💢Chapter 19💢

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Wrote augest 16th 2019
As the night went on both of you had already decided how it would go; you'd hold hands, complement eachother sometimes and then hug goodbye or something, this was your guys plan, all you hoped is that he would stick to it.

Soon enough a larger scale crime was reported on the radio by your bed, as you grabbed you suit you motioned Miles to get get ready too, usually you'd be out and about but you've been busy lately. As you finally pulled yourself into the suit you then pulled on your mask and headed out, not waiting for Miles. Your body glideded through the air as you headed to the mess, Miles soon caught up with you.

Taking a leap out the window you shot a web and phased through the building ahead. It felt good to feel invincible and not invisible. You then got closer to the issue; slowing yourself down you're feet touched the ground gently. Looking to the side you saw Miles next to you, notcibly concerned. "let's go," he then said, shaking his head and jogging up to the crime scene, you soon followed after him. Looking at the area it looked like someone came through with a bulldozer, it was bad. Looking around many police cards were in a circle. two cars rested in near buildings, it must have been a raid or something. Looking around many citizens seemed to be trapped in the buildings, probably as a safety precaution. Soon another car came in from behind you and Miles, your senses yelled at you. Turning around you shot about 4 webs at the car and ran up to it, after being behind it you pulled with all your strength, Miles must have left to explore the rest without you noticing because you didn't see him anywhere. You brung your focus back to the car, you shot a few webs with it to attach it to a near by telephone pole. Thankfully it stuck, you then jumped onto the car and peered into the passenger window. "Exuse me, have any manners, you almost hit a woman!" you said with fake anger as you shot a web at him, assisting you as you tossed him out and then stuck him to the ground. The driver seemed to have caught on because soon you saw someone exit the car and scramble to leave. Your attention was pulled from him when you felt yourself being yanked into the air, "wh-" you jerked you head, seeing Miles on the other end. "shshshssh-" he had shushed you as you then landed on the top of the roof of the building that had been crashed into.
"my dad said that raiders came in, with uh some type of bomb?" he said confused yet seriously. Your eyes widened. "so they're probably keeping some people hostage in one of the buildings, lets split up," you firmly stated.

(im sorry but i have more in store for this chapter and im skipping this part because its not that big of a deal;; )

As you both came back to the dorms after the mess of things you realized what time it was. "oh my god, it took that long?" you groaned tiredly. "I know, not the usual fight y'know?" he stated, pulling off his mask. "its 4:26 am, of course its not the usual fight if it took 3 hours." you huffed, then took your mask off. "I'm just so exhausted," you started to say as you flopped onto your bed. "we both have to get up tomorrow, er today in like 7 hours or something," looking over at him standing beside the bed you just rolled over and yawned. "I think i just wanna sleep," you sleeply spoke. Miles tugged on you, "c'mon, you at least gotta change outta that," he said as he helped you out of bed, "yeah, i guess," you said tiredly, heading into the bathroom to change. You came out in some clothes that were on the floor in there, not exactly caring if they were clean or not. Miles hadn't had been there any longer though, you spotted a small note on the bed.

"hey, I'm gonna be heading to my room and sleep there for once, I'll see you tomorrow okay? Also, you're cool and I love being your friend
-M :) "

He really just drew a cute little smiley face at the end. You softly 'awed' to yourself as you hualled your body over to the bed, then instantly giving into the soft pillows and blankets; you fell asleep, thankfully you slept through the night.

To your suprise you woke up, your body ached. You felt soaked, uncomfortable, gross. You slowly pulled your blanket off and "aw come on," you groaned, of course of all times you'd start now. (im sorry but I'd have to write about it happening sometime or it'd make it seem like you've gone through menopause :"0 )
You went to the bathroom and fixed yourself up for the day, you took some medicine to keep the cramps down ofr the day.

Soon hours past as you watched GameGrumps on your phone (im sorry but i wanted to be able to choose what you'd watch so >:0)
A knock hit the door, to your surprise you just kinda phased through your bed and most of the rooms below it. Falling through the ceiling of the last floor and hitting the ground. Guess your hormones got the best of you, you brushed yourself up and made your way back up to your room, spotting miles at your door waiting paitently. "hey, M, whatcha waiting for?" you said, he jerked his head and looked at you. "I thought you were uh," he started to stammer on his words fidgeting, in his hand you could see a single minature sunflower. He really was taking this fake boyfriend for a day act seriously. You realized he looked alot sleeker than usual, his hoodie was ironed, hair picked neatly. Maybe he was taking advantage of it.
"c'mon, we can't be late!" your excitement in your stomach spoke for you as you grabbed his hand and dragged him down the steps.
Maybe this would be a nice day.

Kinda a filler chapter but the book is ending soon :( im probably gonna do it more calmly then having like a finale heck. Also this was made back in August 16th of 2019, im gonna probably get back into this and revise it but honestly who knows. With all the pandemic stuff i might as well fix up alot of the grammar errors and spelling mistakes :) today its april 8th of 2020, so ill fix all of it up some time. I don't remember liking this chapter a ton so 🤷‍♂️

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