scars and also to leave the police out of it
***Ray looked at Pops***
Pops: noted
Ruu: Ray Thandi is on her way to the airport now she’s coming to you so someone should go pick her up at the airport she’s bringing a potion that you’ll have to inject in an IV that will be attached to Muzi’s veins after the surgery is will do its work until I come back
Ray: ok where are you now
Ruu: im waiting for my going to Guinea Bissau I need some potions there in my Ghost asylum plot
***Snakes sighed shaking his head***
Snakes: he just said Ghost asylum
***he whispered***
Ray: ok anything else we need to do
Ruu: make sure the ladies go and watch over Muzi’s wife after the doctors are done with her, she’s gonna kill herself
Them: ooh shit!
Ruu: they shouldn’t leave her sight and ya’ll make sure I find her at the house when I get there
***Snakes quickly took out his phone and dialed it walking away and Pops breathed out looking up with his hands on his waist ***
Ruu: Ray Muzi’s body better not start decaying man or else he’ll need another body and ya’ll you’ll explain to his wife and all the kids why they should call a stranger dad
Ray: alright got it
Ruu: and there’s another catch.....Muzi will be immortal once he wakes up
Ray: woooh...what?
Jay: immortal as in he won’t be able to die ever 
Ruu: the only time he’ll die is if his original heart is stabbed with a silver knife....anyway enough with the talk go and do as I said and I’ll see ya’ll in two days’ time
***Pops sighed and he shook his head***
Ruu: and Ray this operation needs to be done before midnight cause that’s when La Parca will wake up to come and take his soul to hell
***Ray swallowed***
Ruu: but having his heart inside Muzi will delay everything and I’ll do the ritual and Killer’s spirit will live in Muzi....the devil cant have him man he’s been waiting for him for like forever so im about to take food out of his mouth before he can swallow
***he then chuckled***
Jay: this is just too much
Ruu: ok get to work guys and don’t forget to go and pick Thandi up
Ray: ok man talk to you later
***Ruu dropped the call and Ray sighed***
Ray: Mr K
Pops: let’s go get busy
***Snakes walked towards them***
Snakes: Smie says Imani is also admitted in hospital
Pops: for ini manje ( for what now)....what the hell is happening in this family!
Snakes: he says she’s gonna be fine, she had cramps on her stomach so they immediately admitted her but he said both her and the baby are ok
***Pops breathed out looking down***
Pops: Nhlaka take Kedi and Nomhle to the hospital and give them clear instructions.....they shouldn’t leave her sight, even if she goes to the bathroom they should go with her and also warn them not to mention anything about the deaths to anyone, also tell Jase and Smiso.... as for Mbali and Ntombi they’ll help the nannies to look after the kids
***Snakes nodded***
Pops: then when you arrive at the hospital take Jase and go to Mpisane funeral Parlour and get him to come and take the bodies with no questions asked, pay him any amount he wants
Snakes: ok
***he walked away***
Pops: Jay go and prepare the white room for the operation then come and help us with the bodies
***Jay nodded and walked away then Pops sighed***
Pops: do you think he’ll be able to bring him back
Ray: he brought Castiel’s wife me he will
Pops: so he likes playing God
***Ray chuckles***
Ray: Ruu is one of the most powerful being out there, that man got my soul back from the devil, I may have ended up with La Parca but to tell you the truth I’d choose being  La Parca’s carrier any day over being the devils bitch
***Pops sighed***
Pops: ai let’s go
***Ray followed him....The nannies were warned not to let the kids leave the cinema room....the room is packed with junk food and there’s also a toilet and the seats are all recliners and there’s also Airwick mattresses for them to sleep on***  



***Thorsten quickly raised his head when he felt Imani move....she opened her eyes and she found Thor looking at her***
Thor: hey beautiful
***she smiled weakly at him***
Thor: how are you feeling?
***she swallowed hard and her eyes got filled with tears then they fell***
Thor: no no...don’t do that my love....please don’t
***he said getting up and he wiped her tears off***
Imani: I killed her Smie....i prayed and she died
Thor: Ma had cancer Immy and she was on the last stage....she came back home to die in peace baby so you didn’t kill her
***she sniffed***
Imani: it hurts hurts so bad
***Thor swallowed***
Thor: I know.....believe me I know
***he said with a low tone and she held his hand and he weakly smiled at her squeezing it***
Imani: Im sorry for you loss baby, I know you’re a man and a tough one at that but im here for can be tough out there but this chest is yours to be vulnerable....we will cry together
***he kissed her lips***
Thor: I love you
Imani: I love you too
*** he brushed her belly and she breathed out***
Imani: how’s Noma
***Thor sighed***
Thor: she’ll be fine with time.....
***tears filled her eyes***
Thor: its ok baby, I know it’s hard but don’t stress too much....think of the baby please
***she sniffed nodding then Thor’s phone rang and it was Jase***
Thor: Jase
Jase: Mamba is here
Thor: ok im coming



Castiel: relax your muscles so you don’t squash him
***she did as told***
Phumi: why can’t I cry...i want to cry but I cant
***she said getting worked up***
Castiel: calm down or you’ll scare him
***he said softly and he saw her face softening up a bit***
Phumi: im a mother
***she said to herself and the baby made cute sound opening his eyes a bit then closing them again and she smiled wide***
Castiel: I love you Phumi
***she ignored him***
Castiel: I had to do what I had to do to bring you back....i couldn’t lose you bello and Thiago needs you
Phumi: should I put him down here
***Cass sighed***
Castiel: yeah
***she tried by all means to gently put him down and she managed....yesterday Cass came down with Thiago and he begged her to concentrate and try to minimize the loudness of the sounds she’s hearing and after some she managed to minimize the sounds she kept hearing....then he convinced her to hold Thiago and when she did and after that she didn’t want to put him down ever again....Every time he woke up she would pick him up, she even stayed in the nursery watching over him the whole night since she can’t fall asleep***
Phumi: you can leave I’ll look after him
Castiel: we need to talk bello and plus you need to feed
***she just looked at him with a deadly stare***
Castiel: if you don’t feed now you’ll end up feeding on Thiago is that what you want?
***she quickly looked at Thiago***
Phumi: fine let’s go
***she moved fast forgetting that she has enhanced speed now and she  ended up going through the door waking Thiago in the process...she tried to slow her speed and she hit the wall with her front side of her body cracking it in the process and she fell on her back...she got up and she screamed punching the wall and her hand went through it making a hole on it***
Castiel: do you feel better now?
***he said with Thiago in his arms, he was sucking on his bottle***
Phumi: it’s all your fault im like this!
***She shouted at him and Cass sighed***
Castiel: yeah it’s my fault now let’s go feed.....and walk need to learn to control your speed


***they were now in the kitchen and she was sucking blood out of a packet full of it as if her life depends on it....Well her life depends on it but you know what I mean.....anyway she sucked 7 packets full of blood within seconds and when she was about to go take another one from the fridge Cass stopped her and the look she gave him.... yeses***
Castiel: you need to control your had 7 today and yesterday cause you’re a new born but after a week or so then you’ll have three per day to control your cravings 
Phumi: just give me the damn packet and stop saying useless shit to me nx!
***she said with her bloodied fangs all out and his face changed***
Castiel: don’t ever talk to me like that Phumi.....i know you can’t control yourself or how you should behave as yet but I’ll fucken rip that disrespectful head of yours and burn it you hear me!
***he said with a stern voice and she swallowed looking down***
Phumi: sorry
***he continued to give her a deadly stare for some time then he clicked his tongue***
Castiel: nx now control your cravings don’t let it control you.... if you fail to control your cravings how will you teach Thiago how to control his?
Phumi: but im not yet full Cass
***She said sulking and he sighed***
Castiel: take one more but that’s it for today
***she quickly went to take it and she sucked on it with her eyes closed***
Castiel: look at mommy enjoying that like a hungry lion
***He said to his son and Phumi opened her eyes and she looked at him frowning***
Castiel: im not talking to you, im talking to my son haw
***He looked at his son***
Castiel: ai unyoko mfana wami ( your mother my boy)
***Phumi rolled her eyes and continued to suck on the packet full of animal blood***



*** Mbali was busy making food for the kids and nannies while Ntombi took plates of food to them....Ray, Pops and Jay were busy with the operation while Snakes and Jase where now on their way back from the funeral parlour and the airport to pick Thandi up....Mbali was wiping the counter when she felt lightheaded, she held on to the counter with her shaky hands.....the next thing she was going down as her knees gave up to her when something caught her and it carried her, she opened her eyes slowly and she saw a smoke like figure ***
Mbali: S...Saint?
Saint: yes it’s me mommy
***it went with him to the lounge, Ntombi was coming from the cinema/playroom when she stopped on her track with her eyes popped out and her heart pounding hard***
Saint: breath sisNtombi or you’ll pass out
***Saint said walking to the couch carrying Mbali.....Ntombi wasn’t even aware that she was holding in her breath when she breathed out***
Saint: Baba said I should go help mommy cause she was gonna faint and hit her head hard on the floor as she fell
***Ntombi swallowed hard and Saint put Mbali down on the couch and he covered her with a throw blanket***
Ntombi: B...Baba?
Saint: yes he’s still here
***Ntombi quickly looked around***
Saint: he’s down in the basement
***Ntombi closed her eyes and she opened them again and Saint was still there***
Saint: you better get used to me cause im not going anywhere any time soon
***Ntombi swallowed hard then she breathed out***
Saint: She has so much pain in her it normal?
***Ntombi looked at Mbali who had her eyes closed***
Ntombi: we...we are all feeling the pain but I guess in different ways
Saint: so its normal for humans to feel it
***she nodded slowly***
Saint: she also felt something similar after Amo said unpleasant words to her
***Ntombi frowned***
Ntombi: what do you mean by unpleasant?
Saint: Mommy called her to apologize and she said she doesn’t want to associate herself with demonic things, she said mommy and her family should distance themselves from her
Ntombi: she said that?
Saint: something of that nature and mommy was feeling something similar to this with a mixture of anger
Ntombi: hehe that over ripe bitch nxa
***Saint could feel Ntombi’s anger rising from where he’s standing***
Saint: you’re angry
***Ntombi finally moved from her spot and she went to sit down, she just realized that being scared of Saint to a point of shaking every time he’s around is a waste of time and energy cause like he said, he’s gonna be around for a long time***
Ntombi: I can’t believe she said that to Mbali after Mbali called to apologize...nx....she’s lucky im in mourning or else I’ll deal with her nx
Saint: you would do that for mommy
***he asked surprised***
Ntombi: family comes first in our family and we have each other’s backs always 
Saint: mmmmh
Voice: hai hai man....and nou?
***it was Snakes***
Saint: he’s scared of me let me go before he faints again
***and the smoke disappeared and Ntombi sighed***
Snakes: where did he go?
***he said looking around then he looked at Ntombi***
Snakes: ukhuluma nama demoni manje Ntombi? ( you’re speaking to demons now Ntombi)
Ntombi: eish leave me alone Nhlaka tuu...ngizilile ( im in mourning) for heaven’s sake!
***then Jase walked in with Thandi and Ntombi got up and went to her and they hugged***
Jase: what?
Snakes: Saint was out here talking to Ntombi can you imagine
***he said in a dramatic manner***
Ntombi: ai let’s go this way Thandi
***she said rolling her eyes and they walked away***
Snakes: mxm
Jase: what’s wrong with you?
Snakes: she was talking to a demon as if it’s a normal thing to do Jase...hai no man
***Jase shook his head***
Jase: just stop with your “too soon” moments Nhlaka this is not the time assomblief
Snakes: what “too soon” moments.....mfowethu I walked in on my wife chatting with Saint!
Jase: did she look frightened
Snakes: no...but
Jase: then let it go mfowethu we have important things to deal with haw
Snakes: hai man this shit is not normal at all
Jase: you still freaked out about Saint is what is not normal
Snakes: tsek!
Saint: tell him bhutiJase!
***they both jumped up startled looking around***
Snakes: tsek man Saint...uyangizwa...fosek msunu nxa!
*** He shouted looking around and Jase chuckled a little shaking his head then he went to Mbali***
Jase: princess
Mbali: mmmmh
***she said with her eyes still closed***
Jase: what’s wrong...why are you sleeping here?
Mbali: I feel dizzy and I have a headache
Jase: bring painkillers and some water upstairs Snakes
***Snakes rushed towards the kitchen and Jase picked Mbali up and went upstairs with hour later the mortuary people came and took Baba and Ma’s corpses and they left with them ***


Voice: ooh Amoooo!
***Amo heard someone call her name in her sleep but she ignored it***
Voice: Amo wake up.....wake up Amo.....
***she opened her eyes slowly thinking its Jabu and all of a sudden she felt her body being turned and she faced up....her heart pounded hard against her chest cause she could tell whatever that was happening was not normal at all....she tried to opened her mouth and scream out for Jabu but she couldn’t***
Voice: don’t waste your breath he can’t hear you....he’s sleeping peacefully
***the voice said....she tried to move but her body felt stiff....she then decided to pray in her heart but in some weird way she couldn’t....tears gushed out as total fear took over....Then a scary demonic face appeared closer to her face and she could see it clearly cause her side lamp was on...... her eyes popped out then she tried to scream but her voice couldn’t come out***
Saint: you hurt mommy....she apologized and you hurt her
*** Saint said with a scary voice and Amo continued to cry silently as Saint’s demonic face was right in front of hers........ besides her slept Jabu who was even snoring a bit***
Saint: you think you’re better than me just because you are human and im a demon right...well let me tell you something, the only Christian that is better than me is the one that doesn’t judge others and most importantly follows all the Ten you follow all of them Amo
***she just cried silently***
Saint: you know if I didn’t let the devil take over my emotions  I would be in heaven right now......i was a dedicated Christian to a point that if you slapped me on one cheek I’ll hand over another one gracefully...... you see I was a slave so I prayed long and hard for God to save me from my cruel master.....i had faith and I prayed like a devoted Christian until one day my master killed my brother in cold blood and after that he ordered that his body be fed to his dogs for lunch.....right then I derailed from my faith and I made a decision out of anger and hurt and I broke into his house and stabbed him countless times....his son shot me on my back and I died on the spot and when I opened my eyes thinking that maybe he missed I realized that I was in hell or somewhere close to that....the demon that was torturing me told me the man I killed was gonna die of a short illness in a few weeks and I proved right to the devil that we only believe in God and his miracles not wholeheartedly and only to a certain point until we “think” he has forgotten us which is not true....if only I held on to my faith a while longer and I wouldn’t have been like this......
***Amo continued to cry silently***
Saint: that was my mistake but I will not make a mistake of letting a Christian with conditions like you hurt her or judge her for accepting her son as he is....... no one hurts mommy and gets away with one!
***then he disappeared and that’s when a loud cry escaped her mouth and Jabu jumped up switching on his side lamp***
Jabu: what’s wrong...keng!
***he said as he looked at her***
Jabu: keng rato laka? ( what is it my love)
***she just cried shaking with fear...he pulled her closer and held her tight as she cried shaking***
Jabu: it was just a nightmare rato laka its ok....
***he said comforting her until she calmed down***
Amo: I...i wasn’t dreaming....he...he was here Jabu....he was here
Jabu: who?
Amo: the evil demon....
Jabu: what evil demon?
Amo: Saint....he was here....he was here Jabu.....
Jabu: heh?
***he asked with a  confused look on his face***

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