Part 20

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The next day after the attack they're all having a meal together until the doorbell rang "Police" the guest announced Jurai stood up and opened the room to let the police enter "I see youre here Ms. Seisei and Mr.Castillo" the police said Maria smiled "Were just here to say our Goodbyes to the kids " she said the police nodded "Were you aware the the Principal in your school died they shocked was registered on their faces Leyla dropped the plate full of rice "When did this happen ?" George said "and Jiji Sidrei , Khaira Smith, Kaizer Schultz all died in heart attacks"Everyone was quiet the officer eyed them Charles ran all the way to Jurai's room the officer assumed that he must be crying for the loss of the mother the officer sat at the table ' I want to ask some questions will you answer truthfully' they all nodded and just look down some were playing with their food

Charles'  Pov

I climbed at the room of Jurai as soon as the officer said my mother died I smirked and started to open my laptop Jurai was right the officer will come here

Flashback'(Evening at the attack) .
Everyone is already awake and they are all at the dining room sharing dinner it was a quiet supper until Jurai faked a cough they looked at him 'I have something to say' Jurai explained everything why we were attacked and about the fruit the god of death has kept that represents our lives after that he made a request "I want you all to pretend that we gathered here for a sleep over while Maria and George will go home and re visit us at the morning if you want both of you sleep the same place to keep safe Charles will change the calls and messages by hacking I want you to cooperate if you want to keep yourself alive " he said seriously they all nodded

~Present time

I got the police officers information and hacked to his phone where I can get access about information about big shots then when I heard footsteps I hid the laptop and put eyedrops on my eyes I heard a knock I threw the eyedrop and I opened the door it was Jurai "The officer wants to talk" I nodded and went down then the officer questioned me


I'm shooked I got #39 in Shinigami Category (つ✧ω✧)つ thank you for the readers oh and by the pictures I used are invalid *-*)/ so yeah just imagine they're looks ヾ(˙❥˙)ノ oh well thank you again

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