💓Chapter 20💓

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I think this will be the final chapter, being written in 2020 April 30th 💀💀


As both had hurried out of your dorm, the crisp fall air enveloped you both. your hand was tightly held in his as he practically dragged you in his sprint. You'd still, never been a fast runner. You both take the pace down to walk after growing exhausted, enjoying the scenery a little bit more. "So, here's the plan," you start, "I have no plan" you then exhale as Miles looks at you in utter confusion and concern. "What do you mean..." he paused "we have no plan...." he dragged on with his silence. "I mean, it's just difficult. She has to be involved with my father. I need to know what happened to him," you said admittedly, squeezing his hand lightly. "Well, if we're able to find connections and sources, maybe some spiders can investigate," he said with a sly tone at the end, giving you a small smirk and winking. He always seemed to lighten the mood. "Yeah, you're right my awesome boyfriend" you said jokingly, nudging him as you emphasized on the "boyfriend" part. His face showed a small flush but nothing noticeable other than his response. "Well... I wouldn't be mad if this wasn't fake afterwards" he muttered in a very cocky tone, you heard it and your face slightly tinted red as you thought about it. You weren't gonna let him get one over you though. "Why? You still pent up on that kiss you wanted all those nights ago?" You playfully said, as you smiled. You two were soon approaching the Cafe, as it was just around the corner now. "Well... I just was thinking," he started "maybe it'd be nice," he said in a soft tone, slightly irritated. "Oh so you're the one who has a fat crush on me?" You said, obviously you seemed oblivious. "Of course not, you can't even land properly," he joked back, you gasped with fake anger. "and to think you loved me!" Your hand went to your face as you wiped non-existent tears. As you both got closer to the Cafe, now at the doors, he pulled his hand from yours to open the door for you. You thanked him kindly. 

Your aunt had already been sitting there in a table near the front. You both sat down as she greeted you in light mannerisms. "I already ordered for us sugar," your aunt says, her voice seemed paitent. "Thank you, I'm so sorry for us running late, I forgot to finish this assignment and it was due today," you lied. You haven't been doing schoolwork since you've been a hero but neither of them know that one. "Yeah, our apologies, my lovebug always is so nervous about having things done on time"he said, putting his arm over your shoulder, you smile softly as you face warms up a tad bit. "Goodness, I wish your mom would've told me about your life sooner, I would've came and visited more. It just seemed like after your father died she didn't want to talk to the rest of the family," she started, her hands resting on the table as she looked at you both. "I'm sorry, I know dad's death was alot on her though," you explained, Miles listening intently. He 'checks' his phone under the table, turning on his camera and starts to video tape the conversation. You take note of this mentally as you continue engaging in conversation. "Well, yeah. Me and your father worked alot and it led to his downfall. He was just too scared." She said with irritation. "What do you mean," you paused, trying to compose your tone. "By scared?" You said, with a hint of attitude. Miles took his hand from your shoulder and grabbed your hand, squeezing it, attempting to comfort you. "Well, he just was a coward," she continued, the words hurting like rocks. "He used to be so fearless and we were working on making a bionic chip for capturing memories, like a camera, but it'd be enhancing your own thinking. It was gonna be the next big thing, but as soon as my sister had you, she kept asking if he could spend more time with you. He got soft. He started caring about how the brain functions as a child into adolescence. He no longer cared for his technology, he just cared about you, and how he could help you advance in the world," she rambled. Thankfully, the food had come which had cut her speech off. Three plates were set out on the table, along with three separate beverages.  You questioned why they would bring new drinks to your mind.

Your aunt received a call that allowed  for this investigation. "I need to take this, sorry" your aunt quickly left the table, as Miles stopped the recording. "So?" He said taking a bite of his food. "Well..." you began. "She's probably not going to let us know much more today, she's said a lot." You sniffed your new drink. Your face scrunched in concern. "Hey. Don't drink anything ok?" You said sternly. Grabbing your glass you dumped it into a nearby plant pot, along with his. You knew the depth of the situation now. "The drinks had cyanide in it " you said bluntly. "The scent of almonds in a drink that doesn't have any on a usual case?" You explained "is a sign of cyanide clearer than day," you finished as he listened intently. "She clearly had other intentions." He said, shifting slightly, his face had discomfort. As your aunt walked back in, she sat and took a large breath in. "Hey, I need to go dear, they just called me in saying they have a new piece of data that I need to look over, I'll be in the area for a while so don't be afraid to come visit," she said, putting an $100 for the meal. She left her address on an additional piece of paper, as she got up. You looked at Miles with concern as she left the scene. You both nodded, as she knew she got caught. Getting up, Miles had already finished his meal and you didn't touch yours out of paranoia. You both headed out of the cafe, as you’d been caught up in all of that mess mentally. To your luck, both you and miles hear of a petty crime down the street. You asked if you could leave him to it. He understood and said he’d meet you back at the dorm. As you both parted ways, thoughts in your mind played over and over. Yes, your aunts actions bothered you, but in addition to that, so did other things. Miles seemed really upset about your comment with the kiss from oh so long ago. Maybe you’d talk to him once you got home, but for now you wanted to sit on your thoughts. Approaching the ladder you’d often use to sneak in and out, you climbed up and through the window. The sun was setting a bit, but you felt like it was night already with your mental fatigue. Throwing your shoes and jacket off you slipped under the sheets of your bed and fell asleep.

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