Part 18

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Deborah's Pov

I was running as quietly as I can to hide from my own father who wants to kill me for no reason Im in verge of tears my feet hurts because I'm in bare foot My knees has wounds where are you already Karloooooo then I suddenly reached a dead end with a little hiding place but its too small I closed my eyes Im giving up then suddenly a hand grabbed me  "Turn your location off" I open my eyes it was Karlo my eyes were fix on him we stopped "Hurry up and turn it off" he said in an annoyed tone I nodded and turned my phone off then we start running again but then my dad suddenly appeared in front of us he jumped from a an old plane "Found you" daddy said Karlo moved and I can see was his broad and wonderful built body "She is your own daughter why kill her? "he asked my daddy "Daughter? that thing there? thats no off spring of mine  but a piece of device to make me more powerful what will happen if  they will think Im a wonderful father? they will obviously think Im the greatest they will vote me for Senator" I was shock I feel weak what? daddy is just using me I was frozen on spot I don't know what to do I want to cry I didn't even notice dad is coming at us but I snapped out of it when Karlo pushed me and He stabbed my Dad at the forehead with a black shadow formed in a spear  there was blood at the floor then my father's body was now on the floor bathed in his own blood Karlo muttered some words that I don't understand then he went to me and hugged me "Everything will be ok"  I don't know what to say so I just hugged him back comforted by his embrace then he carried me in bridal style


I published two chapters today so it will be fair since I promised it will be every Sunday

Oh well enjoy

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