Chapter 27

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Chapter Twenty-Seven - Follow the Leader

Ivan Romanov's P.O.V.

Early March.

Location: Eastern Region, West Area.

I put on my shorts before struggling to get the long, green tunic over my head. Growling in frustration I curse at being injured before sighing in relief when I finally get it on. Putting my arms through the holes slowly I smile triumphantly when I'm dressed. I slip on my shoes before looking through the knitted bag that Naomi had packed for me.

There's food wrapped in leaves, a large flask of water, spare clothes and many things I'll need when the time to change my bandages comes. My eyes narrow in disgust when I spot a second flask. Opening it, my suspicion is confirmed when it's the terrible tasting medicine Naomi and Edgar have been forcing me to drink. I pick it up and contemplate on throwing it away but of course, the old man is always ten steps ahead of me.

"Are you ready to go, your highness?" He pops in and smirks devilishly when he catches me with the medicinal drink.

"Edgar." I groan as I send him a knowing look.

He brushes me off like always before gesturing for me to follow. I look back at the hut I've occupied for so long and commit everything to memory before leaving it. Today, Edgar and I along with a few men are setting off for the central kingdom so that I can return home. Naomi waits for me outside and a crowd of villagers and children watch from their huts as I bid her goodbye. She smiles warmly and opens her arms which I walk into.

"I'm going to miss you. Thank you for taking care of me, I'll never forget it." I sigh as I embrace her.

"I'll miss you too, Ivan. Don't forget about us when you reach that grand castle of yours!" She jokes which makes me laugh as I pull away.

"Never." I promise with a smile.

As much as I am sad to leave I'm more excited to go back home. My memories are starting to trickle in slowly and I'm relieved to have my childhood memories back. I remember my teen years too along with taking over the kingdom and when I was preparing for a war. But after that I draw a blank. Konstantin and Maksim have been helping me but I can tell that they are holding back certain things so that I'm not overwhelmed. I still can't remember people in my life such as my family and when they tried to show me it only caused severe pain in my head which caused them to stop.

"Come along, Ivan." Edgar calls after he's hugged Naomi.

We get into a carriage and set off down the dirt path with the other men following behind in a second carriage. Waving goodbye to everyone one last time I turn back to Edgar. He pats my knee with a reassuring nod before telling the rider to make the horse go faster. I take in my surroundings as we travel through the land but eventually there's nothing but barren land to look at.

"How long to the harbor?" I ask Edgar who frowns thoughtfully.

"A few days...three or four at least." He lays his staff down on the ground. "Crossing the sea will take longer. The last time I traveled to central it took me two weeks on the bloody water!"

I grin as he begins to recall how many times he became seasick and trying to convince me of how he saw mermaids and pirate ships. The rest of our journey is spent with him telling us stories of when he was younger. Apparently, he served as a warrior when my dad ruled before he found Naomi and retired.

The two other men accompanying us in the carriage tease him about how long Naomi made him court her before agreeing to marriage. His warm laugh echoes in the quiet evening as he tells us of all the things he did to woo the love of his life. Seeing the genuine love in his eyes as he talks about his wife makes me smile.

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