Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen - A Royal Affair

Wednesday 16th October.

I smile softly as my mom fixes my veil to make sure it's perfect. When she's satisfied, she meets my eyes before pulling me in for a tight hug. I relax in her comforting embrace and start to feel very emotional...again.

"You look beautiful, honey." She whispers as she presses a firm kiss to my forehead.

"Thanks, mom." I smile and squeeze her hand.

Nova steps inside the room with my bouquet of flowers that Ivan had chosen. It's autumn themed like our wedding and I love it. He had picked peach and lemon colored roses with dahlias, orchids, berries and autumnal leaves. There's also another rose which is a dark, reddish brown. All in all, it looks perfect!

Dad walks in right after but halts at the sight of me. His eyes widen before they soften with emotion and his Adam's apple bobs as he blinks away his tears. Taking my hands, he exhales shakily as his eyes roam over my dress. A handsome smile lights up his features as he grins before stepping closer to kiss my cheek.

"You look beautiful, princess." He compliments hoarsely as a tear escapes the corner of his eye which mom wipes away with a laugh.

I hug him tightly and whisper my thanks. Tissues are handed out as we all wipe away our tears and struggle to compose ourselves. I'm a mess of emotions. I feel incredibly happy that I'm going to be marrying Ivan today but I'm also sad. I know that I can visit my family whenever I want but it won't be the same as my duty is to the Lycan Kingdom now. This is where I belong but it feels like I've grown up entirely too fast. Just a few months ago I was back home enjoying my summer without a care in the world and now I'm going to be crowned Queen. People will depend on me and I cannot let them down.

"Amelia, it's time." Hendrix calls as he peeks in, catching everyone's attention.

I nod and tell him that I'll be right out. Exhaling deeply, I stand and let my mom and Nova fix my dress one last time. They hug me tightly and wish me luck before exiting which leaves just my dad and I in the room. He smiles softly as he gazes at me with a reminiscent look in his eyes. Taking my hands, he steps up to me and kisses my forehead.

"I underestimated how hard it was going to be to let you go." He admits and his voice is hoarse from emotion. "My little girl's all grown up."

"You're going to make me cry again, dad." I sniffle as tears brim my eyes. "Besides, I'm only one realm away."

"You promise not to forget about your old man?" He chuckles before wiping away his tears.

"Never." I half laugh, half sob as I embrace him tightly.

We stand there in silence and have a tender moment. Eventually, he pulls away and fishes something out of his coat pocket. More tears fall as I realize it's a heart-shaped charm for my bracelet. He smiles down at me as I take it and close my eyes to see all the memories he has of me – from when I was a new-born to now.

"I thought these were too expensive?" I tease as I open my eyes.

His laugh echoes in the room as he takes me into his arms while helping me to attach the charm onto my bracelet. "I had to sell my soul just to get you this, don't mock me child!"

Rolling my eyes playfully, I thank him with a kiss to his cheek. He grins down at me before taking my hand and guiding me out of the room. We make our way through the hallways and outside the castle until we finally arrive at the entrance of the grand hall. I had chosen this venue and I never knew it existed on the castle grounds until a few days ago. It's tucked away in the trees, forgotten almost. But as soon as I had stepped inside and saw the large archways, stained glass and paintings, I knew this was where I wanted Ivan and I to become husband and wife.

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