Chapter 5: Oh great

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GUYS LOOK AT THE BEAUTIFUL ARTTTT! It was not made by me, it was made by one of my children @GalaxyWumbo1 ! ISN'T IT SO CUUUUUTEEEE? IT GAVE ME LIFE AND A REASON TO LIVE THANK YOOOOOUUUU

(Also, I'm working on the cover but if you want this to be the cover then yes. Vote for which cover you want because this art deserves love and attentionnnnn)

But anyways,

Read some more my children ________________________________________________________________________________

When you arrived back at the original pizzera, sitting down and deciding what to do next, you were thinking about your new...well...acquaintances while you were deciding what to do next.

But Toy Bonnie...

Fucking Toy Bonnie...

You shuddered at just the thought of what nicknames he called you.



 "Ugh," You gag. "Who the fuck just decides to call me that? Glitchtrap doesn't even call me names..."

 "I don't what?" Glitchtrap said, which caused you to jump. You didn't even notice he was standing on the other side of the table! He raised an eyebrow and smirked.

 "U-Uh, all I said was that you don't give me, uh, stupid couple nicknames..." Was all you said, crossing your arms and looking away.

You wanted to add, 'Just like Toy Bonnie did.' But you felt like it was unnecessary.

 "Oh! Would you like me to?~" He said.

You regretted not adding the last part.

 "W-What?! No! I-I..." You stutter, blushing.

 "I got one for you already~" He walked to the other side of the table where you were.

Your eyes widen and you stand up, trying to get away, but Glitchtrap grabbed your wrist with one hand, put his other hand's index finger on your chin, tilting it up forcing you to look at him.

Once you saw his eyes...

You felt trapped

 "I'll call you kitten~...and how about you call me senpai?~" (EY, SPRINGRUE! YA GET THE REFERENCE? XD)

You, a blushing mess, didn't know how to react.

One, HE WAS GOING TO CALL YOU KITTEN NOOOOOOO- Two, you already had Toy Bonnie calling you stupid names now you have to deal with this?!

You looked away. "R-Really? Toy Bonnie already calls me things..." You mutter.

 Glitchtrap stepped back, freeing you from his grip.

 "I know he does..." Glitchtrap replied, looking down. 

He made the same growl you heard earlier...



Almost in an instant, he looked back up at you, a smile on his face. As if nothing had happened.

 "Well, I'm gonna let you decide your next job in peace now." He said and walked off somewhere in the darkness.






Play with me~ (Glitchtrap x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now