Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven - Persuasion Skills

"We've done this every year and every year he's refused." I hear as I step out of my room, followed by the next sentence. "All he'll be doing tomorrow is paperwork."

"Hi guys!" I smile at Benno and Hendrix as their eyes light up at the sight of me. "What are you talking about?"

"Ivan's birthday celebrations...or lack of them to be exact." Benno rolls his eyes and I catch the fleeting smile on Hendrix's lips.

"He doesn't celebrate it anymore?" I frown as I sift through my memories and remember him and Ayla's birthday parties when we were younger.

"Adamantly refuses every time." Benno huffs before gesturing for me to walk with them. "But...maybe you can convince him!"

"M-Me? I don't know..." I bite my lip in uncertainty.

"Tell you what..." He turns to me while Hendrix narrows his eyes at Benno in confusion. "Get Ivan to agree to a birthday party and I'll train you."

"Really?!" I gasp, clutching his arm in excitement.

He nods with a grin as he pushes me towards a connecting hallway, reminding me of the task at hand. I bid them goodbye before hurrying towards Ivan's office in excitement. I have been wanting Benno to train me ever since I saw him work with a group of warriors, but he refuses to do so in the fear of Ivan punishing him if I got hurt.

Knocking on Ivan's office door, I step inside when I hear his muffled "come in." He's at his desk, reading a file and typing away on the keyboard. Looking up at the sound of my footsteps, his emerald eyes meet mine in curiosity.

"Hi." I greet breathlessly before flushing in embarrassment when his lips quirk and humor fills his eyes.

"Hi." He replies, pausing his work to lean back in his chair which makes me more nervous.

"It's your birthday tomorrow...are you doing anything for it?" I grip the edge of the table to stop my fidgeting.

"No...and I don't plan to." He states before standing to put the file back on the shelf.

"Why not? We could throw a party and celebrate? You always had birthday parties when we were younger." I try to persuade him.

"I'm busy tomorrow." He sighs as he sits back down in his seat and turns to his computer.

"I'll help you finish your work."

He rubs his jaw as he stares at me with narrowed eyes. "No."

I'm shocked at his refusal and my heart races fast as I try to come up with something else. I really want to resume training like I did with my dad every day back home, but if Ivan doesn't agree then Benno will never train me.

"You can't just do nothing! It's your birthday!" I blurt, my eyes widening when he stares at me in suspicion.

"Come here."

I gulp and clench the hem of my skirt in my hands as I make my way around his desk to stand before him. The familiar scent of his cologne washes over me and it soothes my nerves slightly.

"Why the insistence?" He leans back in his chair and folds his arms.

"Nothing, I just think we should celebrate!" I mentally groan at my high-pitched tone, biting my lip as we stare at each other.

"How much money would you get from Benno if I were to agree?" My jaw drops and shoulders slump as I realize he knew all along.

"He said he would train me actually." I take a seat on his desk and shake my head dejectedly. "Benno knew that you would catch on?"

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