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Heath: o right?
Jabu: ke tla ba shap ( I’ll be fine)
***Heath nodded***
Jabu:  e re ke phounele dai moerskond a tlise Sbu mo ke nako ya gore ke mo chaele gore go chunagalang (let me call ass “Sbu’s driver” to drop him here its time I told him what’s going on)
***Heath sighed***
Heath: eish...i hope he takes it better than I did
***Jabu looked at him***
Jabu: better than you did?
Heath: she hurt you Mjava....seeing you cry like that broke me mfowethu....I’ve never seen you like that before
***he said with a sad tone.....he waited for Jabu to make fun of what he just told him but nope he didn’t***
Jabu: haarde ( sorry) Mshikaro.... I remember how I felt dai tyt ( that time) you were kidnapped
***Heath swallowed hard as a flash of that scene played on his mind and he quickly shook it off***
Jabu: one thing ek veet ka wena ke gore (one thing I know about you is)...zange zange ka jaja( I’ve never known) someone as strong as you
***Heath chuckled a bit***
Heath: same goes to you
Jabu: nah...wena Mshikaro....
***he chuckled shaking his head***
Jabu: you created personalities to survive and when Big Ray finally found you and I saw you in that state you were in....i thought o ka se laste....i thought o ipolaya....i know nna I wouldn’t have made it mara wena...wena you made it out alive and vandag o phela le digafi tsa gao in peace ( I thought you wont make it....i thought you’ll kill yourself....i know I wouldn’t have made it but made it out alive and today you live with your crazies in peace)
***Heath laughed***
Heath: digafi neh? (crazies?)
***Jabu chuckled***
Jabu:  heh monna I met masepa a bareng Observer...motete wa sgafi....dai moerskond ke founder ya bogafi....tjeeerrr ( man I met that shit called Observer....a crazy ass....that asshole is the founder of crazies...tjeeerrr)
***Heath laughed out loud***
Jabu: kao chaela...then go nale Caesar( im telling you...then there’s Caesar) ....Mr know it all
***he shook his head***
Jabu: wa bona Caesar o tla go etsa o feel(e) e kare o domkop o tshwere PHD....di plane tsa gae di confus(a) tsotsi e be di e tse le sense at the same time ( you see Caesar can make you to feel like a dunderhead  while you hold a PHD.... his plans confuses a thug and also makes sense at the same time)
***Heath busted out with loud laughter***
Jabu: eeh boss ka di bona ka digafi tsa gao struu...then go nale Mr soldier man.... ( eeh boss im seeing things with your crazies for real....then there’s Mr soldier man)
***he then laughed***
Jabu: ai
***Heath was still laughing***
Jabu: mara a gona flopo.... ke di amogetse and re mjojo nna le tsona (but all is good....i have excepted them and we are good me and them)
***Then Jabu’s phone rang and Lorraine’s number flashed on his screen...he frowned then he answered***
Jabu: sho
Raine: Jabu hi its...its  Lorraine
***she said with a shaky voice***
Jabu: sure lolly...dintshang ( what’s up)
***she kept quiet a bit***
Raine: im sorry to call you like this but.....i didn’t know who to call i....i need help....i need your help...but if you can’t  I’ll understand....i just...
Jabu: wooooh....flopo keng ( whats wrong)
*** Heath looked at Jabu and she breathed out over the phone***
Raine: im being threatened Jabu and I don’t know what to do
Jabu: threatened by who
Raine: by ex-husband
Jabu: why
***she kept quiet a bit***
Raine: i....i can’t say it over the phone....all I can say is ..... it was a matter of life and death
***Jabu kept quiet a bit***
Jabu: let me guess dai moerskond helped you on something illegal and now he’s using that to make you do things you don’t want
***she sniffed***
Raine: I can’t do it Jabu...i really can’’re my last hope and if you can’t help me then im gonna hand myself in than to do what he’s asking of me
***Jabu sighed brushing his head***
Raine: he said I have a week to decide and I have begged him and offered him money to leave me alone but he’s keen on making me do that
Jabu: o batla gore o chuneng ( what does he want you to do)
Raine: to open a modeling agency and to lure in innocent young women....he’s into human trafficking Jabu and I can’t...i just cant
Jabu: moerskond!!!
Jabu: wa jaja gore sa le wa chunegela ke eng ( does he know what once happened to you)
Raine: yeah
***she said with a low voice***
Jabu: and still o batla o chune masepa ao ( and he still wants you to do that shit)
***she cried***
Jabu: msoono wa gae nx.... sa wara wena come this side kaosane ( his cunt nx...don’t worry just come this side tomorrow)
Raine: he’s having me followed Jabu
Jabu: ke re etla this side ( I said come this side)
Raine: ohk....
***she sniffed***
Jabu: me if something happens
Raine: ok thank you
Jabu: shap
***he ended the call and sighed***
Heath: flopo ( whats wrong)
Jabu: Lolly is in shit and I need to help her and maybe helping her will take my mind off things
Heath: what kind of shit
Jabu: I think she killed someone in self-defense and ex-husband helped her and now he’s threatening her gore a mo join(e) for human trafficking
Heath: what?...piece of shit!!!
Jabu: and to think gore wa jaja gore Lolly was once kidnapped and raped for days before dai moerskond dumped her somewhere thinking gore she’s dead and he asks her to do this
***he shook his head***
Heath: then broer wa gae ( his brother) was killed by a serial killer and nou o re e kare o bodisitse motho ( and now you’re saying you think she killed someone)...yah neh
Jabu: she’s been through a lot and moerskond o o add(a ) masepa a mangwe mo dimo nx ( and that ass is adding more shit on top nx)
Heath: let me do some research ka dai bari( about that fool)....i want to deal with him accordingly
Jabu: batho ba nnyela ko toilet yena onnyela mo dimo ga tlhogo ya Lolly nx....fokon shit!.....o nyaka Ruu a mo gafise a nnyele...o nale masepa ( people shit inside a toilet and he shits on top of Lolly’s head nx...fucken shit....Ruu will make him run mad...he’s full of shit)
***Heath laughed as he stood up***
Jabu: and today o robala ko wena ke shap nna..... im sure mamiwota o  nyorilwe blaen ( and today you’re sleeping at your house im sure mamiwota is thirsty for you)
***Heath laughed***
Heath: fotsek ( piss off)
***Jabu chuckled***
Jabu: mara o mmotse gore antsholele le mfanaka ( tell her to dish for me and my boy)
***Heath laughed waking away....then Jabu’s phone rang again and he didn’t recognize the numbers but he answered anyway***
Jabu: sho
Amo: ke Amo please don’t drop the call...please
*** she begged him and Jabu got angry***
Jabu: ei motho not now tuu....assomblief not now
***then he dropped the call clicking his tongue***



Sbu: whatever it is I didn’t do it dad?
***Jabu looked at him***
Jabu: did I say you did something wrong
Sbu: no have a serious look on your face and you want to talk to
Jabu: wa phapha san ( you’re forward boy)
***he said hitting him on the back of his head lightly smiling and Sbu chuckled***
Sbu: so if it’s not me then what’s wrong
***Jabu sighed***
Jabu: Amo and I are separated 
***Sbu kept quiet looking down***
Jabu: im not what she wants in a man and I can’t change who I am for anyone  mfanaka (my boy)
Sbu: what do you mean you’re not what she wants in a man
***he asked him confused***
Jabu: o nyaka ke tshwane le bo uncle ba hao ( she wants me to be like your uncles) the way they are and how they live
Sbu: I still don’t understand papa
Jabu: she envies your aunts Mbali and Naledi’s lives first she used what happened ko parting ya Mbali as an excuse but later she came clean during a meeting with both our families....
***he sighed...this was hard for him***
Jabu: ka mo rata Amo mara she hurt me and I don’t know how to move past that hurt my boy
***Sbu swallowed as his eyes got filled with tears***
Sbu: I’ve been trying to call her but she doesn’t answer my calls....i thought she left because of me
***he said with a low tone***
Jabu: it has nothing to do with you boy....wa jaja gore kena le bati ya basadi ( you know I have bad luck when it comes to women) ....i could make it work with her for you and Lile but I don’t want you to think gore go shap go kgotlhella masepa ko lenyalong or in  a relationship for the sake ya bana ( that its ok to stay in a toxic marriage or relationship for the sake of  your kids) .....
***he sighed***
Jabu: that’s why men end up killing women cause instead of walking away if ba bona gore the relationship e fithlile the toxic stage ba no nna bantse ba re ka mo rata ( it has reached the toxic stage they just say “I love her”) , “we’ve been through a lot together”.... “we have kids and i want them to grow up in a family with two parents still together cause I didn’t have that growing up ”..... that is until they explode and do things they regret afterwards.....even women stay in toxic marriages for the sake of their children the next thing dincosi tsa bona ( their children) more especially boys grow up thinking its right to treat women like their father did with their mother and girls think its ok to stay in an abusive or toxic relationship cause their mother did
***Jabu sighed***
Jabu: I want you to know gore just because you love someone it doesn’t mean you have to tolerate their doesn’t mean you have to stay with them unless they change for real and the love is still there ok
***Sbu nodded looking down***
Jabu: you and your partner are gonna make mistakes cause no one is perfect but cheri that doesn’t appreciate you and accept you for who you are a fotsekele kwa ( she can go to hell) .....and never I mean never ever change who you are for anyone, if they cant accept you for who you are then a ba fotseke ( they can go to hell)....wa bona nna ke happy the way ke leng.....kai gafela....mmmh.... ge ke nyaka go ova senngamla ka se ova ke nyaka go ova se kasi ka se ova mmmmh....( im happy with the way I crazy...mmmh.... when I want to speak English I speak it....when I want to speak vernac I speak it)
***Sbu chuckled***
Jabu: I blend in le corporate people gape le ko kasi I blend in jack of all traits....can’t get cant tholakale ( im a rare breed)....mmmh... kae goga cigar ke jele an expensive suit kentse le dinngamla ke sentsha ka dinko...mmmh....le patje kae bofa ke blomile le majita ko car wash ke jele di floshem le di brendwood ( I can smoke a cigar while wearing an expensive suit chilling with rich people speaking polished English....mmmh.... even weed I roll it on a paper while chilling with guys at a car wash wearing florsheims and brentwoods)
****they laughed***
Jabu: ka dlala I don’t wear di floshem le di brendwood ( im kidding I don’t wear florsheims and brentwood) and weed is bad
***more laughter***
Jabu: and the abantu bazothini syndrome  doesn’t exist in our family....if wa gafa igafela in peace....if o Mr serious be serious in peace.... ( and the what will people say syndrome doesn’t exist in our family....if you’re crazy be crazy in peace....if you’re Mr serious be serious in peace) if oskrr skrr be skrr skrr in peace
***Sbu chuckled***
Jabu: mara a drug addict, a woman beater and a judgmental person yena ro mo mura nyaope e tswe a yo joina boruti same time ( we will beat the nyaope out of him to a point that he will become a pastor same time)....if you have problems you talk to one of us about it, whether ke bullying or banyana ( girls) or even mdavaso o ova le rona (sex you talk to us) ....even if o flopile ( you mess up) you talk to us, we will swear at you and even whip your ass mara we will solve it for you at the end ra utlwana
Sbu: sure thaima
Jabu: as for Amo and tla bona mara I can’t change who I am for anyone..... so if it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out and I’ll heal and continue searching for the one mara wena sa stressa....concentrate on your school work o phase so o kgone go vaya o ye Cuba....zaka ya gao e ready ke go beetse yona le apartment e teng e go emetse and o kereya le transi..... wena o sai stressa ka taba tsa batho ba bagolo cause nna those distinctions ka di batla in a few months’ time, a ke nyake story... ( concentrate on your school work and pass so that you will be able to go to Cuba....your money is ready I saved it for you even your apartment is there waiting for you and you’ll also get a car....dont stress yourself with elder people’s things cause those distinctions I want them in a few months’ time, I don’t want stories)
Sbu: sure thaima
Jabu: if you feel like this thing between Amo and I it’s stressing you then I’ll find you a good therapist.... ok
*** Sbu nodded then Jabu wrapped his arm around his neck and pulled him closer and kissed the top of his head***
Jabu: kaocanywa wautlwa ( I love you you hear me)
***Sbu nodded***
Sbu: lenna kaocanywa thaima ( I love you too)
Jabu: now zaiya o ntlele biri and skhola vathi for wena o bowe ke tlo go mura mo PlayStation (now go and and bring me a bottle of beer and coke for yourself and come back so I will beat on PlayStation)
***Sbu laughed and stood up and walked away still laughing....Jabu’s face became sad and he sighed as tears filled his eyes then he quickly fought them back and he sat back waiting for his son***



***its late in the afternoon and Phumi and Cass still couldn’t believe what was happening to their son***
Phumi: so Ruslan said we shouldn’t worry
Cass: Yeah...he said something like this once happened back in the medieval times...he’s a grandson to Salvatore so anything is possible bello
***she sighed...she was worried about her son....his eyes turned yellowish and he frowned***
Phumi: and nou...Cass look
Cass: what is it boy
Phumi: what’s going on Cass
***Cass frowned and he got up and so did Phumi....they heard the same thing***
Phumi: who’s that
Cass: I don’t know....stay here I’ll be back
Phumi: Cass...
Cass: I’ll be fine bello stay here
***She slowly sat down with Thia on her lap***


***Cass apparated and he stood behind the lady with a scary look on his face***
Cass: what the fuck do you want!!
***the lady jumped startled and she turned***
Cass: I said what the fuck do you want
Lady: i...i need your help
***the door opened and Phumi came out holding Thia***
Cass: what are you doing outside with Thia Phumi... didn’t I say stay inside I’ll be back!!
***he said not happy with her and she just gave him a look then she looked at the lady***
Phumi: I can sense fear from you
***the lady swallowed looking over from Cass to Phumi***
Phumi: you seem nervous and scared
***she looked at Cass then at Phumi again***
Phumi: im his wife and this is our son Thiago
***the lady could tell when Phumi walked out that she’s also a for Cass, he just shook his head looking down***
Phumi: she means no harm Cass so chill
Cass: don’t tell me to chill Phumelele...she’s a fucken witch
***Phumi gave him the look***
Phumi: language!!
***he breathed out frustrated***
Lady: im pregnant and my daughter is your son’s mate
***Cass laughed a mocking laugh***
Cass: leave before I castrate you
Lady: you’re a vampire Castiel and you know how things are in our world.....
***then she looked at Phumi***
Lady: im gonna get killed two weeks after I give birth and no it can’t be married to a wonderful man and he won’t be able to handle her and her gift so I need your help
Phumi: you gonna get killed?
Lady: don’t feel sorry for me, I have been avoiding death but the angel of death will finally get to me at least he’s gonna let me give birth first
*** she smiled faintly and Phumi frowned looking at Cass cause Ray’s demon is the angel of death but Cass shook his head lightly so she doesn’t say anything and she just swallowed***
Cass: how did you find us and you expect us to believe that, that baby you’re carrying is our son’s mate
***he chuckled ***
Lady: your son is a Dhampir and your wife here is a daughter to a powerful witch as for her father he was good kindhearted man
Phumi: excuse you?
Lady: your adopted mother always spoke about your “uncle” and his wife who were brutally killed long ago....every time she spoke about them she would shed a tear...
***Phumi looked at her horrified***
Phumi: did you know that
Lady: first of all he wasn’t your uncle...they weren’t even related at all....she was their maid and they trusted her with you when your biological mother saw what was about to happen to them, both her and her husband wanted you to be safe, to have a normal life and not be chased by evil vampires...
Cass: what evil vampires
***he said cutting her off***
Lady: the brethren
***Cass’s eyes popped out then he looked at Phumi....the lady also looked at Phumi***
Lady: your adopted mother knew who your mother really was....she met a man and they got married and raised you together but things happened.....look your biological mother was my mother’s mentor and my god mother....
Phumi: this is.... mother would’ve told me the truth....she would’ her daughter and...and you’re lying
***she said shaking her head***
Lady: am i....and would she?....would she tell you that your mother was a witch and she was killed by vampires....before you met him you interpretation of witches was different to now....
Cass: ok that’s enough
Lady: look I have two weeks left and Im about to send you the location where my daughter and my husband will be hiding
She got busy on her phone and Castiel’s phone beeped...he wondered how she got her numbers..... then she looked at Phumi who was still trying to make sense of what this lady just said***
Lady: im sorry you’re finding out everything like this....
***then she looked at Cass***
Lady: let fate bring them together but always look after my daughter....she’s your son’s life line and once he meets her his life will never be the a good look after mine and she’ll look after yours
***she then looked at Thia***
Lady: a tiny bit of her blood will be his cure....always remember that!!
***Then she turned to leave***
Cass: wait....
***she stopped waking***
Cass: who’s gonna kill you and what’s your name and your husband’s name
Phumi: don’t tell me you believe all this rubbish Cass
Lady: the brethren and my name is husband’s name is Malakai Simbine, he was born in Mozambique but he lives here in South Africa....
***she took a step then she stopped***
Lady: protect my daughter with your life Castiel for your son’s sake
***then she said some foreign words and disappeared into thin air***
Phumi: what the....Cass...
Cass: let’s go inside
Phumi: do you believe her?
Cass: I’ll only believe it if Madou says it’s the truth...lets go
***He looked at Thiago and he sighed then they went inside and Cass called Ruslan***


***The following day Castiel and Phumi arrived in Pretoria and now they are waiting for Ruslan to come and explain to them about what that lady said about Phumi and Thia***
Cass: you wanna feed
***Phumi shook her head no and Cass sighed***
Cass: come here
***she sighed and went to him then he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head***
Cass: everything will be alright
Phumi: what if....
***Cass sighed***
Cass: it won’t change anything bello and as for Thiago if that lady is telling the truth then we will do as she said and protect her daughter for our son’s sake
***Phumi breathed out***
Phumi: this is all messed up baby
Cass: tell me about it
***then his phone indicated that he just received a message and he reached for it and opened was Ruslan telling him to meet him at Jabu’s place....after his meeting he’ll pick Thandi up and drive there to see him***


Lorraine: are you sure your wife won’t mind me being here Jabu
Jabu: will you just relax
Lorraine: I don’t wanna cause problems for you...i really don’t mind staying at a hotel
***Jabu gave her a serious look and she kept quiet***
Jabu: if ne ke na le jaive gore o blome mo (if I had a problem with you staying here) I would have booked you into a hotel Lorraine
***she sighed***
Lorraine: ok mara you did tell your wife gore o nale moeng right? ( that you have a visitor right?)
Jabu: no
Lorraine: bathong Jabu....can you just call her and tell her before she gets here, I don’t want problems can even lie and say im your distance don’t know how crazy women are these days...they act first and ask questions later!!!
***Jabu chuckled***
Jabu: she doesn’t live here anymore and don’t ask me why.... and le gona why are you worried about my wife...i should be the one worried and not wena
***she sighed***
Lorraine: I just...
***she sighed again***
Lorraine: I really need your help Jabu, you’re my only hope and I don’t want to seem ungrateful by disrespecting your matrimonial home and your wife by being here without her knowledge...what if she kicks me out and forbids you from helping me....
***she said with a low tone ...he gave her a weird look then he sighed shaking his head***
Jabu: do you trust me
***she nodded looking at him***
Jabu: then relax ok
***she breathed out***
Lorraine: sorry im just....
Jabu: sa wara ( don’t worry)
***she breathed out again and she relaxed then the door opened and Jabu quickly reached for his gun but he stopped when he saw Cass and his family walking in***
Phumi: never ever do that again
***Cass laughed...he just apparated from their car to the front porch holding on to Phumi and Thia***
Cass: it was fun seeing you freaked out like that
Phumi: mxm
Jabu: wa go tonya ( the cold one) aka  Freeza
***Cass laughed***
Cass: tsek
***they bro hugged as they laughed***
Jabu: and you must be Phumza Maphumza....Phumzaza....Phumisto.....Bella wa ndakie ( a black Bella)
***Phumi laughed and so did Cass ***
Phumi: and you must be the famous Jabu
***still laughing***
Jabu: wa utlwa Lolly ke bitsiwa  “ the famous one” ( you hear that Lolly im being called “the famous one”)
***Lorraine giggled and Jabu kissed Phumi’s cheek***
Jabu: damn you’re cold
Phumi: and your blood’s smell is so appetizing
***Jabu quickly moved away from her and she laughed***
Jabu: keep her away from me man.....i have garlic in the house and a bible and im anointed by the blood of Jesus
***he said looking at Cass and both Cass and his wife laughed while Lorraine looked at them confused by what they were saying***
Jabu: anyway this is Lorraine my friend... Lolly this is my bro Castiel from another mother and his beautiful but dangerous wife Phumi and their son Thia Mathiago
Lorraine: hi
***she wondered why Phumi and her husband’s skins were so pale....and she could see that the is something creepy but also fascinating about them***
Phumi: hello
***then she frowned***
Phumi: she’s not dead...he lied to you
Lorraine: huh?
Phumi: the women you think you killed is not dead
***Lorraine looked at her shocked with her eyes popped out and so did Jabu***
Jabu: how do you know that
Cass: bello...another new one huh?
***she sighed***
Phumi: I guess so
Jabu: Cass explain mfowethu
Cass: she’s.... gifted...yah she has a.... gift
***he spoke to Jabu with his eyes***
Jabu: ooh... you mean gifted...oh ok
*** he cleared his throat and Cass walked to him and whispered to him***
Cass: you’re fucked
Jabu: heh?
Cass: ....your soul mate is here and your ungrateful wife is at the gate
Jabu: what?
***he frowned and Cass chuckled then he went to sit down***
Jabu: wa gafa wena Freeza.... mxm e re ke ye six/nine ka bowa ( you’re crazy Freeza.... mxm let me go to the toilet I’ll be back)
***he walked away***
Cass: come and have a sit bello
***she went to sit next to Cass and Lorraine slowly sat down with her heart beating fast...her mind was all over the place....she wondered how Phumi knew her secret and by the look of things even Jabu was shocked by her revelation meaning he didn’t tell her anything***
Phumi: there’s something about this lady
***she whispered to Cass ***
Cass: she’s his soul mate
***he whispered back***
Phumi: damn....wait......who’s that at the gate
Cass: the wife
Phumi: Amo?
***she asked with her eyes popped out looking at him and he stole a kiss***
Cass: yeah
***they continued to whisper....while Lorraine was miles and miles away thinking about what Phumi said***
Phumi: ooh shit
***Thia woke up***
Phumi: hey baby you are wake...mommy’s boy is awake....
***she kissed his forehead***
Thia: dada....
***the parents looks at him shocked***
Thia: mama....
***then the intercom rang***

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