Chapter 1: Meeting him

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Hey, guys so this is the first chapter I'm posting on mobile oof  ______________________________________________

 "Come on, (Y/N), pleeeeeease?" 

 You sigh as you put the milk back in the fridge. You turn to your little brother.

 "I'm sorry, Ian, I can't today."

 Ian walked up to you and tugged your shirt. 

"Why not?" He asked looking up at you, his eyes filled with curiosity and disappointment.

"Because..." You begin while finishing stirring the Mac and Cheese. ( I'M MAKING FUCKING MAC AND CHEESE AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME)

 "I have too much to do today, I need to get a damn job-"

 Ian cut you off. "But the pizzeria's hiring! You can get a job there and I can get free pizza! It's a win-win!" 

 You stop stirring your lunch and look at Ian.

Big mistake.

He was pulling the puppy eyes on you.

 "Dude..." You say, looking sideways at him.

 He continued to beg.

But he did have a point...

But what if the job sucks?

Eh, oh well, it's money.

You cross your arms, roll your eyes and look at him once again.

 "Alright..." You say.

 "YAY!!" Ian jumps and cheers with joy. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, (Y/N)!" Your little brother practically screams as he hugs you.

 You chuckle at him

 "Sure thing, bro."

You both got outside, Ian basically defying gravity as he jumps towards the car.

You both get inside and make your way to the new pizzeria.

Ian could hardly sit still the entire ride.

______________________________________________HeRe'S a TiMe SkIp BrOuGhT tO yOu By FrEdDy FaZbEaR's PiZzA ______________________________________________

As you got out of the car, you look towards the top of the building.

 "Freddy Fazbear's, huh?" You ask Ian

 "Uh-huh!" Ian responded as he closed the door and walked by your side. "I heard it's a place where it's fantasy and fun come to life!" He says, with wonder in his eyes.

 "I heard that kids got killed here." You responded, looking down at your side to see a shocked Ian. " I also heard their bodies were stuffed in the robot suits."

Ian looked at you in disbelief for a few seconds, then looked away, calming his face. "I'm sure it's just a lie." He said. "Besides, Freddy and the gang would never let that happen!"

 You pulled open the door. "I don't know, dude. But we're about to find out."

Immediately as you walk in, you were hit with the smells of pizza, cupcakes, and soda.

Wait...and something...rotten...?

Oh, a kid just threw up.

"Well, that's nice..." You mumble. "Poor kid..."

There were some tables, balloons, a prize counter, some "Employees Only" doors, and 2 stages with curtains, a stage in the middle another one far off to the left and lonely.

Ian immediately dragged you to a table to sit down with him. Of course in front of the main stage.

"Well, it certainly has everything a kid would want..." You say, looking around a little more.

"You pronounced "need" wrong." Ian said, grinning.

You look at him, smirking. "Okay....I see how it is..."

Ian giggles at you.

"Ladies and gentelmen, boys and girls," An announcer's voice coming from the speakers declares. "Fazbear Entertainment would like you to put your hands together for, the one, the only, Freddy Fazbear!"

All the kids cheered as the curtains drew and revealed Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and, on the far stage, Foxy.

As the animatronics performed, the kids sang along with them. You had no clue at all how the kids just love them so much.

If only someone loved you that strongly...

After the performance, the announcer dude said that Freddy and the gang were allowed to walk around now. The kids cheered and crowded around them as they all got off stage. You were quite surprised at the fact that they were programmed so well they were able to safely interact with the kids.

You turn your head towards Ian.

Ian was clearly itching to go to the animatronics.

"Ian, why don't ya go over there?" You ask him.

"Well..." He sighs. "All of the kids are over there and I don't want to just crowd Freddy and the gang more."

You raised your eyebrows and smiled at Ian, proud of how mature that was.

"Wow, Ian." You say. "...That's really considerate and mature of you."

He smiles. "Hehe. Thanks!" He replies.

Then, you hear something...


You look at where the sound was coming from.

A green rabbit with purple eyes that looked too human to be an animatronic, is what you saw.

He was waving...

But he wasn't waving to the kids,

He was waving at you...

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