Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight - Winter Wonderland

Today is the day of my date with Ivan. Ayla and I are currently in my room as we decide what I'm going to be wearing because Ivan has told her where he will be taking me. Ideas are running through my mind of where we could be going as I stare at the clothes she's pulling out of my wardrobe. All of them are warm and casual.

"Aha! This will do!" She grins before laying the items on the bed. "Now get dressed while I get your makeup out."

I chuckle softly before entering the bathroom and putting on the blue denim jeans with the soft pink sweater. To pair with it, Ayla chose white shoes and a coat with a beanie just in case I want to cover my head. It's a very casual look which I like. As soon as I exit the bathroom, she sits me down in a chair by the vanity table and starts on my makeup and hair. We chat away about anything and everything and the hour flies by. Before I know it, I'm walking up to the mirror and smiling at my reflection.

"Thank you." I whisper as I hug her tightly.

"Anytime! I'm always here if you need me." She chuckles and pats my back. "Now, shoo! You wouldn't want to keep Ivan waiting too long."

"Okay." I murmur nervously as I grab my bag and leave the room. "I'll see you later."

"You'll love it, don't be nervous! It's just Ivan." She smirks but amusement shines brightly in her emerald eyes.

"That's the problem." I mutter under my breath when I'm out of earshot, knowing that I'm going to turn into mush at the sight of him.

God, I hope I don't end up acting like a bumbling fool because of my nerves, I think to myself. Sighing, I continue down a hallway that will lead me to the courtyard of the castle where Ivan said he will be waiting for me. Guards and the staff members all nod at me as I walk past and I smile back before I end up by a set of double doors.

One of the men manning the doors opens it for me with a smile. Thanking him, I step outside only to freeze at the sight before me and my jaw drops. Ivan looks extremely handsome wearing a navy coat with black jeans and boots, but that's not what captures my attention. He is standing in the middle of the field and petting a dragon's head!

The creature takes up most of the courtyard and its wings are probably around the size of two, large houses alone! It's a red dragon with an orange stripe down its back all the way to its tail. I also notice the large claws and its body is completely covered in scales. He or she is beautiful...but also scares the crap out of me especially with those sharp teeth.

"Amelia, come here." Ivan's call snaps me out of my blatant staring as he gestures for me to come closer.

I gulp before stepping forward on shaky legs. My mind is screaming at me to run in the opposite direction but I continue regardless. Reaching Ivan, I almost thank him aloud for wrapping an arm around my waist for my knees would surely buckle from fright! Now that I'm much closer the dragon towers above me so high that I must crane my neck slightly just to meet its yellow eyes.

"Meet Ira." A small smile graces Ivan's lips as he stares up at the creature who is now standing to its full height. (Pronounced eye-rah)

"I-Is Ira your pet?" I squeak before stumbling back when the dragon steps forward with its wings outstretched.

"No." He chuckles while absentmindedly rubbing soothing circles into my hip with his thumb. "Dragons are very intelligent creatures who cannot be bound to anyone. We let them roam free as they should but if they take a liking to someone then they choose to serve them from time to time. Ira prefers my company than others."

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