Part 17

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Leyla's Pov

We are Left here I took Maya to give her a bath she just let me rub her body "Why the former Campus queen is bathing me?" she aske suddenly I smiled a little " I dont but ever since I was framed I kinda understand what its like to be alone and how much I want true friends " I got no answer from then I just continued applying shampoo on her

Jurai's Pov

I went to our old school in Sjinigami form "Charles which freezer?" I said through the ear piece in my Left ear "Freezer No.3 Its in a code send me the code so I will decipher it " I went there and I saw a button saying ~ Press if you want them dead ~ then I saw numbers under it this must be the code ~23-25-31-31-~ "Charles here is the code 23 25 31 31 and it has a dash on it " 

Karlo's Pov

I used the horse the power that's within I guess? I got the location of Deb from the geek then I arrived at the location "Where is she uhh?" I paused because I dont know the Geek's name "Call me Charles  she's in the 2nd floor Left corner" he said to me then I went to the stairs visible at the entrance and climbs upstairs

Jurai's Pov

After A little moment I recieved the message from Charles "H-E-L-L"

he gave me the answer and typed the letters and it opened the fridge I turned it off and took them out and hid them at the corner then I hid far from there where I hid them "I got them both Charles tell me if Im safe and kindly prepare some stuff to warm them " I said to Charles through the ear piece he invented "Nope Someone is coming there when you turn the device off it might have notified the old faggot " I nodded even I know he cant see me I then hear foot steps "I see you must be one of us " I did not answer a thing  "Get out from there I know your there"  "You are one of us you eat those pills to steal life from others then why did you save them?" he said in a very angry tone I got out as I went out from the place I was Hiding and formed a knife in my hand using my dark shadow "I dont know what your talking about Mr.Principal I'm just a normal student " I said then start Attacking him he starts to defend but I stabbed him at the stomach where it was defenseless then he is lifeless infront of me I muttered our spell to make our appearance here unknown then I left there carrying them both


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